Sunday 9 October 2016

Final Passover of the Church Kindle Edition

The Kindle edition of my book is now available on Amazon's US website here. It should be available elsewhere soon. The paperback edition is now also available in the UK.


  1. Thanks, Emmett. I can read it much faster electronically, thanks to it being on my phone whenever I have a few minutes.

  2. Thank you for all your time and effort, Emmett. I bought my kindle edition as soon as you announced it's availability.

    Only the 2011 book is posted on the Goodreads site. If anyone else knows how to post a new book on the Goodreads site, I'll be grateful, otherwise I'll look up the procedure when I have more time.


  3. Thanks Sherry! It would be deeply appreciated if you could leave a rating on Goodreads.

  4. I had a look at that site Sherry. It looks like you can just sign in with Facebook, so easy enough to set up. If anyone else can put my book on this site it might help raise its profile to new readers. I think it contains some important material which should be heard, so please help to spread the word.

  5. I ended up buying both the paperback and the kindle book. That way I won't have to lug around the paperback. :)

  6. Okay, I figured it out the problem with posting the new book on Goodreads. I first tried unsuccessfully from my IPad, the other night before posting, but today, whilst on my computer, it loaded immediately as a new book. I copied and pasted your description from this web site, which was also on the Amazon page, Emmett. I didn't think you'd mind.

    Brilliant, so far! I gave it a 5-star rating. The book is so full of excellent work that I'm sure I'll re-read many more times. I have only the kindle edition and most of the time use the Text to Speech feature and, needless to say, when I get distracted, I'm not fully focused on the information you present.


  7. For those other book lovers...the site is:

