Wednesday 13 May 2015

The Third Secret of Fatima and the Children of the Apocalypse

(The Massacre of the Innocents by Lucas Cranach the Elder, circa 1515)

Michael H Brown posted an important article on Spirit Daily last week concerning fresh details about the Third Secret of Fatima contained in the new biography of Sr. Lucia, A Pathway Under the Gaze of Mary. In this article, which can be found here, Brown highlights a portion of this text containing an insight into the meaning of the words "In Portugal the faith will always be preserved, etc..." - which is thought by many to be part of the interpretation of the vision of the Third Secret given to Sr. Lucia by Our Lady, which was apparently given separately to the Secret itself. In A Pathway Under the Gaze of Mary, the Carmelites of Coimbra inform us that Sr. Lucia had once exclaimed out loud while meditating that if "Portugal does not approve abortion, it is safe, but if approved it will have much to suffer." Originally it was thought that the words "In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc..." (which appears in Sr. Lucia's Fourth Memoir), was an implicit reference to the Great Apostasy, and that although the faith would die out elsewhere, it would always be preserved in Portugal. The details that have emerged in this new biography hint at an alternative explanation for these words, which makes a lot more sense in light of the current state of the country where Our Lady appeared to the three shepherd children in 1917. Indeed modern Portugal is rapidly becoming just as secularized as every other country in Europe, and the empirical evidence suggests that this country has not been afforded any special spiritual protection from the onslaught of the Great Apostasy. In fact abortion was legalised in Portugal in 2007, meaning that it already stands under the threat of chastisement warned by Sr. Lucia.
Instead of guaranteeing the perpetual fidelity of the nation of Portugal, Sr. Lucia appears to suggest that there was some sort of caveat behind these words, in that if Portugal ever does deviate from the teachings of the Church, then it would be punished even more for its sins, in accordance with words of Christ Himself: 

"And that servant who knew his master's will but did not get ready or act according to his will, will receive a severe beating. But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating. Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more."
(Luke 12:47-48) 

The words directly following this passage in Luke's Gospel bear direct relevance to the symbolism of the angel with the flaming sword seen in the Third Secret:

“I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled! I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished! Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division."
(Luke 12:49-51) 

The parallel passage to this in the Gospel of Matthew tells us that ultimately Christ will not come to bring peace to the earth during His Paraousia, but rather the sword of judgement: 

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword."
(Matthew 10:34) 

It is this double-edged sword of judgement which proceeds from the mouth of Christ seen in the Apocalypse, which in turn is also linked to the appearance of an angel seen "standing in the sun" calling for the assembly of the nations of the world for war at the end of the "thousand years":

From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and with a loud voice he called to all the birds that fly directly overhead, “Come, gather for the great supper of God, to eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all men, both free and slave, both small and great.” (Rev 19:15-18)

And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea. (Rev 20:7-8)

As I argue at some length in an article below, the angel seen holding a flaming sword in the Third Secret is one and the same as the cherubim with the flaming sword who protects the Tree of Life in the Book of Genesis, guards not only the path to eternal life, but also upholds the dignity of human life against the modern "culture of death" (See the post The Third Secret of Fatima and the Angel with the Flaming Sword).
The angel seen striking the earth with his flaming sword in the apparition of Our Lady to Sr. Lucia at Tuy in 1944 is directly related to the eschatological earthquake, which the book of Ezekiel tells us will cause entire mountains to be thrown down before a sword is summoned against Gog during the Battle of Armageddon:

"I felt my spirit flooded by a light-filled mystery which is God and in Him I saw and heard: the point of the flame-like lance which detaches, touches the axis of the earth and it [the earth] shakes: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, rivers and clouds leave their bounds, they overflow, flood and drag with them into a whirlpool, houses and people in a number unable to be counted; it is the purification of the world from the sin it is immersed in. Hatred, ambition, cause destructive wars."
(Our Lady to Sr. Lucia, Tuy, Jan 3rd, 1944)

 For in my jealousy and in my blazing wrath I declare, On that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. The fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creep on the ground, and all the people who are on the face of the earth, shall quake at my presence. And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground. I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountains, declares the Lord GOD. Every man's sword will be against his brother.
(Ezek 38:19-21)

