Friday 9 March 2012

E-Book Version of Unveiling the Apocalypse

I've finally got round to making my book availble in e-book format, which is a lot cheaper way to purchase (given that there is no physical printing, binding etc.). It sells for around £5.99 - which is just under $10 - about half the price you would pay for a hard-copy on Amazon (and minus the delivery costs also). You can find a link to the e-book at the top right hand corner of this page. Personally I prefer hard copies of books - especially for quick referencing, but also because there's just something about the feel and weight of them. I guess I'm something of a bibliophile. But as well as being more affordable, e-books allow for instant access to a book. I find I end up buying them sometimes myself if I'm really looking forward to reading a certain book, or if I need quick access to research material.

1 comment:

  1. Emmett, I wish you every success and Blessing with this e-book version.

    May Saint Michael the Archangel guide it to illuminate and elevate Our hearts and minds to God, for His Glory, Honour and Praise.
