In a recent blog post (found here), Antonio Socci, the author of The Fourth Secret of Fatima, notes the importance of a recently published official biography of Sr. Lucia from the Carmelites of Coimbra (the convent where the Portuguese nun lived and died), titled "Um caminho sob o olhar de Maria" (A Path Under the Gaze of Mary). This explosive new text contains several important writings of Sr. Lucia which were until now previously unpublished. Socci cites a portion of this text which appears to be hugely important in relation to my theory that the alleged "attachment" to the Third Secret is related to St John Paul II's reputed address at Fulda, Germany in 1980. It concerns a vision which Sr. Lucia had which helped her to overcome her fear about whether or not she should write down the content of the Third Secret:
Towards 16:00 hours on January 3rd, 1944, in the convent’s chapel, before the Tabernacle, Lucia asked Jesus to let her know His will: ‘I then feel that a friendly hand, affectionate and maternal, touches my shoulder.’
It is ‘the Mother of Heaven’ who says to her: ‘be at peace and write what they command you to, but not that which you were given to understand about its meaning,’ intending to allude to the meaning of the vision that the Virgin herself had revealed to her.
Right after – says Sr. Lucia – ‘I felt my spirit flooded by a light-filled mystery which is God and in Him I saw and heard: the point of the flame-like lance which detaches, touches the axis of the earth and it [the earth] shakes: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, rivers and clouds leave their bounds, they overflow, flood and drag with them into a whirlpool, houses and people in a number unable to be counted; it is the purification of the world from the sin it is immersed in. Hatred, ambition, cause detructive wars. Afterward I felt in the increased beating of my heart and in my spirit a quiet voice which said: ‘in time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. Heaven in eternity!’ This word, ‘Heaven,’ filled my heart with peace and happiness, so much so that, almost without realizing it, I continued to repeat for some time: Heaven, Heaven!’
That is how she was given the strength to write the Third Secret.
Towards 16:00 hours on January 3rd, 1944, in the convent’s chapel, before the Tabernacle, Lucia asked Jesus to let her know His will: ‘I then feel that a friendly hand, affectionate and maternal, touches my shoulder.’
It is ‘the Mother of Heaven’ who says to her: ‘be at peace and write what they command you to, but not that which you were given to understand about its meaning,’ intending to allude to the meaning of the vision that the Virgin herself had revealed to her.
Right after – says Sr. Lucia – ‘I felt my spirit flooded by a light-filled mystery which is God and in Him I saw and heard: the point of the flame-like lance which detaches, touches the axis of the earth and it [the earth] shakes: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, rivers and clouds leave their bounds, they overflow, flood and drag with them into a whirlpool, houses and people in a number unable to be counted; it is the purification of the world from the sin it is immersed in. Hatred, ambition, cause detructive wars. Afterward I felt in the increased beating of my heart and in my spirit a quiet voice which said: ‘in time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. Heaven in eternity!’ This word, ‘Heaven,’ filled my heart with peace and happiness, so much so that, almost without realizing it, I continued to repeat for some time: Heaven, Heaven!’
That is how she was given the strength to write the Third Secret.
(Thanks to Johnsp for the translation from Italian)
The above newly published text mentions a catastrophic earthquake, followed by the trembling of mountains, which in turn leads to a hugely destructive tsunami, followed by war - the exact sequence of events that I argue in my book Unveiling the Apocalypse is depicted in the Bible itself, concerning the fall of Babylon and the "huge mountain, burning with fire" being thrown into the sea in Rev 8:8, in relation to a potential mega-tsunami caused by the collapse of a volcano in the Canary Islands. It should be worth revisiting the contents of an earlier post on the subject of Fulda, which I will copy below:
Prior to the release of the Third Secret in the year 2000, many commentators looked to some words attributed to Pope John Paul II on Fatima in an attempt to gain some insight into its content. The German magazine Stimme des Glaubens reported that the pope had commented on the Third Secret during a conference in Fulda, Germany in 1980. The most striking component of this report was the words: "it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired." The language used here, which tells a sudden and abrupt flooding of "whole areas of the earth" by the ocean - an event which will kill "millions", can only describe the aftermath of a mega-tsunami.
The deadiest such event in recorded history was that of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which claimed the lives of around 230,000 people after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake. In order to claim "millions" of lives, this event would have to be on a vastly larger scale, and concentrated on densely populated areas. The Indian Ocean tsunami is possibly the greatest in size that can be generated by an earthquake - anything larger can only be caused by massive landslides, such as that of Lituya Bay, Alaska in 1958, which reached a height of 524 metres (but given the confined geography of the lake the effects of this mega-tsunami was limited to a small area). It is these landslide-generated events, known as mega-tsunamis, that produce waves of such devastating heights. And mega-tsunamis with the capacity to cross oceans can only be generated by large-scale volcanic collapses.
The relevant text of the Fulda conference reported in Stimme des Glaubens can be found below:
The Holy Father was asked, "What about the Third Secret of Fatima? Should it not have already been published by 1960?"
Pope John Paul II replied: "Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petrine office diplomatically preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves.
"On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired."
The Pope continued: "Many wish to know simply from curiosity and a taste for the sensational, but they forget that knowledge also implies responsibility. They only seek the satisfaction of their curiosity, and that is dangerous if at the same time they are not disposed to do something, and if they are convinced that it is impossible to do anything against evil."
At this point the Pope grasped a Rosary and said: "Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray, and ask for nothing more. Leave everything else to the Mother of God."
The Holy Father was then asked: "What is going to happen to the Church?"
He answered: "We must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long, such as will demand of us a disposition to give up even life, and a total dedication to Christ and for Christ … With your and my prayer it is possible to mitigate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because only thus can the Church be effectively renewed. How many times has the renewal of the Church sprung from blood! This time, too, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong and prepared, and trust in Christ and His Mother, and be very, very assiduous in praying the Rosary."
It must be noted however that there is some dispute as to the legimacy of the Stimme des Glaubens report. Antonio Socci, the author of The Fourth Secret of Fatima, stated in issue 86 of The Fatima Crusader that the Vatican Press Office and Cardinal Ratzinger denied that this meeting took place (see here). However rather curiously, the most recent publication from sources inside the Vatican acknowledges that it did in fact take place. In his book The Last Secret of Fatima, Cardinal Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State admits that John Paul II did in fact say these words (p48). The Fatima Network website is similarly assured that the Fulda conference did in fact take place, stating:
This report was originally published in German in the October 1981 issue of Stimme des Glaubens. It is given as a verbatim report of the meeting between His Holiness John Paul II and a select group of German Catholics at Fulda during his visit to Germany the previous November. The preface to the article states, "We know the name of the reporter and also that the document is authentic." This translation was made by Rev. M. Crowdy for Approaches Magazine, edited by Mr. Hamish Fraser of Scotland. It was translated from the Italian magazine published in Rome by Father Francis Putti. Both magazines are worthy of our trust. (See the full text here).
