Thursday 13 August 2015

Hiding the Truth? - The Mistranslation of Our Lady's Words in Sr. Lucia's New Biography

Christopher Ferrara, the author of a popular book on the two-text theory concerning the Third Secret of Fatima, The Secret Still Hidden, has recently flagged up a major criticism of the English translation of A Pathway Under the Gaze of Mary, which specifically relates to a key portion of the text which confirms the existence of an interpretation of the Third Secret that was given to Sr. Lucia by the Virgin Mary.  The key sentence in question concerns the words of Our Lady, which appears in the official English translation as: “Be at peace and write what they order you, but do not give your opinion of its meaning.” I had noticed this difference myself at the time, with the implications behind it being that Sr. Lucia was forbidden by Our Lady to give any of her own opinions on the Third Secret. This is quite different from the original Portuguese version, which makes it quite clear that Sr. Lucia was actually given an interpretation of the Third Secret by the Blessed Mother herself, and that she was instructed not to write down this interpretation at the present time:

“….be at peace and write what they command you, not, however, what is given to you to understand of its significance.” 

See Ferrara's full critique of this faulty interpretation here.
This of course does not mean that Sr. Lucia was not told by Our Lady to write down this interpretation separately at some point in the future, which would go on to explain the existence of two texts related to the Third Secret in the first place. The World Apostolate of Fatima, who publishes the English version of A Pathway Under the Gaze of Mary, has since admitted that this translation is indeed faulty, and plans to amend it in a second edition of this work (see here).
I plan to address this subject and other issues of relevance in a forthcoming second edition of my book Unveiling the Apocalypse, which should be published by either late September or October.


  1. In either translation Our lady proves herself to be an excellent spiritual director, making it clear that the interpretation is the responsibility of the Church when it comes to private revelations. Heaven instructed her to write the facts - revealing what was said and what was seen - private interpretations, intuitions, understandings remaining secret. I'm reminded of the verse 'my secret for myself' as spoken in the Song of Songs. It's a matter of conscience - Bernadette kept her secrets as well. Mystical theology and discernment is needed in reading these texts, and that was clearly done in the CDF document on the Secret of Fatima.

    Fatimist conspiracy theories sensationalize the message - which has pretty much been ignored. We know the world is falling apart, the Church is tormented and persecuted, the Popes have suffered much - Our Lady's call has not been heeded. What Our Lady asked for - conversion, penance, prayer the First Saturdays - needs to be implemented, propagated. Not conspiracy theories and suggestions of cover up. Our Lady covered nothing up on October 13, 1917 - there is the miracle for all to see. Lucia always stressed the message and the requests of Our Lady. That's all she wrote.

  2. It is obvious that something is amiss within the "revealing" of the 3rd secret.
    Simply -- our Lady SPOKE of the things which she showed the children EVERY time they were given a vision. Its not conspiracy -- its simply the way it happened. So for the "third secret" to be of such immense relevance - and obviously awesome in what they were shown -- the idea that our Lady said NOTHING about what they were seeing is just nonsense.
    There are many many people who simply want to know what our Lady said -- unless she explicitly told Lucia that it was never to be revealed (this has so far not been the case to anyone's knowledge).
    When you have Mr Ferrara and Mr Socci both feeling that something is very amiss with the full revelation of the "third secret" -- then I think a step back should be taken and thought given as to why. There's no need to scream "conspiracy theory" or to attack those who think something has not been revealed.
    And yes, in the end -- regardless if we still have not heard the words our Lady spoken to Lucia re the 3rd secret -- all that we know of what was spoken and shown are to lead us to live; Penance, conversion, prayer and the First 5 Saturdays - which I think we can all agree have NEVER been propagated as they should have been!
    May we peacefully discuss the matters at hand, as we can, I agree Terry and all those reading this, see that the world is collapsing more then ever, in ways morally that even most of us cannot believe.
    We know that we are at the door of our Lord awakening hearts and minds in a special way -- because without His direct intervention - so many souls will be lost in the fog of self centered stupidity that is now everywhere. Every day -- the rosary!! as our Lady who is so good to us, has asked of us.
    Michael Patrick