This in turn is also directly connected to the burning mountain being thrown into the sea in Rev 8:8 and Jer 51, which describes the destruction of the eschatological world empire symbolically called Babylon by the sea:

“I will repay Babylon and all the inhabitants of Chaldea before your very eyes for all the evil that they have done in Zion, declares the LORD.“Behold, I am against you, O destroying mountain declares the LORD, which destroys the whole earth; I will stretch out my hand against you, and roll you down from the crags, and make you a burnt mountain. (Jer 51:24-25)

“How Babylon is taken, the praise of the whole earth seized! How Babylon has become a horror among the nations! The sea has come up on Babylon; she is covered with its tumultuous waves. Her cities have become a horror, a land of drought and a desert, a land in which no one dwells, and through which no son of man passes." (Jer 51:41-43)
And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake. The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered Babylon the great, to make her drain the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath.
(Rev 16:18-19)

The destruction of Babylon is symbolized by the angel throwing a huge millstone into the sea, which as well as being derived from the actions of the prophet Jeremiah in Jer 51, is also based on a passage in the Gospels, where Christ warns of the punishment that awaits those who attack the innocent:

Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “So will Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and will be found no more"...

(Rev 18:21)

"When you finish reading this book, tie a stone to it and cast it into the midst of the Euphrates, and say, ‘Thus shall Babylon sink, to rise no more, because of the disaster that I am bringing upon her, and they shall become exhausted.’” (Jer 51:63-64)

“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."
(Matt 18:5-6) 

So it seems that Sr. Lucia's connection of the modern holocaust of abortion to the punishment of the land of Portugal is in some way related to the angel striking the earth with his flaming sword, which Our Lady revealed to her in the 1944 Tuy vision would cause a massive earthquake, which is followed by the collapse of entire mountains and a tsunami so huge that the victims are too innumerable to count. The angel with the flaming sword, who is charged with protecting the Tree of Life, acts in response to the cries of the blood of innocent children from the ground for Divine justice. The coast of Portugal just so happens to be one of the most at risk locations in the world by any mega-tsunami that will be generated during the eventual collapse of the volcano Cumbre Vieja in the Canary Islands, and will be the first place where the tidal surge will strike in Europe. 

There are a number of other layers of interpretation behind Christ's words concerning the punishment by the millstone being thrown into the sea that awaits those who persecute the innocent. Jesus compares the innocence of children to His own believers, and uses this imagery as a warning against anyone who leads them into sin, causing them to fall away from the faith. Indeed the equation between the persecution of innocent children and Christians being led into apostasy is also used in Rev 12, which equates King Herod's slaughter of the innocents to the Devil sending out a flood in an attempt to sweep away the Woman Adorned with the Sun during the Great Apostasy, who represents the Church as well as the Virgin Mary:

The serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, to sweep her away with a flood. (Rev 12:15)

It is perhaps no coincidence then that the legalisation of abortion in the Western hemisphere soon followed the start of the modern Great Apostasy, which found its roots in the cultural revolution of the 1960's. And as we have already discussed at some length elsewhere, the legalisation of abortion in Europe, with the implementation of the UK Abortion Act (which in turn would pave the way for the legalization of abortion in America, following Roe Vs Wade in 1972), directly coincided with the apparitions of Our Lady of Zeitoun in April 1968 - the most widely witnessed Marian apparitions in human history. These appearances of Our Lady took place at a site traditionally associated with the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt to escape from King Herod's slaughter of the Holy Innocents, and given the apocalyptic nature of modern Church approved apparitions, they bear an incredible parallel to the vision of the flight of the Woman Adorned with the Sun into the desert in Rev 12. The implication here is that apostasy and abortion go hand-in-hand, and that a nation which falls away from the faith will ultimately begin to devour its own young - an unspeakable transgression which calls down vengeance from heaven. Once again, it seems to be beyond coincidence that the age which saw the beginning of the modern Great Apostasy the Church is currently enduring, which marked by an incredible omen in the sky - during the appearance of the Comet Ikeya-Seki in October 1965, at the close of the Second Vatican Council. 

The Comet Ikeya-Seki, also known as the "Great Comet of 1965"

This ominous sign, which hung in the sky like a great flaming sword, was the most spectacular comet of the 20th century, and indeed is ranked by astronomers as one of the greatest such events in a thousand years. Was this heavenly sign warning us of the dawn of the age of the Great Apostasy and the introduction of the modern holocaust of unborn children? What we do know for sure is that such actions will eventually prompt the angel holding the flaming sword to chastise humanity - a judgement we are told will come in the symbolic form of a huge millstone being thrown into the sea. 


Anonymous said...

Thank you Emmett for your exceptional insight.

Anonymous said...

The problem with your interpretation is that people who have read the secret have said things like "the apostasy of the church will begin at the top" and that the secret involves the pope and a great apostasy. Malachi Martin has insinuated that the great chastisement is worse then cataclysmic disasters because spiritual death is worse than physical death.

Mark W said...

Stop with the anonymous posts.


Mark W said...

Hi Emmett,

Thanks for this. It makes a great deal of sense, albeit in a terrifying kinda way. But one thing continues to bother me about all these ideas. My question hinges on the idea of chastisement. Why? If we are indeed nearing the end of the world, why not just simply end it. Why bother with the whole chastisement idea? Is the chastisement part of the end?

This, I think, is what keeps the idea alive in me that we are not at the end of the world yet, and perhaps not even all that close. If the world is to be chastised then there must be time/history beyond it the chastisement itself. If we’re at the end, why would Our Lady keep talking about a chastisement rather than talking about the end?

I’m not explaining this well, but I’m not sure how to phrase the idea in my own mind so it’s difficult to express it in writing. To me, there just seems to be a disconnect between the statements of private revelation and the eschatological biblical texts.

What's you're feeling, Emmett? Are we nearing the end in the next decade or so, or are we simply facing a chastisement that will leave history intact for at least some period of time after?


Mark W

Anonymous said...

From my reading and understanding, we are entering the "end of the age" where a complete refreshing of the earth will take place. Continents sinking, ner land emerging, the comet spoke of in many saints predictions will get close enough to the earth to actually sweep the atmosphere with it and have the earth emerge anew.
Isiah 24 tells of an upside down earth which explains the stars seeming falling from the spots in the heavens.if you read science not tainted poitically we are being effected by a pull which is sending our liquid core to a new positioning at the core which will eventually cause a redistribution of the earths surface mass. almost like the outer skin of an orange moving aroung the inner fruit.
It is also worh noting that the ' BLOOD RED MOONS" BEING DISCUSED IN RELATIONSHIP to isreal combined with the solar eclipse in the middle will not happen again for 950 some years which allows for the thousand year recovery spoke of..
We will find out soon enough.

The troll

Anonymous said...

Nostradamus quatrains say his visionsdid not go beyond 3786 or 3797. According to a letter written to one of his sons, the seer claimed this is the year the world will end.

So let's put all this nonsense that the world is coming to an end soon, over!! :-p

A - troll :-P

Anonymous said...

Emmet again, good stuff. Please keep the updates coming!!