So there seems to be some ongoing confusion as to the reality behind these events. Whatever the truth is behind the above words attributed to John Paul II at Fulda, they tie in remarkably well with the various other predictions of a volcano-generated mega-tsunami. We must also question why, given that Cardinal Bertone would undoubtedly know the contents of any "hidden text" of the Third Secret, he did not refute that the Fulda conference took place altogether. If the "hidden text" of the Third Secret did not contain any references to the oceans flooding vast sections of the earth, then it would be immediately obvious to the Cardinal that the Fulda conference was a complete fabrication made by the German press. It would be easier to dismiss that it ever took place rather than attempt to explain the discrepancies between these words and the published text of the Third Secret. Does this implicitly suggest that there is some truth behind the Third Secret containing reference to a future mega-tsunami style event?
We also need to take into account the fact that Pope Benedict XVI wrote the forward to Cardinal Bertone's book, so would undoubtedly have been aware that it included reference to the Fulda conference. It would be highly unlikely that he would fail to correct Cardinal Bertone on this matter if he thought it did not take place. So either the pope glanced over this section (again highly unlikely), or he came across some information which changed his opinion as to whether John Paul II did indeed make these comments at Fulda.
The deadiest such event in recorded history was that of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which claimed the lives of around 230,000 people after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake. In order to claim "millions" of lives, this event would have to be on a vastly larger scale, and concentrated on densely populated areas. The Indian Ocean tsunami is possibly the greatest in size that can be generated by an earthquake - anything larger can only be caused by massive landslides, such as that of Lituya Bay, Alaska in 1958, which reached a height of 524 metres (but given the confined geography of the lake the effects of this mega-tsunami was limited to a small area). It is these landslide-generated events, known as mega-tsunamis, that produce waves of such devastating heights. And mega-tsunamis with the capacity to cross oceans can only be generated by large-scale volcanic collapses.
The relevant text of the Fulda conference reported in Stimme des Glaubens can be found below:
The Holy Father was asked, "What about the Third Secret of Fatima? Should it not have already been published by 1960?"
Pope John Paul II replied: "Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petrine office diplomatically preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves.
"On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired."
The Pope continued: "Many wish to know simply from curiosity and a taste for the sensational, but they forget that knowledge also implies responsibility. They only seek the satisfaction of their curiosity, and that is dangerous if at the same time they are not disposed to do something, and if they are convinced that it is impossible to do anything against evil."
At this point the Pope grasped a Rosary and said: "Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray, and ask for nothing more. Leave everything else to the Mother of God."
The Holy Father was then asked: "What is going to happen to the Church?"
He answered: "We must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long, such as will demand of us a disposition to give up even life, and a total dedication to Christ and for Christ … With your and my prayer it is possible to mitigate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because only thus can the Church be effectively renewed. How many times has the renewal of the Church sprung from blood! This time, too, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong and prepared, and trust in Christ and His Mother, and be very, very assiduous in praying the Rosary."
It must be noted however that there is some dispute as to the legimacy of the Stimme des Glaubens report. Antonio Socci, the author of The Fourth Secret of Fatima, stated in issue 86 of The Fatima Crusader that the Vatican Press Office and Cardinal Ratzinger denied that this meeting took place (see here). However rather curiously, the most recent publication from sources inside the Vatican acknowledges that it did in fact take place. In his book The Last Secret of Fatima, Cardinal Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State admits that John Paul II did in fact say these words (p48). The Fatima Network website is similarly assured that the Fulda conference did in fact take place, stating:
This report was originally published in German in the October 1981 issue of Stimme des Glaubens. It is given as a verbatim report of the meeting between His Holiness John Paul II and a select group of German Catholics at Fulda during his visit to Germany the previous November. The preface to the article states, "We know the name of the reporter and also that the document is authentic." This translation was made by Rev. M. Crowdy for Approaches Magazine, edited by Mr. Hamish Fraser of Scotland. It was translated from the Italian magazine published in Rome by Father Francis Putti. Both magazines are worthy of our trust. (See the full text here).
So there seems to be some ongoing confusion as to the reality behind these events. Whatever the truth is behind the above words attributed to John Paul II at Fulda, they tie in remarkably well with the various other predictions of a volcano-generated mega-tsunami. We must also question why, given that Cardinal Bertone would undoubtedly know the contents of any "hidden text" of the Third Secret, he did not refute that the Fulda conference took place altogether. If the "hidden text" of the Third Secret did not contain any references to the oceans flooding vast sections of the earth, then it would be immediately obvious to the Cardinal that the Fulda conference was a complete fabrication made by the German press. It would be easier to dismiss that it ever took place rather than attempt to explain the discrepancies between these words and the published text of the Third Secret. Does this implicitly suggest that there is some truth behind the Third Secret containing reference to a future mega-tsunami style event?
We also need to take into account the fact that Pope Benedict XVI wrote the forward to Cardinal Bertone's book, so would undoubtedly have been aware that it included reference to the Fulda conference. It would be highly unlikely that he would fail to correct Cardinal Bertone on this matter if he thought it did not take place. So either the pope glanced over this section (again highly unlikely), or he came across some information which changed his opinion as to whether John Paul II did indeed make these comments at Fulda.
Looking back to the recently published text by the Carmelites of Coimbra, which apparently depicts the aftermath of the angel striking the earth with his flaming sword (or "spear" in this translation) it also appears to closely resemble the prophetic words of Blessed Elena Aliello:
The justice of Our Father is most offended. Men live in their obstinacy of sin. The wrath of God is near. Soon the world will be afflicted with great calamities, bloody revolutions, frightful hurricanes, and the overflowing of streams and the seas’. ‘Cry out until the priests of God lend their ears to my voice, to advise men that the time is near at hand, and if men do not return to God with prayers and penances, the world will be overturned in a new and more terrible war. Arms most deadly will destroy peoples and nations!
One of the seers at Kibeho, Anathalie Mukamazimpaka, also had a vision of some sort of chastisement involving the crumbling of mountains:
It should also be worth revisiting some of my older material concerning the mega-tsunami threat to the East Coast of the Americas below:
"I saw mountains crashing
into each other," said Anathalie. "Stones coming out of the earth, nearly as if
they were angry. I saw storms crashing against each other and fire coming from
them. I don't know what this means. I was told that people are causing this and
that it is coming."
(See here for a more detailed account given on Spirit Daily)
Amongst the various other startling images depicted in the Book of Revelation, the curious scene of a "great mountain, burning with fire" being thrown into the sea appears to be granted a certain significance. The Apocalypse uses recapitulation as a literary device to highlight areas of especial importance. The battle of Armageddon, for example, is referred to in several different places. The bizarre scene of a mountain being cast into the sea in Rev 8:8 is recapitulated again by the angel throwing a great millstone into the sea in Rev 18:21, connecting this event with the fall of "Babylon" - the ruling world-power in the eschatological age.
The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. (Rev 8:8)
But what could this scene represent? Various preterist scholars, such as D.E Aune, and more recently Elaine Pagels in her popular 2012 book Revelations, argue that this passage contains a description of the eruption of Vesuvius, which destroyed Pompeii in 79AD. But as leading Revelation academic G.K Beale points out, this particular volcanic eruption can not be the sole point of reference, as the verse in question is clearly based on chapter 51 of the Book of Jeremiah, which describes the casting down of “a burning mountain” and the destruction of Babylon in the sea:
The majority of scholars thus recognise that the burning mountain being cast into the sea in the Apocalypse is the exact same event which is symbolised by the angel casting a millstone into the sea to signify how the eschatological world power "Babylon" is to be destroyed. As Beale states: "the burning mountain cast into the sea refers to the judgment of a wicked kingdom. This kingdom is to be identified as 'Babylon', 'the great city' of Revelation 11-18, which holds sway over the evil world system. (Beale, G.K. The Book of Revelation p476).