  3. Forgive me for being out of order...I remember reading in one of your blogs about the possible finding of the Ark of the Covenant in the future. Today's liturgy (Solemnity of the Assumption -- Rev 11:19 +) reminds me that I had thought the revelation of the true Ark would be more significant and is actually happening as more and more people are being drawn by the Immaculate Virgin (not because of herself...any more than the ark itself, but because of the Almighty's Presence and Mercy)
    Fascinating section in the above link about the stars in the sky -- note Leo, Virgo ... and Scorpio

    also, in the US, our Holy Father will be visiting us, coming on the Eve of both Yom Kippur (with blood moon) and the Eve of the FEast of St. Padrio Pio. Profound liturgical readings for both days. Please all reading intercede for the US with prayer and fasting and sacrifices for this visit, that the Lord's grace and mercy may achieve maximum effect. Thank you and God bless you.

  4. Michael Patrick,

    I whole heartedly agree with your premise what harm would come with just stepping back and put thoughts through it paces. And that no one has to scream conspiracy when someone challenges the 'official' version , most taken from mainstream catholics who put their trust in the former Blue Army. Socci, Ferrara et al have had taken more than their fair share of abuse from catholics who just don't want to believe the possibility that there is more to the story than the catholic mainstream puts out. I believe there are forces in the church who absolutely don't want Fatima to play out as it should but are willing to shelve it into catacombs of antiquity as a pious relic which had its day one time ago but no longer is necessary.


  5. Charles
    Unfortunately I believe that is correct. Something is definitely going on within the heirarchy of the Church -- between Cardinals and Bishops (at this time, since last October, it is showing itself clearly with the Synod on the Family that is occurring). It has probably been occurring in much greater depth of division since the end of John Paul's pontificate.
    I say this because of Pope Emeritus Benedict's words during the homily of his installation where he said, "pray that I may not flee for fear of the wolves." When one thinks about the relevance of this statement -- for an incoming Pope to make -- on the day of his installation - during his homily -- its really not only revealing about what must be going on at the top of the Church -- but is also incredibly full of gravity. And now, 10 years later -- we see that he has stepped down as Pope -- and we now have a new Pope and now a synod.
    Apparently Sr Lucia of Fatima told a Cardinal in an interview that the last battle Satan would make - was against the family. And now, with gay marriage being accepted and propagated throughout the world - oddly in this year of the Shemitah -- more then in any year before it - at least publicly -- and with transgenderism being spread and applauded, as well -- definitly more in this year 2015, more then any year in the history of man -- and it just so happens the Cardinals will come together this October 2015, with the Pope -- to make final decisions on Marriage and the Family -- one can see that as we approach the 100th anniversary of Fatima - 2017 -- that we are more then likely coming to the end of the 100 years that Satan has had to destroy all that he can (who knows maybe he has another 5-8 years) -- Satan is making his last stand, with the time that he has left before Christ acts with great power to awaken humanity.
    I say this because with all of this going on -- we can summise that evil has entered into the College of Cardinals -- to water down doctrine, to spread confusion amidst the faithful and to cause separation within the Cardinals and Bishops and within the faithful.
    One cannot help but think of the apparitions of Akita in 1973 - to Sr Agnes Sasagawa -- which were approved by......Cardinal Ratzinger -- Pope Emeritus Benedict -- where our Lady said, "one will see Cardinal opposing Cardinal and Bishop opposing Bishop....." The rest of the message is unbelievably strong - especially coming from our Mother -- who tries to nicely tell us that we need to repent and return to her Son. Many believe that THIS message from her of October 13, 1973 IS the same as what she more then likely revealed to Lucia about the vision that we all now know of (but of which MANY believe the explanation from our Lady was not revealed).
    The book the Fourth Secret by Antonio Socci is fascinating -- especially since it was written by someone who is incredibly respected within the Italian press and Vatican circles and who is someone who believed all of the people saying that our Lady's words were not revealed, were conspiracy theorists. And then he completely changed his mind and wrote an unbelievably detailed book regarding the third secret and the inner workings of whether it was FULLY revealed or not.
    In the end -- we do have all that we need - and all that we need to know. We know St. Michael was pointing the flaming sword at the earth and crying out, "Penance, Penance, Penance!" Really, who needs more then that to realize what we need to do!
    And we are blessed to have Emmett revealing to us the depth of Scripture and how it is connected to the moment we live in.
    Michael Patrick

  6. Hello. I am Portuguese and I must confirm that Christopher Ferrara is quite right about that, the English translation has slightly modified the meaning of that sentence.




    Why does Freemasonry Openly Support Pope Francis?

    Why does Freemasonry – an organization condemned by the Catholic Church – openly support Pope Francis?

    In an unprecedented development, for the first time in history, this organization, labelled by previous pontiffs as the “synagogue of Satan”, is openly welcoming and embracing the Roman Catholic Pontiff.


  8. Chris,

    you'd have to ask one of them. To me, it doesn't matter. We only have the one pope.


  9. Why does freemasonry openly support pope francis? Could it be because of the photograph showing Cardinal Bergoglio on the subway in Buenos Aires (2008). He has his right hand shoved into the breast of the coat he is wearing. Did he have a stomach ache? Maybe Was he warming his hand? Perhaps. Was he giving a masonic symbol called the hidden hand? We don't know. Look at portraits of napoleon, and others with the hidden hand. It has meaning and significance to those in freemasonry and so that may be why freemasons are openly supporting him. Just one photograph splashed all over the U.S. by the Associated Press and beyond showing a newly elected pope giving a masonic hand symbol would make freemasons gleeful and eager to accept Pope Francis.

  10. Okay so Chris doesn't like Pope Francis and believes he is a freemason. It sounds like you will believe anything that feeds into your suspicion and doubt. The unambiguous truth is that if he is not of God he will fail and be exposed. I think it better and more conducive to Christian charity to pray for Pope Francis rather than stirring up conspiracy theories. I pray you pray on this matter, God Bless!


  11. You are making a incorrect conclusion saying chris doesn't like Francis and thinks he is a free mason..
    The article presents the news in relation to LaSalete and other alleged marian visitations. The remainder of your post filled with aspersions.
    I suppose that the BVM was telling us something incorrect as to our future. Whatever you think Kevin , you might want to brush up on the facts regarding Francis's positions and how they differ with Catholic teaching. I am not knowledgeable enough to offer any position. However THERE ARE SOME BLATANT ERRORS!! Perhaps you should read agenda 30 and who is behind it.
    I feel uneasy about posting questionable things as i am in no position to say anything. However the warnings about our religion being poluted and watered down raises questions.
    Did not Jesus ask " Will i find faith when i return"? Evidently somthing will or is happening.

    Thats all for now as I have to dodge some lightning bolts

  12. Chris, kevin and all
    We have again, obviously, entered into another round of God trying to wake us up. It looks like Jonathan Cahn was correct regarding the Shemitah year (if you read his book re this there is no way that what occurred are mere coincidences in 2001 and 2008) - and now as I write this the dow jones is down 1000 points in the last week and we are now entering into probably more selling off during this week and next (no surprise since our stock market is pretty much made of smoke and mirrors - since job creation has not occurred over the last 7 years, regardless of what the mainstream media lies to us about). I say this because we are obviously at the doorstep of major major events - and of God cleaning house over the next 25 years. (my opinion) In connection with this -- one cannot ignore the oddities of Pope emeritus Benedict saying AT HIS INSTALLATION MASS of all sermons, "Pray that I may not flee for fear of the wolves"! And then he steps down on the feast of our Lady of Lourdes in 2013. And now we have Pope Francis -- and one cannot also ignore some things that he has said and even if one thinks things are great in the heirarchy of the Church -- the reality of whether it is or not should become very clear over the next 6 months -- with the Pope opening Agenda 2030 at the UN on Sept 25 and then the Synod of the Family Oct 4 - Oct 25 - and its outcome. It is prudent - especially in the moment we live in - to pray and discern everyone's words and motives -- in the light of Church doctrine over the last 2000 years -- did St John Paul know something was coming? -giving us the Catechism of the Catholic Church -- he probably knew (would anyone think that St John Paul who was more then likely a mystic wouldn't know what was coming for the Church and the world?!) there would be questions and arguments against doctrine. Time will tell. In the meantime -- PRAYER! and hopefully more engaging posts from Emmett!
    Michael Patrick