I believe that the Blood moons are God's way of shooting the starter gun. Its kind of like Him blowing the horn to let everyone know "here we go". September marks the 7th year cycle spoken of in The Shemitah - it also happens to be when the last blood moon occurs and when the Pope comes to America to speak to the United Nations. As well, during the next month, October, the Holy Father goes to Philadelphia for the finality of the Synod on the Family. And then the Year of Mercy begins on December 8 of this year -- ending on November 20 2016. In the official Bull for the Year of Mercy -- the term "door" was used over and over -- in other words - the door of mercy is being opened during this time in a very very particular way -- which directly brings to mind the words of our Lord to St Faustina "if you do not pass through the door of My mercy, you will pass through the door of My justice". And then comes news in the past week or two that the Pope has officially made plans to go to Fatima for the 100th anniversary of the apparitions in Fatima in 1917.
How can all of these things that are lining up - be coincidence?!
It is obvious -- our Lady has come in Fatima - and we are now coming upon the 100 year anniversary of Fatima -- Pope Benedict spoke a few years ago referencing the 100th anniversary and the fulfillment of Fatima -- Medjugorje has been occurring now for 35 years -- and in the early 90's our Lady said "I am here to fulfill what I began at Fatima" (rough translation - I believe it was one of the messages from 1991 or 1992) - and now we come into a time when we have 4 blood moons and an eclipse (signs in the sky which God has used many times before to get humanity's attention), the Year of Mercy and the 100th anniversary of Mary's coming in Fatima - whose prophecies have obviously not been fully played out -- we are at the doorstep -- we should be praying more then ever now, living the first 5 Saturday devotion brought to us by our Lady within the Fatima apparitions and doing all we can to prepare for events that are going to shake us and every person around us -- as our Lady said on May 11 in Medjugorje - "Dear children,....pray for my intentions, for my plans which I desire to realize by my coming here." Everyone reading this knows that the Son has sent His Mother to call us to return to Him - we all realize we live in a very special time in the world -- and it is a gift that we know this - we must use this time to help our Lady -- to help ourselves and to help our brothers and sisters. I have known about Fatima, Akita, and Medj. for many years now -- and it is becoming so clear now that we are just about to have things really start to show themselves. Let us all use this time so that we will not look back and feel that we wasted time in the midst of the world's transient and passing stupidities -- but instead - had rosary in hand and did much to help our Mother and to help ourselves on the way to sanctity.
Emmett -- your posts are an urge for us to realize our times and to seize the graces being poured out upon us from Heaven. Keep writing!
Michael Patrick

Emmett O'Regan said...

Hi Mark W,

The idea of chastisement as a means of Divine retribution is rooted in the Bible, and is usually associated with the concept of purification from sin. The appearance of the Antichrist himself is part of the chastisement, as is the final trial of the Church. The Catechism teaches that the Church must endure this final Passover as a means of joining ourselves to the suffering of Christ. It is not just one single cataclysmic event in this chastisement, but rather a series of them over a more or less prolonged period of time (seven years?). Some Catholics suggest that a minor chastisement will precede the Truimph of the Church, which will then be followed a few years later by the rise of the Antichrist and the Great Chastisement. So in this sense, there may be a period of time after the minor chastisement. The Great Chastisement will culminate in the end of the world though, and there won't be any time period after that other than the new creation, when all things are made new. I get the feeling that we have more than a decade, but less than fifty years left. Maybe about 20 years or so would be more accurate.

Anonymous said...

question request please
I have recently become aware of the gog/magog war being mentioned TWICE . In revelation i think.
It seems as if catholic doctrine points to a appearance of the anti christ much later in time than i am presently reading about.
May i trouble you to comment on the gog /magog war being mentioned twice and when catholic teaching calls for the appearance of the bad guy.

thank you

the troll

Mark W said...

Thanks, Emmett, for the response. But is that 20 or so years until the minor chastisement or major chastisement?

Thanks again and God bless,

Emmett O'Regan said...

I don't like calling you "troll", so I'll refer to you as "Mr T" in the future instead (unless you would prefer to choose a different pen name yourself). Yes you have understood correctly that the Gog/Magog gathering of armies occurs a number of times in the Apocalypse (Rev 16:14-16; 19:19, 20:8-9), even though it is only explicitly mentioned once in Rev 20. This is a literary device known as recapitulation. Catholics hold to the amillennial tradition forwarded by St. Augustine, which interprets the "thousand year" reign of Christ, when Satan is bound as the age of the Church. Gog and Magog therefore only appear at the end of the age of the Church, when Satan is unbound during his "little while". I equate this with the 100 years of Satan's greater power foretold in the prophecy of Pope Leo XIII. I myself believe that Gog and Magog are the False Prophet and the Antichrist, but most who hold to pre or post millennialist views (mainly Protestants) argue for a "two antichrists" theory, which forwards the view that the Antichrist and False Prophet will arise, be defeated by Christ, and then there will be an earthly utopia for a 1000 years, before Gog and Magog appear (who they argue are separate antichrist figures). These pre and post millennial views (collectively known as millenarianism) have long been rejected by the Church though.

Emmett O'Regan said...

Mark W - I may be wrong, but I get the feeling that the Great Jubilee Year of the Redemption in 2033 has a major role to play in all this, and the events of the Great Jubilee Year of the Incarnation in 2000 point towards the significance of this future date. And I meant the Great Tribulation.

Mark W said...

Thanks, Emmett. That makes sense.

If I were a gambling man, I'd bet on a minor chastisement starting in September/October this year and ending on October 13, 2017.

But I'm not much of a gambler.

Anonymous said...

Dear Emmett'
After reading your response , I found an article written by you dated Tuesday, 16 April 2013 in this blog.It has answered questions I have tried to understand for some time. Thanks! Although i am still trying to put things in an understandable column. I am getting closer.
I still am not able to convince some protestant friends of this perspective however. And they keep telling me they are going to disappear with the Rapture soon.

Thanks Chris formerly the "troll"

Anonymous said...

Ran across this

Cumbre Vieja Volcano -- Potential collapse and tsunami at
La Palma, Canary Islands


Joe Kasmar said...

"A Great Shaking
"Whether or not it takes place in the parameters of the Shemitah, I believe a great shaking is coming to this nation (and the world). I believe the shaking will involve the financial and economic realm but not be limited to those realms. It may even begin in another realm. I believe it will involve a breakdown of functioning and a time of scarcity as a type of famine in the land. I believe it will strike the pride, power, blessings and glory of this nation. And most importantly, I believe its purposes, beyond that of the judgment of sin, will be to call those who will hear the call back to God. It will even be a wake-up call to God's people."
Even a Jewish Rabbi opinions a coming "great shaking"

Laurel said...

Thanks, Joe, for an interesting site run by Cahn who is, I believe, a Messianic Jew. I pray that someday he will come the whole way, into the Catholic Church.

I found Rabbi Cahn's book to read like the Drosnin's "Bible Code". If you remember the "Bible Code", we were all blasted to smitherens a few years ago.

I stick with Fatima, Akita, many Saints and other approved apparitions where I find plenty to edify. I hope I get and act on the messages left in those places by Our Lady and go do the hard work of personal conversion.

BillyJoe Jim Bob said...

Anything supposedly from or regarding Sr Lucia post 1960 is a crock of BS. Our Lady "accepted" John Paul the awesome's second consecration. Oh how peaceful and wonderful this glorious period of peace is we've been given huh?

Marianne said...

April 13 2017 is the Feast day of a Martyr of the Blessed Sacrament and a Feast of great ecclesiastical importance. This may very well be the day of the Miracle. Concentrate more on the messages and warning of the Garabandal apparitions. That Maundy Thursday is the great feast of the Institution of the Blessed Sacrament, coincides exactly in both the eastern and the western churches. It will also coincide with the Jewish feast of the Passover.

joerusso777 said...

It never ceases to amaze me the vitriol, and fiery daggers that come out of the mouths (or keyboard) toward our Holy Fathers from so called "Catholics" as if they knew the hearts of these men.
May you hide yourself in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Marianne said...

Never ceases to amaze me. That is why I feel we are very close to the Warning. Maybe those who are blind to the true lessons of Christ will finally understand where Pope Francis is coming from.

MP said...

"which was apparently given separately to the Secret itself"

Not so fast! You can't make this assumption. This was an error based on the erroneous idea that there were two texts to the Third Secret since some witnesses recall a single sheet of paper, whilst the revealed secret by Rome apparently is shown as four. However, this was disproven since it is easily shown that the entire revealed third secret released by Rome is actually on one, folded sheet of paper.

Anonymous said...

It would be good for anyone who wants a more studied answer re this to read
The Fourth Secret by Antonio Socci -- who once felt that anyone who thought that the entire secret was not released in 2000 was a nutty "fatimist". But after Cardinal Tarcisio Bertonne (a good friend of his) refused to speak with him re the Secret -- Antonio, a greatly respected journalist in all of Italy and close with most of the those in the Vatican -- started to wonder why the refusal -- A good and very interesting read -- for those not closed to pondering its possible truth -- also -- a logical note --
If the entire secret was released -- where are the words of the Virgin? With the other 2 parts of the great secret - Mary explains what the children are seeing -- but she doesn't explain and talk about the last part - the 3rd secret ?? Doesn't really make any sense that she had nothing to tell a 7, 8 and 11 yr old about a vision of the most apocalyptic time that was coming - but she explains something as simple as Hell. Just a thought. For those who aren't ready to go screaming into the sunset that thoughts like this aren't anathema. Prayer
Michael Patrick

Marianne said...

I still don't understand all the drama for a fourth secret mystery. Where's the mystery? We know the message of Fatima, and we know the warnings. So, what else is more important?

Anonymous said...

“If I were a gambling man, I'd bet on a minor chastisement starting in September/October this year and ending on October 13, 2017.”

Mark, it’s probably a good thing you’re not a betting man, as it’s considered poor form to bet on a sure thing. The late Father Nicholas Gruner of the Fatima Apostolate recently visited Rome and was told by well-known exorcist Fr. Amorth that, if Russia is not consecrated by the end of October this year, the catastrophic warnings of the Third Secret will start coming to pass “any day” after that (Fr. Amorth’s words). So I’m guessing that, if Pope Francis does not somehow pull a rabbit out of his miter and manage to get all the bishops on board for the consecration without the rest of the world finding out about it beforehand, the tribulations will begin some time in November. Between the fact that pretty much everyone knows Russia is backing the Islamist terrorists, and that fact that Our Lady said the “chastisement” would come from Russia, it’s pretty clear to me, at least, that all of Putin’s recent sword-rattling means he’s gearing up for an open attack in the near future.

To Joe Kasmer re the “great shaking,” as a farmer I’m well aware that conditions are rapidly heading toward a famine, as you posit. Honeybees are rapidly dying off due to some virus that bee experts are having fits trying to identify and eliminate from hives. I’ve noticed a marked absence of orchard bees this spring, which means our fruit trees probably won’t set. Other insects are slowly dying out as well. For example, there are far fewer wasps (another pollinator) than in previous years. I haven’t seen a single firefly in several years, and I can tell you that, in the South, that is nothing short of appalling. Also, I have yet to hear a single cricket this year, when the woods are usually alive with their song. And with their absence, the tree frogs have disappeared as well. Nights around here have gotten so quiet, it’s almost surreal. Even the fire ants, a perennial problem in the South, are dying back. About the only thing that seems to be flourishing is flies. There’s an abnormally large number of them this year.

To Billy Joe Jim Bob: Heaven did accept Pope St. John Paul II’s consecration of the world. I don’t know how much you remember about that year, but, as I was in the military, I will remember the scramble that took place when a Russian missile was spotted heading towards America. Our anti-missile systems were able to destroy it while it was still far out to sea, and both countries did a diplomatic jig trying to avert the war that the military were preparing for, just in case. Fortunately, the diplomacy paid off and the war was averted. So some good did come out of it. Otherwise, I’m in full agreement: That consecration did NOT fulfill Our Lady’s request. And what was “revealed” as the Third Secret was no secret at all; that vision was already well known by everyone who read “Fatima in Her Own Words,” where that vision was described, almost verbatim. The part that was held back from us was the part where Our Lady told little Lucia exactly what that vision meant. No vision ever went unexplained, not even the vision of Hell, though the children knew good and well what they had just seen, so you know there has to be more to the Third Secret than that. I don’t buy that the attempted assassination of St. JP II fit the bill, because the vision waysmany others were already dead as the “bishop in white” was marched to his execution, and that was notably absent the day the Pope was shot.

Marianne, if you are correct in your prediction of April 13, 2017, then we should be hearing an announcement from one of the seers on April 5. Although she knows the date already, she is not allowed to reveal it until eight days beforehand, at which point she has promised to published it so that those who are able to travel, can be there, because additional graces are promised to those who are physically present at the site of the miracle.

Blessings to you all.

Marianne said...

Hi Jake just need to bring about a bit of reality when it comes to the Islamists (ISIS). It is in fact, Saudi Arabia and Israel who have funded and trained ISIS, not Russia.

joerusso777 said...

If I'm not mistaken I think I've seen you defend Russia quite a few times. Again I think, I'm not certain it was you.
You have to look at Russias past under Putin and who they've aligned with. In the UN voting China and Russia have always voted the same in some real strange ways. Russia has also been funding Iran big time (weapons, Uranium etc.)
Russia is a massive problem. Now we have to understand the difference between immorality and Evil and how one leads to the other. There is no doubt that most of the countries of the world are immoral, the U.S. being right at the top of the list. I'm sure as you have stated before, so Israel is as well. Russia, China, and Iran on the other hand they are Evil. they have Evil agendas and will lie, and try and pull the wool over everyones eyes, to deceive in plain sight, It's really quite amazing the extent they go to cover lies. Russia is planning to take back the former territory they had in the Soviet Union, and then some. I very very sincerely encourage you to go to and subscribe (I get no kickbacks for this trust me lol) it's $1 for the first 30 days, and you can unsubscribe very easily. Watch the Root Red Storm 1st one on Jan 12 2015,(3 parts) and I think all of this will fall into place for you. It's really quite disturbing what is happening. The guy who produced these shows encouraged people to subscribe and cancel because what is being uncovered is that important. There's no doubt a conversion of Russia has not taken place and they are very deceptively moving in a catastrophic direction. Please check these out. Pray about it with the heart and I know you'll see the same thing. Just a side note, I take no side either way about the Consecration. It's so confusing and arguments both ways are convincing. All I know is that in the end Mary's Immaculate Heart will triumph. I'm just doing the best I can to follow her and Jesus request for the First Saturday's and the Rosary.
God Love you

Anonymous said...

please listen to 1:45:00----1:47:00
REALLY 1:39:00 on
note Kiev

I am 62 years old and have grown up in a traditional plus family. I have gone through the stages of learning and questioning and still am. But what has become firmly convincing is that we are on the doorsteps of biblical happenings.Who has predicted them correctly" we'll see.
The setting up of nato with globalists, the power of china eme3rging. I am familiar with a prophecy stating that nato vs hungary will be the start of our idiotic leaders. We were warned.
First saturday's please.

Anonymous said...

that's nato and hungary vs russia


Anonymous said...

Along with reading this blog and discussing various aspects -- agreed with chris -- we are at the doorstep of the 10 secrets of Medjugorje -- and world changing events --
In the meantime -- lets us all pray everyday - a great deal - using this time we have been given and the knowledge we have on all of this -- and yes!! The First Saturday Devotion!!!!
Michael Patrick

Marianne said...

Joe, so much to try to explain to you and unfortunately not enough time and space. Evil is also a leader and his administration that gets his country into a war under false pretense. The Middle East today is in chaos because of the U.S and its allies Israel and Saudi Arabia. Blaming 911 on Iraq was a complete lie. Unfortunately the world is paying for this mistake because now we have trillion dollar military debts and ISIS. And to top it off the U.S. with NATO have pushed Russia and China together. We could have easily worked together with Russia to oust Islamic radicals, but instead money is more important to us. A fight with Russia is more lucrative to those in the oil business. This will eventually lead us to regret this move. If you think playing God in the Middle East for a Greater Israel is morally right, then you are not focusing on the right God. May you see the light soon. God bless.

joerusso777 said...

Marianne I'm taking no sides in this. Every bodies wrong. plus I never once said that what you have stated is morally right. All I'm saying is Russia is about to do what our Lady said it would do if her warnings were not heeded.
Did you happen to check out what I had proposed? If not then I think you should. I am a Catholic first. I will not defend anybodies immoral deeds.
God Love You

Anonymous said...