So the "great mountain, burning with fire" is widely recognised by Revelation scholars as a description of a volcanic eruption.
But how could a volcano be thrown into the sea? And how would this bring about the fall of the ruling world empire at the end-time? I'll post a short extract from my book below:
On the 12th of October 2000, the BBC's flagship documentary series Horizon aired a programme that was to cause a considerable amount of controversy in the world of geophysics. Subtitled "Mega-tsunami: Wave of Destruction", the documentary elaborated how the volcano Cumbre Vieja on the Canary island of La Palma poses an enormous risk to the eastern coastline of the Americas. The documentary was based on the combined research of S.N. Ward of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California and S.J. Day of the Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre at University College, London, who hoped to prove that Cumbre Vieja has the potential to cause one of the greatest natural disasters ever known to human civilisation. Ward and Day's research shows how the inside of Cumbre Vieja is honeycombed with fissures caused by the rising of molten magma heating and vaporizing water which then erodes the inside of the volcano. This phenomenon has severely weakened the internal structure of the volcano, making it extremely unstable. During its last eruption in 1949, the southern volcano caused a massive crack to appear, and the entire western portion of Cumbre Vieja slipped a few metres towards the Atlantic Ocean.
In 2001, Ward and Day put forward a scientific paper showing how that the entire western flank will eventually give way, possibly even during its next eruption; sending 500 thousand million tonnes of rock crashing into the ocean. Ward and Day's research, which took other examples of this phenomenon into account, suggested that the impact of this "lateral collapse" would generate a colossal wave – dubbed a "mega-tsunami", which could reach a local amplitude of between 650-1500 metres. This wave would then rapidly travel westwards reaching a speed of approximately 720kph. Although it would diminish in size by the time it made landfall on the eastern seaboard of America, it could still be as high as 50 metres (to give a sense of perspective, the statue of liberty is 93 metres tall), devastating everything in its wake up to 25km inland.
In comparison with this projected scenario, the Indian Ocean tsunami that occurred on 26th December 2004, reached a height of only 24m at Bandeh Aceh – the region worst affected by the disaster, which was totally obliterated. If this event unfolds in the manner that Ward and Day have projected, then this "mega-tsunami" would be the greatest natural disaster in recorded history. (Unveiling the Apocalypse pp148-149)
You can read Ward and Day's full article here.
The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. (Rev 8:8)
But what could this scene represent? Various preterist scholars, such as D.E Aune, and more recently Elaine Pagels in her popular 2012 book Revelations, argue that this passage contains a description of the eruption of Vesuvius, which destroyed Pompeii in 79AD. But as leading Revelation academic G.K Beale points out, this particular volcanic eruption can not be the sole point of reference, as the verse in question is clearly based on chapter 51 of the Book of Jeremiah, which describes the casting down of “a burning mountain” and the destruction of Babylon in the sea:
“Behold, I am against you, O destroying mountain, declares the LORD, which destroys the whole earth; I will stretch out my hand against you, and roll you down from the crags, and make you a burnt mountain. No stone shall be taken from you for a corner and no stone for a foundation, but you shall be a perpetual waste, declares the LORD. “Set up a standard on the earth; blow the trumpet among the nations; prepare the nations for war against her...
(Jer 51:25-27)
“How Babylon is taken, the praise of the whole earth seized! How Babylon has become a horror among the nations! The sea has come up on Babylon; she is covered with its tumultuous waves.
(Jer 51:41-42)
Chapter 51 of the Book of Jeremiah then concludes with a passage which is alluded to again later in the Book of Revelation:
And Jeremiah said to Seraiah: “When you come to Babylon, see that you read all these words, and say, ‘O LORD, you have said concerning this place that you will cut it off, so that nothing shall dwell in it, neither man nor beast, and it shall be desolate forever.’ When you finish reading this book, tie a stone to it and cast it into the midst of the Euphrates, and say, ‘Thus shall Babylon sink, to rise no more, because of the disaster that I am bringing upon her, and they shall become exhausted.’”
(Jer 51:61-64)
Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “So will Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and will be found no more"...
(Rev 18:21)
The majority of scholars thus recognise that the burning mountain being cast into the sea in the Apocalypse is the exact same event which is symbolised by the angel casting a millstone into the sea to signify how the eschatological world power "Babylon" is to be destroyed. As Beale states: "the burning mountain cast into the sea refers to the judgment of a wicked kingdom. This kingdom is to be identified as 'Babylon', 'the great city' of Revelation 11-18, which holds sway over the evil world system. (Beale, G.K. The Book of Revelation p476).
So the "great mountain, burning with fire" is widely recognised by Revelation scholars as a description of a volcanic eruption.
But how could a volcano be thrown into the sea? And how would this bring about the fall of the ruling world empire at the end-time? I'll post a short extract from my book below:
On the 12th of October 2000, the BBC's flagship documentary series Horizon aired a programme that was to cause a considerable amount of controversy in the world of geophysics. Subtitled "Mega-tsunami: Wave of Destruction", the documentary elaborated how the volcano Cumbre Vieja on the Canary island of La Palma poses an enormous risk to the eastern coastline of the Americas. The documentary was based on the combined research of S.N. Ward of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California and S.J. Day of the Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre at University College, London, who hoped to prove that Cumbre Vieja has the potential to cause one of the greatest natural disasters ever known to human civilisation. Ward and Day's research shows how the inside of Cumbre Vieja is honeycombed with fissures caused by the rising of molten magma heating and vaporizing water which then erodes the inside of the volcano. This phenomenon has severely weakened the internal structure of the volcano, making it extremely unstable. During its last eruption in 1949, the southern volcano caused a massive crack to appear, and the entire western portion of Cumbre Vieja slipped a few metres towards the Atlantic Ocean.
In 2001, Ward and Day put forward a scientific paper showing how that the entire western flank will eventually give way, possibly even during its next eruption; sending 500 thousand million tonnes of rock crashing into the ocean. Ward and Day's research, which took other examples of this phenomenon into account, suggested that the impact of this "lateral collapse" would generate a colossal wave – dubbed a "mega-tsunami", which could reach a local amplitude of between 650-1500 metres. This wave would then rapidly travel westwards reaching a speed of approximately 720kph. Although it would diminish in size by the time it made landfall on the eastern seaboard of America, it could still be as high as 50 metres (to give a sense of perspective, the statue of liberty is 93 metres tall), devastating everything in its wake up to 25km inland.
In comparison with this projected scenario, the Indian Ocean tsunami that occurred on 26th December 2004, reached a height of only 24m at Bandeh Aceh – the region worst affected by the disaster, which was totally obliterated. If this event unfolds in the manner that Ward and Day have projected, then this "mega-tsunami" would be the greatest natural disaster in recorded history. (Unveiling the Apocalypse pp148-149)
You can read Ward and Day's full article here.
I just went to the Wikipedia site regarding Cumbre Vieja, and it states that the 1949 eruption started on 24 June 1949 - the feast day of St John.
Mark L.
(Saint John the Baptist that is)
I always had the impression Fulda wasn't credible - but it keeps popping up.
I'm very interested in the private accounts from Sr. Lucia's writing. I wish it was in English - can't wait until you obtain that.
Thanks for addressing these matters.
I'm always reminded of Sr. Lucia's warning, we are going towards it little by little. I think we are just about there now.
Thank you, Emmett, for this very interesting post. Since I live on the east coast of the United States, it's a nightmare scenario to contemplate!
Thanks for point that out Mark! Sounds ominous indeed - especially given the fact that the mountain being thrown into the sea is closely associated with the ministry of the Two Witnesses, or the two olive trees of Zechariah (one of whom is the Elijah to come - paralleling the role of St. John the Baptist)...
Then he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain. And he shall bring forward the top stone amid shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’”
(Zech 4:6-7)
The Book of Revelation also appears to link the eschatological earthquake with the martyrdom of the Two Witnesses:
But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them. Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here!” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies watched them. And at that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.
(Rev 11:11-13)
The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake. The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered Babylon the great, to make her drain the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath.
(Rev 16:17-19)
But on that day, the day that Gog shall come against the land of Israel, declares the Lord GOD, my wrath will be roused in my anger. For in my jealousy and in my blazing wrath I declare, On that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. The fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creep on the ground, and all the people who are on the face of the earth, shall quake at my presence. And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground. I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountains, declares the Lord GOD. Every man's sword will be against his brother. With pestilence and bloodshed I will enter into judgment with him, and I will rain upon him and his hordes and the many peoples who are with him torrential rains and hailstones, fire and sulfur. So I will show my greatness and my holiness and make myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.
(Ezek 38:18-23)
Here's some additional food for thought. The language in Rev 18:21 regarding a mill stone being cast into the sea is very interesting. When Jesus spoke of a mill stone, He referred to the scandalization of children.
Luke 17:1-2 "He said to his disciples, “Things that cause sin will inevitably occur, but woe to the person through whom they occur. It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin."
I wonder if Jesus is drawing a direct connection between the prophesied destruction of Babylon both in Jeremiah and in Revelation to the cause of scandal in children.
I was always a bit suspicious of Fulda myself Terry, given the vagueness of the source. But the fact that Cardinal Bertone lends this account some credence in his book on Sr. Lucia adds a little more substance to these claims. It also seems to be beyond coincidence that this vision related to the Third Secret is so similar to the contents of Fulda. I can't wait to get hold of this biography in English myself - I almost feel like learning Portuguese in the mean time!
Thanks for that insight Anon! I have been trying to make some connection between this saying in the synoptics with the words of the Apocalypse for some time now, and couldn't quite grasp how it is related. The metaphors are so similar that there must be some intended point of comparison. As well as your suggestion, it is also worth noting that the parallel passage in Matthew is made in the context of the disciples asking which of them was the greatest, and Christ's paradoxical response that only the very least of them could hope to be the greatest:
"At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."
(Matt 18:1-6)
A similar passage is also used concerning St. John the Baptist, who prefigures the Elijah to come:
"As they went away, Jesus began to speak to the crowds concerning John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? What then did you go out to see? A man dressed in soft clothing? Behold, those who wear soft clothing are in kings' houses. What then did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. This is he of whom it is written,
“‘Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you.’
Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist. Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come."
(Matt 11:7-14)
I speak Italian and I hope this is a faithful translation of the text in question (as taken from Socci's website):
Towards 16:00 hours on January 3rd, 1944, in the convent’s chapel, before the Tabernacle, Lucia asked Jesus to let her know His will: ‘I then feel that a friendly hand, affectionate and maternal, touches my shoulder.’
It is ‘the Mother of Heaven’ who says to her: ‘be at peace and write what they command you to, but not that which you were given to understand about its meaning,’ intending to allude to the meaning of the vision that the Virgin herself had revealed to her.
Right after – says Sr. Lucia – ‘I felt my spirit flooded by a light-filled mystery which is God and in Him I saw and heard: the point of the flame-like lance which detaches, touches the axis of the earth and it [the earth] shakes: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, rivers and clouds leave their bounds, they overflow, flood and drag with them into a whirlpool, houses and people in a number unable to be counted; it is the purification of the world from the sin it is immersed in. Hatred, ambition, cause detructive wars. Afterward I felt in the increased beating of my heart and in my spirit a quiet voice which said: ‘in time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. Heaven in eternity!’ This word, ‘Heaven,’ filled my heart with peace and happiness, so much so that, almost without realizing it, I continued to repeat for some time: Heaven, Heaven!’
That is how she was given the strength to write the Third Secret.
Thanks Johnsp! This is greatly appreciated! I've updated the post with your translation.
Thank you very much for tranlating that for us.a great help!
Two things of interest here:
1) Proof that we know Sr Lucia knew of the interpretation obviously concerning the secret
2) This vision described here is different again from that released in June 2000-presumably this vision of the lance causing massive destruction though earthquake and massive flooding relates to the city in ruins bit of the secret(meaning humanity in general), therefore its a more detailed description of that vision, but for me even more significant is what is missing- the part concerning the terrible martyrdom of the Church from the Pope downwards(which if we remember Pope Benedict talked about in general terms on the plane to Fatima in 2010.He said the persecution of the Church is gradually taking shape. I also showed in "Heralds of the Second Coming" how as Cardinal Ratzinger, he had written to Bishop Pavel Hnilica in Septemer 2000, responding to the Bishop's questions about the third secret, and Ratzinger stated the vision reflects the persecution of the Church "until the end of the world". For me, this can only mean that the reason why we dont see other details of Sr Lucia's writings is because they clearly state the Church is soon to undergo the persecution of the Antichrist. I cannot see what else would cause this lock and key approach to Fatima. If anyone knows of Fr Gobbi's revelations, Our Lady spoke on a few occasions about the third secret and always broke it down into two elemets: 1) a chastisement for humanity
2) the final persecution of the Church by the Son of Perdition (antichrist)
"But what could this scene represent?"
Have you considered that it may represent the Deep Water Horizon oil spill and fire?
For that matter, have you considered that Wormwood poisoning a third of the seas, for which the Russian word is Chernobyl, could be Fukushima and its aftermath?
The flamelike lance mentioned in this vision seems to be alluding to the angel with the flaming sword vision at Fatima which you Emmett very nicely connected to modern science/technology abortion, ivf and embryonic stem cell experimentation.
Just a thought: I wonder if the point about the millstone and scandal of children could also somehow relate to the terrible scourge of abortion. The reference to the sea becoming blood, for example. It's a sobering thought.
Also, I recall reading that the earthquake in Japan actually did shift the earth's axis slightly.
Herein lies the primary stumbling block of private prophecy: the tendency to treat private revelation - even approved private revelation - as somehow set in stone. Nothing could be further from the Truth. The events that Sister Lucia foresaw may have been accurate. But they may also have been mitigated by the patient, unseen sacrifices of an army of victim souls. The WHOLE point of private revelation is to turn souls back to God, NOT to set a timeline of the future.
I was lucky enough to have been born in Portugal. I love Sr. Lucia very much. In fact, we are all very fortunate to have such beautiful souls to emulate. I trust Heaven and its inhabitants. Let's live well that we may join our Heavenly benefactors when it's time to go home. It saddens me though to see so much hate and violence in our world. I truly believe the end times are here. If not yet, we are surely headed in that direction steadily and worse, speedily. God bless us all.
At Fulda, when Pope John Paul speaks of the Church "being renewed in blood", could that be ISIS? We see the developments in the Middle East. .. Just a thought.
Thank you for bringing this new information on the Third Secret to our attention, Emmett! God bless!
My last two comments above should be read in reverse for logical order
Praying that the mountain of fire thrown into the sea is spiritual, rather than literal, because I live on the east coast.
I still think Babylon today is Saudi Arabia. The "blood of Saints" is being shed all over the Middle East.
Astounding, this 4th Secret and your analysis concerning Babylon and a volcano. Along with, in comments, Vi Dete reminding us of God mitigating prophesied events.
In a 2008 message to Anna Marie, the Blessed Mother speaks of Babylon and a natural judgment. When I first read it, I thought it could be a volcano.
Our Lady's request, then, Our Lord asks for Masses offered, the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed for mitigation or as Mary says once, removal of this natural cloud over a U.S. city.
We can continue to pray, honor Jesus' requests.
+ + +
Message to Anna Marie of the Apostolate of the Green Scapular
A Tragic Natural Phenomena To Take Place
April 23, 2008
Mother Mary: My Son will soon permit a tremendous sorrow to fall upon your nation. This tragic event will be caused by a natural phenomena, but all are to realize that due to their sins, it has taken place. Please, do not
worry about this event but continue to pray earnestly to your Heavenly Father for its mitigation. If only more
souls would realize that they are living in the end times, they would want to pray daily for the safety of their loved ones, for the mercy of their Lord to be upon them and those that they love, and for the mercy of their
Savior to cover them with His holy and precious blood.
Anna Marie: Yes Mother.
Mother Mary: My little one, I know that you are questioning if you should place the event which was given to you pertaining to the cloud over a U.S. city, you are now instructed to do so. Please reveal this horrific vision
to those who are interested in praying, that it will not come to pass.
While in prayer, a vision of a city was seen for a brief moment. I could not determine what city it was, since it could have been any city with sky scrapers. I witnessed a “mushroom cloud” rising above this city and begged God not to allow this to take place.
Same day - April 23, 2008
Jesus: My daughter, I have come to share with you what is needed to help mitigate the tragic events of which you have witnessed.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord.
Jesus: First I ask 100 souls to be committed to attending daily Mass for the repentance of
sinners in your country. I then ask for 500 souls who would commit to the daily recitation
of the Holy Rosary and 1000 souls who will commit to the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord.
Jesus: Dear one, I know this may not be easy for you to accomplish, but please forge on and ask my beloved
Apostles if they would make the commitment to do so.
2008 archives at
The best match for a "burning mountain" is an asteroid, which could/would cause much more damage and much greater tsunamis. Many scientific articles have been published on this.
There is an island off the West Coast of Africa that contains a "natural" fault line and has the potential of a splitting of the island and a massive landslide pointed toward North & South America. This would impact millions of people. There was a very shocking documentary on one of the science channels regarding this that compared it to the event in Alaska as very small in comparison...
I read a book on Fatima back in late 1970's that had at the back of the book an interview with Lucia asking if the consecration to the world met the Blessed Mother's request. She said "NO" it must be performed exactly as she requested, all bishops on one day with the pope to concecrate Russia to her immaculate heart!Not the world! Many years later she supposedly was quoted as saying it was sufficient. Makes you wonder about the credibility, doesn't it?
Thanks for expanding upon the insight given by anonymous above Jamey and Sr Lorraine. The destruction of innocents appears to be what angers God most, and this seems to be singling out the primary reason that the millstone is cast into the sea by the angel in Rev 18:21. It is also interesting that this new text describes the exact consequences of the angel with the flaming sword striking the earth as an earthquake, followed by a devastating flood and war. I think that this is very important indeed.
the Apocrypha's states four witness before the coming of the lord. and Jesus said that all must die. Yet Elisha Enoch and we aren't really sure about Moses because there is no tomb same with Mary. it's assumed.. and the witness will announce the coming of the lord. these four person old and new testaments have proclaimed the coming of the lord and will do it again.
Have you an idea for the two witnesses ? Why not the two actual "popes", since neither is an antipope and the two were legitimately installed in fucntion?
Welcome Back!!!
I've missed your presence and your fabulous contributions to Emmett's terrific blog's ComBox.
Those who are clinging desperately to the party’s line of the 3rd Secret revealed in its entirety by the Vatican in 2000 are fewer and fewer.
There are too many inconsistencies, contradictions, even lies in the long string of the events surrounding the 3rd Secret from the apparitions of 1917 until its purported unveiling in 2000.
One must remember the press communiqué that was released by the Vatican on feb 8th 1960:
“Although the Church recognizes the Fatima apparitions, She does not desire to take the responsibility of guaranteeing the veracity of the WORDS the three shepherd children said that the Virgin Mary had addressed to them.”
Here is the first hand acknowledgement by the Vatican that only a part of the 3rd Secret has been unveiled since the 1960 communiqué speaks of “WORDS the Virgin adressed…” .
Where are these WORDS? In the part unveiled in 2000 there are no WORDS of the Virgin.
In addition, why did the Vatican declined to unveil the 3rd Secret in feb 1960 with such contemptuous terms questioning its veracity, if it was to unveil that Secret in 2000 WITHOUT a similar comment? Could the “veracity” of the Secret be better guaranteed in 2000 than in 1960?
Well, it was Pope Paul VI who said that the smoke of Satan had entered the Vatican. So not surprising if an important part of the Fatima Message wasn't published when it should have been. Nevertheless, "The Truth will out" --Our Lady at Akita (approved apparition) revealed the suppressed Fatima message; and by her image there implicitly referred the faithful to her post-WW II apparitions (also approved) at Amsterdam, "Our Lady of All Nations" which few seem to have heard of.
(Google it and educate yourself).
The messages of Pedro Regis and an American alleged mystic (Jennifer) speak of a polar shift...this could be the cause of all these natural disasters.... Who knows for sure..if and when things will come full tilt.....
Hi all,
To anonymous at 8:36 on the 20th August, you are referring to Cumbre Vieja of the Canary Islands as Emmett has stated - well done.
To anonymous at 14:38, same date, as has been stated before regarding our lady of all nations, the approval you are referring to was from the diocesan auxiliary bishop who overturned both his bishop and the Vatican. Very dubious. Why don't you check the dialogue in Bonaventure Meyer's 'Warning from the Beyond'. You may find an online version in PDF format. It is about the thirteenth last topic, so scroll to the end. If you are not familiar with this text, it is the documented dialogue between an exorcist and the possessing demons, who under direction of Jesus were compelled to answer questions about the state of the church. Also if you read the full and uncensored text of our lady of all nation's purported messages, you may discern a different opinion.