  13. P.S.
    Kevin, this was not a personal attack at you.
    I find things unsettling in regards to discernment when i read false reporting in even so called catholic newspapers and schools and conservatives such as BURKE being demoted.
    Cardinal vs cardinal
    Back to the rosary.



  14. Bio-gate: Some Further Developments
    by Christopher A. Ferrara
    August 24, 2015

    have written a series of columns on the explosive revelation in a new biography of Sister Lucia, published by the Convent in Coimbra, in which she recounts in one of her unpublished diaries that when Our Lady told her she could write down the Third Secret on January 4, 1944, She also cautioned: “but not, however, that which has been given to you to understand [of] its meaning” (não porém o que te é dado entender do seu significado).

    In two of those columns, found here and here, I reported that in an English translation of the biography by the World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF) the key phrase “that which has been given to you to understand [of] its meaning” had been mistranslated as simply “your [Sister’s Lucia’s] opinion of its meaning,” as if to suggest that Our Lady had not given Lucia any understanding of what the vision means but was referring only to Lucia’s personal opinion on the matter.

    In a piece written as a defense of WAF against my suggestion of a cover-up, Kevin Symonds reveals that he brought this mistranslation to WAF’s attention before the English version went to press but that WAF elected not to correct it, advising him in essence that it was too late:

    [T]he answer that I receive.................................

  15. How could even the elect be possibly deceived from a deception outside the Church? The end times delusion has to be from within too, or at least from what looks like the Church but is not.

  16. Hey Emmett - Do you have any posts on what we should expect of the antichrist and the rise of the antichrist? I was looking for something comprehensive, that covers all the different things that should happen, but when I search for that I get a lot of Protestant sites that all seem to have it figured out, even though they contradict one another.



  17. To say that the English translation of Sr. Lucia's new biography is "faulty" is a huge UNDERSTATEMENT.

    The translation is simply miserable, the whole of it, the whole book. The sentence of Our Lady is just ONE example of what is going on in every page. I've been in religious life for over 40 years and can't understand what is said in many places. It is that bad. Not to mention that there is TOTAL IGNORANCE of the English words for terms of the religious life culture. Often what is translated are words that don't make sense in English. The whole book is like a Google translation with very poor editing.

    It blows my mind that such a document as this -the valuable biography of the Nuns in Sr. Lucia's monastery- has been "given to the pigs" to trample upon -so to speak- with no supervision whatsoever of the translation.
    I won't say that it was made on purpose because it is way too bad. Whoever was responsible for publishing this book in The World Apostolate of Fatima never cared for the quality of the translation and obviously never read the book.

  18. diocesanhermit, Emmett, and everyone

    Isnt there a way to re translate this -- for those (and they are MANY) who want an actual real and well done interpretation of the book?! This book is way too important to not be done correctly. I don't know about anyone else -- but I am starting to reach my limit with liberalism WITHIN the church and those who call themselves Catholics who think its ok to CHANGE reality to suit their own selfishness. I know that we have a long way to go -- this is going to be an extremely rough ride over the coming 25 years. Its going to be hard enough to live through the physical purificative aspects of what we need to have happen -- but its almost equally as hard to deal with those within destroying our faith. No wonder our Lady weeps. Emmett looking forward to your next post.
    Michael Patrick

  19. Sorry for the late reply Mark. I've been away on holiday to France, and didn't have access to the internet for two weeks. I will try to respond in more detail soon, once I have got through my backlog.

  20. Which part of France, Emmett? I studied in the Loire Valley (outside of Angers). Beautiful area, loved it.


  21. Hi KP!

    In the Champagne region, outside of Troyes. It is also near Clairvaux. I was able to venerate the relics of St. Bernard and St. Malachy at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul in Troyes. Also got the chance to visit Abbey de Fontenay, which was the first Cistercian abbey established outside of Clairvaux and an absolutely stunning place. Went to Vezelay as well, where St. Bernard preached the Second Crusade. The French airforce were in high alert that day, fighter jets made several passes at supersonic speeds over this small area of France. Very unnerving indeed, and perhaps ironic that this was also in relation to the current threat posed by Islam.

  22. I'm going on holiday to Oklahoma next week - which seems comparison.

  23. Mark W - In reply to your previous question on the subject of the Antichrist. I haven't got a single post which deals with this specifically topic individually. I keep meaning to get around to it. There is a lot of separate stuff strewn around the blog and in my book.
    When we leave private revelation to the side, there is only a limited amount of information contained in Scripture about the Antichrist. What we do know is that his rise to power will be facilitated by the end-time destruction of "Babylon" - which appears to be brought about in part by a natural disaster involving a massive tsunami, and also by the military involvement of the "ten kings", who then hand over world domination to the Antichrist. The extent of his dominion appears to be an amalgamation all four world powers represented by the four beasts of Daniel, which I believe represents the remnants of the USA, Russia, Britain and the countries of the Axis coalition during WW2. He will put the two witnesses to death, who establish the restoration of the Church just before the rise to power of the Antichrist, in order to strengthen us for the final Passover. He will attempt to declare himself to be a manifestation of god, but his appearance will be brought to nothing by the Paraousia of Christ.

  24. Thanks, Emmett for the rundown. I appreciate it.

  25. I pieced this together from a variety of sources and found it quite interesting. Here are some Shemitah and Jubilee years since 1900:

    1917 – Shemita year – Fatima – Rise of Communism

    1918 – Jubilee year – End of World War I – Treaty signed that removed Turkish troops from Jerusalem

    1930-1931 – Shemita year – Dow drops 50%

    1945 – Shemita year – End of World War II – end of Holocaust

    1966 - 1967 – Jubilee year – Reunification of modern Israel – Jerusalem liberated

    1973 – Shemita year – Breton Woods financial system collapses

    1980 – End of 1970’s inflation

    1987 – “Black Monday” on NYSE

    1994 – “Bond Market Massacre” in the U.S.

    2001 – September 17th – NYSE reopens after 9/11 attacks and immediately drops 7%. This was Elul 29 – the end of the Shemita year.

    2008 – Lehman Brothers and the financial collapse of 2008, which still echoes today.

  26. Also...

    April 14, 2015 - The New York Federal Reserve bank announced that they were moving "market operations" functions to Chicago. They cited the possibility of a "natural disaster or other eventuality" that could shut down markets.

    April 7, 2015 - The Pentagon announced that the NORAD command center at Cheyenne Mountain would be reopened. Cheyenne Mountain is nuke-proof.


  27. I forgot the blood moon, so added it here and deleted the previous post.

    September 2015
    (a month that will live in infamy?)

    September 13 – Elul 29 – the end of the Shemita year

    September 14 – The beginning of the Jubilee year

    September 15 – Operation Jade Helm scheduled to end in southwestern United States

    September 15-28 – 70th United Nations General Assembly meeting. They’re calling this the “Jubilee Session”

    September 17 – U.S. Federal open market committee meeting

    September 22-27 – Papal visit to the United States

    September 23 – The French Foreign Minister, on May 13, 2014, said that we had, “500 days to void climate chaos.” Notice – May 13th! Those 500 days end on September 23, 2015.

    September 24 – Pope speaks to joint session of U.S. Congress

    September 25 – Pope speaks to United Nations General Assembly

    September 27 - Blood Moon

    September 27-28 – United Nations Sustainable Development Summit – scheduled to explore the expansion of “global governance”.

    Here are some predictions that have been made by economics guys that come, in part, from the above data:

    October 1, 2015 – Martin Armstrong, an economist and financial forecaster that studies cycles and trends, predicted a massive financial system reset to take place on or around October 1, 2015. He based this on computer modeling that was done 20 years ago.