God Bless
The Alleged piece of text "from Lucia", seems to me yet another attempt to falsify Fatima. Compared to the words of St John Paul II in Fulda said in front of entire bishops' conference of Germany (and they could testify about it), the current surrogate is much shorter in scope. It doesn't address the issue of Communism as John Paul did. It addresses a planetary disaster quite briefly and without specifics. It is nowhere near to the well known text called "Neues Europa" that details things to much greater degree. Let remember Neues Europa was promoted by Cardinal Ottaviani and was published in Osservatore Romano in the interregnum between John Paul I and John Paul II.
For me, the discussed piece of text will remain in the Fatima-gate history as one unsuccessful attempt to satisfy public demand for truth. The Catholic (and not only) public knows well of planetary cataclysms to be hidden in the real Third Secret of Fatima (that is not a vision to Lucia but a message of Virgin Mary).
I appreciate the large and intellectual review of this post that extends to other apparitions, such as Blessed Aiello. That is something good to put them together and discern the truth. But please, do not delete the critical comments as well.
"Towards 16:00 hours on January 3rd, 1944, in the convent’s chapel, before the Tabernacle, Lucia asked Jesus to let her know His will"
It is dated 1943. We know from well established facts in Fatima history that Lucia wrote down and sent all three secrets to the bishop before or in 1941. Therefore, the above could be AT BEST another private revelation to Lucy. It is nowhere a part of the 3rd secret. According to all we know, the so called 3rd secret is a text that should be inserted in the so called 2nd secret. I.e. we know its beginning (2nd secret) and its end "My Immaculate Heart will triumph".
Whether the above text is original work of Lucy, let the specialists say. What I can say is it is not a part of the original 3rd secret as received from Our Lady on July 13, 1917. And please make the difference: the secrets 1,2,3 are received in that apparition, and NOT during the Sun miracle on Oct 13, 1917. That is important, because many people naturally think that secrets 1 and 2 were released right after the Sun miracle to the crowd of 70,000 people. (As modern apparitions use to spread messages). Nothing of the sort! The entire text was kept hidden up until 1941 when the Nazi invasion of Europe and WW2 were already a fact. I don't know if it was released before or after the Nazi attack on USSR, anyway the release of secrets 1 and 2 coincides with those events. One may ask the logical question, why they waited to happen, in order to release it? Why another landmark year 1960 was missed after Lucia clearly said 1960 the secret must be opened.
I wonder what is indeed the biggest secret, if after almost a century the Catholic Church's current and past leaders still prefer to keep it secret. It is not one man or one team, it is several popes and numerous cardinals who all knew it. What is so frightening that the people should not know of it. Frightening for whom? Today we are pretty well informed that asteroids etc. can fall and make ELE, and nuclear bombs can explode especially in the hands of rogue regimes that already have them (unlike 1960 when there were only 2 superpowers). What is it we are still kept from knowing it? It should be something completely else.
The story of "antichrist in Vatican" doesn't stand the test of the time, because if it were so he would die until now for all those decades... It is something else.
I invite all of those who read my words, to start thinking what is missed from today's vast interpretations and speculations. It should be something very big, so big that we don't grasp it at first sight. I will not give my personal opinion on what could be enclosed in the real 3rd secret of Fatima, because this is not my post and blog after all, just comment on someone else's otherwise very good work. Thank you!
Anonymous said...
The Alleged piece of text "from Lucia", seems to me yet another attempt to falsify Fatima. Compared to the words of St John Paul II in Fulda said in front of entire bishops' conference of Germany (and they could testify about it), the current surrogate is much shorter in scope. It doesn't address the issue of Communism as John Paul did. It addresses a planetary disaster quite briefly and without specifics. It is nowhere near to the well known text called "Neues Europa" that details things to much greater degree. Let remember Neues Europa was promoted by Cardinal Ottaviani and was published in Osservatore Romano in the interregnum between John Paul I and John Paul II.
For me, the discussed piece of text will remain in the Fatima-gate history as one unsuccessful attempt to satisfy public demand for truth. The Catholic (and not only) public knows well of planetary cataclysms to be hidden in the real Third Secret of Fatima (that is not a vision to Lucia but a message of Virgin Mary).
I appreciate the large and intellectual review of this post that extends to other apparitions, such as Blessed Aiello. That is something good to put them together and discern the truth. But please, do not delete the critical comments as well.
when I first read Sr. Lucia's language of 'the point of the flame-like lance which detaches, touches the axis of the earth' my opinion is that she is describing a comet. The comet ball would be the tip and the tail the lance. I think this event is yet to come and even though there are plausible speculations on who may be affected, no one knows. Stay in a state of grace is what I say because we know not the day or hour.
I agree anon 23:57. I think it links nicely to the miracle of the sun where the sun appears to come hurtling toward the earth I think in large part that is for our time. Likewise with Akita and Quito and La Salette with fire falling from the sky. Also a comet would push the earth of its axis. Total divine wrath.
Also no doubt this will result in the "annihilation of nations".
This is very interesting. Fernand Crombett (a French Catholic who died in 1970 ... I think) did an enormous amount of research on Ancient Egypt, the Coptic language, geology, astronomy ... all to prove the validity of every word of the bible. Geologically, he put the world back together (continents, islands, all land masses) and came to the conclusion that the original earth looked like an 8 petal rose ... a flower ... and that Jerusalem was at the center, thus proving the Psalm that "God wrought our salvation from the center of the world." In his reconstruction of the land masses, Jerusalem was indeed at the center. When putting the land masses together, there was one hole ... Between northwest Africa and North America (the US east coast) is where he placed Atlantis. He claims that the sinking of Atlantis may very well have been the factor which permitted the Israelis to walk across the sea and the return of the waters that destroyed Pharaoh and his entire army. Sorry I can't now remember the exact Psalm number.
My point is that these islands (Canary Islands?) may be all that's left of Atlantis ... and God has already used it (more than once, according to Crombette) to get people's attention.
Wow Emmett!! This latest thread of yours has really brought the crazies out of the woodwork. Good job!!
Our Blessed Mother has been appearing in many places, warning us to Pray, Pray, Pray, read the Bible, attend confession, and fast. She is very worried for the World. It has become so materialistic. God Bless all of us, Magdalen
In regard to the statements posted above by Anonymous, the apparitions called Our Lady of Emmitsburg have been condemned by the local bishop of the Diocese of Baltimore (first by Cardinal Keeler, and again by Bishop Edwin O'Brien.) So beware!
Also, the other one from Anne Marie of the Green Scapular is a little suspicious to me because she has a message alleging that Jesus approves of Maria Divine Mercy, who is clearly a fraud.
We need to be very discerning nowadays--innocent as doves but wise as serpents.
A flame-like lance which detaches is a missile. The tip literally detaches. It's a nuclear missile. No idea how anyone could think anything else on this one - it's blatantly obvious. The tip detaches, the tail has flames, and it can cause all the catastrophic events she spoke of.
Would a missile cause such immense damage (mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, rivers and clouds leave their bounds, they overflow, flood and drag with them into a whirlpool, houses and people in a number unable to be counted)?
Thank you for your respond in the previous post.
I don't think dialogue with Islam will ever possible. They live in the bubble and lies upon lies has been indoctrinated since childhood.