    October 7, 2015 – Larry Edelson, who studies cycles and trends as well, predicts that the biggest financial crisis ever will hit on October 7th, right after the breakup of the European Union.

    The September dates are actual fact supported by various schedules of the organizations mentioned. The predictions – I’m not so sure about. But Martin Armstrong has an economic modeling program that has been uncannily accurate in the past. I wouldn’t bank on anything happening on October 1st and 7th, but I wouldn’t be surprised by it either.

    And again - this is pieced together from a variety of sources on the interweb.

  28. I have a friend that lives in Rio. When I read Chris Ferrare's article about this, I sent my friend the sentence and asked him to translate it. I did not tell him anything about where the sentence was from or what it pertained to or who was allegedly saying it. This is his response"

    "Something seems to be lost in the translation, as the sentence doesn´t exactly make sense. If we translate this literally, it means 'be at peace and write what they send you, not what is given to you to understand its meaning'."

    Then I sent him the two translations of the sentence that Chris had in his article and asked my friend which was more accurate. This is what he wrote:

    "'Be at peace and write what they order you, but do not give your opinion of its meaning' - this one makes much more sense!"


  29. Dear Mark
    Doesn't something happen every year? just a thought........

  30. Here's the 3rd Secret, now you know. It's essentially the same as La Salette, Akita, and a couple of others..

    A great chastisement will fall on the entire human race; not today as yet, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the twentieth century.
    No longer does order reign anywhere and Satan will reign over the highest places directing the course of events. He (Satan) really will succeed in infiltrating to the top of the Church. Also for the Church a time of Her greatest trials will come. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals; Bishops will oppose Bishops and Satan will march amid their ranks, and in Rome there will be changes. What is rotten will fall, and what will fall will never rise again. The Church will be darkened and the world deranged by terror.
    A great war will break out within the second half of the Twentieth Century, fire and smoke will fall from Heaven, the water of the oceans will become vapors and the foam will rise up flooding and sinking everything, millions and millions of people will die by the hour and the survivors will envy the dead.
    Death will reign everywhere for the errors committed by the foolish and by the partisans of Satan, who, then and only then, will reign over the world. At last, those who will survive all of these events will once more proclaim God and His Glory and serve Him like before, when the world was not as corrupted.

  31. ... It's now the 21st Century.

    No great war broke out

    "within the second half of the Twentieth Century",

    and there was no

    "fire and smoke will fall from Heaven, the water of the oceans will become vapors and the foam will rise up flooding and sinking everything, millions and millions of people will die by the hour and the survivors will envy the dead"

    going on, unless I was napping that day.

    I firmly believe such things are possible, but wherever you got this from either got the dates horribly wrong or made it up... I have heard of Akita, I wasn't aware they set some dates... ??

  32. Anon, no war broke out nor other terrible thing occurred because mankind sought to cooperate with Our Lady's requests and thus God's Will which mitigated these things at least for the time being. Take for example when the Obama regime sought to take military action against Syria the year Pope Francis was elected. Our Holy Father called for prayers worldwide and as it happened conflict was avoided.

  33. We live in an exciting time! With MUCH prayer needed by all of us!
    Essentially, the message given in Akita on October 13 IS the 3rd Secret of Fatima. It is an approved apparition - and was given on the 13th of October (unless our Lady just happened to give such an unbelievable message to humanity of that day just for the heck of it -- dates do matter -- God uses them as exclamation points and for us, who are slow, to see the blatant obviousness of what He is trying to do for His children).
    The message speaks of the need to pray, the coming schism in the Church and the Chastisement for man's horrific sins. The schism where Cardinal opposes Cardinal and Bishop opposes Bishop is showing itself very clearly now with the Family Synod. Humanity is already on its way into unbelievable darkness with so much going wrong and now the overwhelming march into full on gay activity acceptance with the full approval of gay marriage in so many countries in the world -- and now California is about to pass assisted suicide law. ( not to mention the horrors of what Planned Parenthood in our country has been up to -- dissecting babies for money. That alone calls for a full on punishment itself, I think most of us would agree!) For us; rosary, adoration, Mass.
    Emmett, looking forward to your next writing.
    Michael Patrick

  34. Michael & all,
    This is a very long video (just over 40 minutes) but we are truly on the verge of a deep crisis in the Church as prophesied by all the mystics including Sr. Lucia. Yes, we truly need to pray. This video is produced by Polonia Christiana on youtube with three traditional faithful cardinals, one of which is our own Cardinal Burke, foretelling the warning with sub-titles when Polish is being spoken--but there is plenty of English in there too.