I was once believe all the lies that Muhammad told about Jesus in the Quran. I believe that Jesus is just Prophet like Muhammad, that Jesus was never crucified, thus resurrection is another lie that the Church told to the Christian (its all in the Quran).
Islam hates Christian and Jews, thats the truth. It is in their history and in Quran. Unfortunately those who speaks the truth are called as islamophobes.
Muhammad is a liar, pedophile, killer, sex addict, cruel and everything evil, yet we could not see it clearly then because there always be a justification regarding his behavior.
Thanks God for the Internet and all the brave ex muslim, I can finally free myself and truly see Jesus is THE TRUTH.
Btw Emmet and everyone here I suggest you to watch Walid Shoebat in Youtube. Brave man born in Bethlehem, he was a Islam Jihadist and later on converted to Christianity. He speak and read Arabic and He said that "Bismillah" is the 666 of revelation. Bismillah or in the name of Allah that jihadist such as ISIS always wear in their head and arm. It is exactly what John see in his vision.
I do think that the End Times is going to war with Islam. It is all make sense to me, the nature of Islam is very anti-Christ. Islam is evil and I speak this not out of hatred but because of truth. The westerner will not be able to understand it until they are under Islam. I witness churches being bomb in my country where Moslem is the majority. The Friday sermon in mosque near my house almost all the time speak ill about Jews and Christian. The hatred towards Jews is unbelievable.
I agree that Saudi Arabia is the Babylon. Shoebat explain it well here
Please please raise our awareness about Islam, it is the dangerous and scary. We should not hate Moslems ofcourse , but I beg you all to not be ignorant about Islam.
Thank you
Emmet and everyone here,
Take a moment to watch this video about mystery babylon and the antichrist. The connection between Islam and the Babylon religion is well explained here. Please watch it and let me know what you think, it may change your opinion.
At the present time, I have a very heavy heart.
It seems obvious that there is some bad will in the world and most of the people do not want God's plan for the world...
And not only they do not want it, they are fighting it.
Isn't what was happening in the times of Noah?
I am afraid that some chastisement similar to that time is about to happen.
And it is not because God has not been patient.
We have been warned by people like Mr Emmett and by many others.
The Antichrist will not be a muslim.
He will be of Jewish extraction (Tribe of Dan) but not a follower of the Law of Moses. The irony is that although the Jews will accept him as their messiah, he will actually bring them destruction (save for a remnant of Jews that convert to Catholicism during the end times).
He will be secretly a militant atheist and a practicing Freemason.
The number of his name equals 666.
I mean the Mahdi of Islam is The Antichrist
Are you *currently* being sent into Hell forever ... automatically excommunicated (outside) of God’s Catholic Church ?
Answer: Yes you are ... you can reverse it ... please continue.
Council of Florence, Session 8, 22 Nov 1439 -- infallible Source of Dogma >
"Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish eternally."
You must believe the Catholic Dogma to be in the Church ... Dogma you have *never* seen.
Site > ... infallible Dogma throughout.
The Mass is *not* the Faith ... The *Dogma* is the Faith.
The Mass is *not* the Faith ... The *Dogma* is the Faith.
The Mass is *not* the Faith ... The *Dogma* is the Faith.
Yes ... you have been *profoundly* deceived.
The Catholic Faith *is not* Bible interpretation ... it is the Catholic infallible Sources of Dogma (of the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world). The Catholic Church didn’t even define the Bible’s New Testament Canon until 397 A.D. at the Council of Carthage.
- - - - - - - - - -
Can a group which enforces the opposite, the opposite, and the opposite of the Catholic unchangeable Dogma be the Catholic Church?
No, it cannot possibly be the Catholic Church ... and promotion of the opposite of the Catholic Dogma is exactly what the vatican-2 heretic cult does ... and has been doing since it’s founding on 8 December 1965 at the Vatican.
The vatican-2 heresy does not have the Office of the Papacy ... only the Catholic Church has the Papacy.
The Dogma cannot “change” or be “reversed” ... God does not “change”.
The founding documents of the vatican-2 heretic cult … the “vatican-2 council” documents … have well over 200 heresies *against* prior defined unchangeable Dogma. Every (apparent) bishop at the “council” approved the mountain of heresy, which caused their automatic excommunication, see Section 13.2 of
- - - - - - - - - -
Section 12 > Anti-Christ vatican-2 heresies (50 listed) ... followed by many Catholic corrections.
Sections 13 and 13.1 > Photographic *proof* of heresy at the Vatican.
Because of … the Catholic Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy or for physical participation in a heretic cult (such as the v-2 cult) …
… we were all placed, body and soul, *outside* of Christianity (the Catholic Church) on 8 December 1965 … the close date of the “council”.
Section 13.2 and 13.2.2 > Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy or participating in a heretic cult such as ... vatican-2, lutheran, methodist, evangelical, etc.
Section 13.3 > Matt 16:18, Gates of Hell scripture ... is *not* about the Office of the Papacy.
Section 13.4 > The vatican-2 heretic cult does not have the Office of the Papacy only the Catholic Church has the Papacy.
Section 13.6 > The Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Automatic Excommunication for heresy define that ... God has allowed Catholic Jurisdiction ... for Mass and Confession to disappear from the world. There is no such thing as Catholic Mass outside of the Catholic Church.
Non-Catholic heresies such as “vatican-2”, “sspx”, “sspv”, “cmri”, etc. ... do not have Catholic Mass.
Section 19.1 > Dogma on Abjuration for *re-entering* Christianity (the Catholic Church) … after being automatically excommunicated.
Section 10.2 > Returning to a state of grace, in places and times when Confession is not available, like now.
- - - - - - - - - -
Second Council of Constantinople, 553 A.D. -- infallible Source of Dogma >
"The heretic, even though he has not been condemned formally by any individual, in reality brings anathema on himself, having cut himself off from the way of truth by his heresy."
Blessed John Eudes, died 1680 >
“The greatest evil existing today is heresy, an infernal rage which hurls countless souls into eternal damnation.”
Everything you must know, believe, and do to get to Heaven is on > >
Our Lady of Conquest
Pray for us
Thanks Dia! I do believe that Islam has a significant part to play in events to come. I don't think it is the "Babylon" of Revelation though. "Babylon" is a cipher for the ruling world power, which in St. John's time was the Roman Empire. St. Peter uses the cipher "Babylon" to refer to Rome in his epistle:
"She who is at Babylon, who is likewise chosen, sends you greetings, and so does Mark, my son."
(1 Pet 5:13)
So "Babylon" is used to simply refer to the ruling world power - which today we can only equate with America. It is the downfall of this world power, helped along by the ten kings of the Antichrist, which allows the Beast of Revelation to seize world domination.
"And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast. These are of one mind, and they hand over their power and authority to the beast."
(Rev 17:12-13)
The Beast, together with the ten kings hate the whore of Babylon, and plot its destruction:
And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.
(Rev 17:16-17)
I would imagine that the Arab nations are part of these "ten kings", which support the rule of the Antichrist, after the collapse of the ruling world power of "Babylon". It seems that in the immediate wake of this future mega-tsunami that will destroy the East Coast of the Americas, the ten kings of the Antichrist (really a coalition of eastern powers) will use this disaster to bring about the total destruction of the United States. Possibly by sponsoring a terrorist organisation or rogue state such as North Korea to launch a limited nuclear strike against some of the key remaining cities of America away from the East Coast. This way, there would be no substantial target for a nuclear counter attack by whats left of the American military, leaving the stage clear for the Antichrist to appear and fill the political vacuum.
Dear Emmett,
I just discovered your website on Saturday and have been reading posts non-stop whenever I can since then. I'm anxiously awaiting your book which I ordered from Amazon. Thank you so much for your work; I'm not a regular Mass attenddee but am trying to change that as I've had an increasing sense over the last two years that things are changing at an accelerating rate in this world. The information you have here is making sense of a lot of inner feelings I've been experiencing and bringing me back to the Church, finding your website is a real blessing for me.
Thanks for your respond Emmet
Emmett, I understand where you are coming from when it comes to "mystery Babylon." But we need to remember that America was founded by Christian men with Christian principles. It is a land blessed by God, and by Our Lady. Mary promised George Washington in a vision that America would be protected always even from the "10 nations" who hate her. These nations, I agree are in the Middle East.
George Washington was told by Our lady, that it was through her that America was to be saved.
So, I don't believe "mystery Babylon" in the end is the U.S. "Mystery Babylon" will be completely destroyed according to prophecy, that will not be the case for America.
We have too many apparitions here on this continent from Guadalupe, to the Virgin of Charity that protect us.
Yes, America's government is corrupt and our media pours out lies, but our people are strong, and good deep down inside. We are still a very Christian nation. Travel our country and witness the Churches filled with those worshiping. We are not a perfect nation, but none of us, have to pretend to disguise America as "mystery Babylon" out of fear as St Paul and St Peter had to with Rome.
We may have the most wicked politicians who are funded by those Banking/Oil hungry geopolitical hacks, or atheistic organizations, but our society, although struggling, still believes.
"Mystery Babylon" is not the U.S. It has to be a place, that is not Christian at all.
Thanks Anonymous! It is really heartwarming to hear that you are being drawn back to the celebration of Mass. We really do need to arm ourselves as best we can for the coming final conflict between good and evil.
"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm."
(Eph 6:11-13)
Perhaps Babylon is both the U.K/U.S.A group and Mecca. The petro- dollar and OPEC ties Arabia to the US (for now) - in cahoots. Both militant Islam and the U. S. are not liked internationally. Militant Islam ( funded by Saudis) has continuously gotten "drunk on the blood of the ...martyrs of Jesus" for more than a thousand years. The geology in Revelation, sitting on many waters/peoples could be the Arabian peninsula(many peoples/races visiting Mecca) or the U.S. And having dominion could be martial or through oil (Arabia). Babylon is in the desert by the sea (Arabia). I heard Mecca's Kabaa must be destroyed then comes the black Islamic flags ( like the ones ISIS carry) then comes something about Jerusalem becoming the seat of power.
If a world war is a possible outcome, it may be because Saudi Arabia Arabia/Qatar wants to build a pipeline up through Turkey to provide Europe with natural gas. ISIS clears the way in Syria and Iraq. This would not sit well with Russia, who gives Europe most of its natural gas. Russia/China sends fire to Babylon in one hour (perhaps both US and Arabia), eliminating the terrorist source and the U.S. 200 million men march across the Euphrates to bring order back, post -Babylon burn. Arabia into a radioactive desert and haunt for unclean things. But the Antichrist ( who comes later) is somehow Jewish not Muslim, accepted by many.
Anon 2:44 - Yes, this really makes a lot of sense. Also, there is an Israeli connection too. Both Saudi Arabia, UK/USA and Israel are all in this together. ISIS is not attacking Israel, which makes it obvious that this is a plan of Saudi Arabia and Israel.
On Jan.26th 1987 Our Lady came to me as Our Lady of Medjugorje.Started having many dreams about a big flood and earthquake.I was told in 1992 that the earth would spin off it's axes.God has told me that Iam not for the public and I was to tell people on a one to one basis.On April the 8th he told me this event is soon.What I mean by soon is that I don't know.I read from someone else that it would occur by 2020.All I can say if If you are not going to mass or church go.If you are not going to confession go,if you are not praying the rosary pray it, or pray other ways.This Fatima confirmation is real.May God have mercy on our souls.
Apophis, 1936. See the book "A Bíblia no Terceiro Milênio" (2013). by José Alencastro. Brazil.
Hey Emmet,
I just discovered your site while searching for the information about the 5th trumpet. There are some very interesting reads on here from both you and the commenters, so first off I'd like to thank you for this.
My work for The Lord is in the same line as Nikola Tesla, Otis T. Carr and Ralph Ring. I often receive private revelations which I will not divulge as, like someone said in a comment on this post, nothing is ever set in stone until it is physically rock solid. I look at the mechanics of space, He points out the sacred geometry hidden within the scriptures eg. Genesis 1:4 "and after that God saw that the light was good and God began dividing the light from the darkness" is about the ratios of shapes and dimensions of the square pyramid... I'll discuss this at greater length at anyone's request but for now, I wanted to tell you about a free windows app that I stumbled across while researching "orbital resonance" which you might be interested in.
Stellarium allows you to view the galaxy and the solar system from any location on earth, mars, Moon, etc. from any point in time between -999999BC and +999999AD You can also view the constellations of various cultural "starlores." While our modern Western astrology and starlore is hard to relate to the Bible, the Arabic starlore is much more enlightening. If you've ever seen the video of what G.W.Bush was doing at the time the "plane hit" the building and heard the children say something about a goat you, were probably baffled by it. The constellation "Draco" the dragon used to stand with his foot on the earth's north pole, sometime before the Exodus from Egypt. In Arabic the constellation "The Dragon" resided over the pole. Possibly due to "Polar Shift" (look that up on youtube, fascinating) or just the way the stars' orbits are positioned in relation to the Sun, The was gradually pushed away by "The Lesser Bear" (Ursa Minor).
the tip of the tail of the Ursa Minor constellation is a star named Polaris UMI - 11767. UMI - 11767 is named The Goat in Arabic sky culture. The Goat seemed to be fixed in a position about 10 degrees away from the northern, magnetic, axial pole but around a thousand earth years ago it moved to almost directly above the north pole.
All the planets have different affects on the earth and vice versa depending on how in or out of phase they are with one another, 7 blasphemous names for 7 blasphemous heads with 7 blasphemous minds = 777. My recent work led me to the theory that the pole star is actually "controlling" the moon, like, it has authority over Moon (that would explain why some believe that the reptilians use the moon to control the mind state of humans right?). So I'm assuming that Polaris is not the only one out there who is bound to Earth in some way. Every celestial body has some affect on everybody else. Did you know that on 24/12/2004, a starburst phenomenally more intense than any others ever recorded before or since, wreaked havoc on the earth's communication systems and no doubt, the minds of human beings. The starburst originated from a star in the Sagittarius constellation. The man on the white horse with the bow
. The beast that rose from the sea? The antichrist? I'm not sure if those labels are correct in accordance with the Bible but that was most definitely the cause of the Tsunami.
Pardon me, I meant 26/12/2004. Just a bit of a polar shift there.
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