    The music is a little melodramatic, but the content is priceless. It may be hard to get connected as it seems like sometimes it's blocked.

    Food for thought.

  35. Rose,

    Thanks for that video. I find it fascinating that the Polish Church is the only one standing firm in this whole synod thing.


  36. Thank you Rose. It is a very interesting video, showing quite clearly how the battle lines are drawn,

    Mark - it isn't the Polish church standing alone. One of the Polish commentators on the video clearly outlined how most of the Western European bishops are standing by while the Poles' allies are the African bishops.

    St. John Paul II is at work here. He had a great love for Africa, which the Poles will be well aware of.

  37. Hello Emmett,
    I just saw the story about the storm that came upon the huge mosque in Mecca. From the picture it looked like lightning struck it. Do you see any significance in that, given that you had seen some when lightning struck the dome of St Peter's? I think it may be a sign that God will come to our rescue against the forces of Islamic militarism like ISIS. Thank you.


  38. Hello
    a couple of info points re how far down the rabbit hole we are.
    A pope coming to endorse the following.
    A pres who inflicts silence on violence on christian peoples and beliefs and destruction can't wait to greet and smile with Francis and applaud him at the un
    Listen ans decide if we wern't warned in 1961.
    Still think things aren't planned?
    At medjugorje the Gospa said it's too late for any one indiv to stop whats arrived.
    I am stunned at what i see happening right before my eyes and not any no resistance but the seemingly unawareness of what is/has happened.
    A great success for the un lead dumbed down education system in the usa


  39. A bit more educative info to see whom we have been electing to enable these projects.?

    Do you still think your vote matters?
    that there is a difference between republican and democrat?

    that hillary is not being investigated?

  40. Hi Sr Lorraine! Yes that disaster does appear to have been rather ominous. Especially given the fact that it occurred on the anniversary of 9/11, and the crane was owned by the Bin Laden construction company.

  41. I don't give any second thought to that crane being hit. We don't know what the capabilities of HAARP are yet but we know it exists and they can essentially spin up storms when and where they want. If face, if you have a dome of static electricity then send other radio waves through that, interesting things happen.

  42. Hello Mark W, you're wrong. The Portuguese bishops have already said “no” to the pope in the issue of communion for divorced and remarried.

    Do you know the message of Fatima? The 3rd secret stars like this: “In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved etc…”

  43. I don't respond to anonymous comments.


  44. obel Laureate Smashes Global Warming Hoax – Video

    Are you starting to get the reason Francis WAS CHOSEN?

    How do you get an average global temperature when there are only eight thermometers in Antarctica?

    This is an extremely important video.

    When the American Physical Society, of which he was a long-time member, announced that the evidence for global warming was “incontrovertible,” Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever resigned.

    “The only answer to that,” says Giaever, was that “I resigned.



  45. For all those who have been reading about this topic over the years remember how france has been the center towards the trouble in europe and how germany will split again and the battle in westphalia. and how paris will be destroyed and unrecognizable for 40 years?

    Terminator star calls global warming a ‘battle in the real world’ that’s bigger than any movie, at the first summit of conscience for the climate in Paris



  46. last one

    here is the video



  47. your church at work for you.

    Agenda 2030 and the “New Economic World Order” – Coming This Year?


  48. another myth breaking info video---you will never look at things the same again and for that i am sorry

    of particular interest is at 2:42:00 to approx 2:50:00

    but watch the whole sickening report to become aware

    how will you watch the NEWS again?


  49. This comment has been removed by the author.