A great chastisement will fall on the entire human race; not today as yet, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the twentieth century.
No longer does order reign anywhere and Satan will reign over the highest places directing the course of events. He (Satan) really will succeed in infiltrating to the top of the Church. Also for the Church a time of Her greatest trials will come. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals; Bishops will oppose Bishops and Satan will march amid their ranks, and in Rome there will be changes. What is rotten will fall, and what will fall will never rise again. The Church will be darkened and the world deranged by terror.
A great war will break out within the second half of the Twentieth Century, fire and smoke will fall from Heaven, the water of the oceans will become vapors and the foam will rise up flooding and sinking everything, millions and millions of people will die by the hour and the survivors will envy the dead.
Death will reign everywhere for the errors committed by the foolish and by the partisans of Satan, who, then and only then, will reign over the world. At last, those who will survive all of these events will once more proclaim God and His Glory and serve Him like before, when the world was not as corrupted.

Anonymous said...

"Along with reading this blog and discussing various aspects -- agreed with chris -- we are at the doorstep of the 10 secrets of Medjugorje -- and world changing events --"

Folks, please, once and for all Medjugorje is a DECEPTION from SATAN. It's NOT real, seers don't drive fancy cars and have a gated home. It's fake, Mickey Mouse Sh*T. Stop talking about it, don't believe it, forget it and get over it.

Marianne said...

Yes Joe I agree. Russia will use force to defend their oil and borders. Don't you think the West should back off, before another World War starts? Russia provides Europe with oil, why can't we accept that? Is it worth fighting against this fact and putting all of Europe in a spin?

Anonymous said...

May I offer an opinion regarding the present world situation.
As a review, going back in time, Nixon offered saudi arabia protection if the saudis agreed that all oil transactions must be done in us dollsrs. Hence he power of the dollar. Now just a couple of years ago the saudi king dies and change becomes viable and is what we are seeing. The shites and sunis are trrying to get into saudi arabia. The bible says saudi arabia will be part of the invasion and attack into israel.The bible says God will punish those who have divided His land, so that Will happen. Jeruselum will be a cup of trouble.
I suggest an absolute shocker of info in a book titled 'EYE FOr EYE" by . This will make you cringe for the immediate future of the usa.Check out the recent news about erdogan and turkey. None of it gets media coverage. Please excuse the typing . I get too opinionated when i think of this stuff and wonder why people don't see this stuff. See this gentle man stuff. Was terrorist. converted to christianity and has info regarding muslum reelity. Great info. I don't agree or understand all but very enlightening.
tooo long Sorry.

Anonymous said...

last one for a while

iran and iraq be come end days persia again. nothing in secular press.

Mary says Her immaculate heart will triumph so don't worry. I AM TRYING TO GET TO THAT POINT.
Nothing really matters in this material world.


Anonymous said...

Re Medjugojre

Its very simple.
1) can we truly believe that 6 kids have fooled every person who has officially studied them and the apparitions for 35 years ? Do they have some power to fool everyone that the other 8 billion of us do not possess?
2) if its a fake then the 10 secrets wont happen -- and Mirjana will pass away without having revealed any of them, which she has stated over and over again -- she must do -- telling the priest she chose in the 80's!, 10 days in advance of the event - and he will reveal it 3 days in advance of the event. If Medjugorje is a fake then none of this will happen.
No need to scream and yell about it -- we'll see what happens.
Michael Patrick

Anonymous said...

Very simple answer to question 1.
No, A Frenchman flicked his finger in the supposed "seer's" eye when she was supposedly was in "ecstasy" and she flinched. The video is available on youtube.

joerusso777 said...

Marianne what I am saying is yes. America has got a real problem. Our country is guilty as charged with greed and all sorts of other things I am not denying that. Nor am I saying that our Country should or shouldn't back off. This is not a Political problem. It's a Spiritual problem. The World is in a position now that no matter what it does, anything short of penance, and turning our hearts back to God will cause this War.
My point is Russia is very very guilty as well. There's a reason Our Lady mentioned this Country in the first place. It is not simply just trying to make ends meet, or just trying to survive in the world and want to be left alone. Russia wants territory and power. They've got Europe right where they want them and the U.S. Too. The World is very vulnerable right now. I understand your position about the crimes of America and Israel. My point is that America is dying and Russia will pounce at any moment. That Country is not what you think. We are all in trouble. We must carry out with great intensity and fervor what Our Lady asked for. First Saturday's, Daily Rosary, Penance and let our prayers and sacrifices reach up to Heaven with a loud trumpet blast before it's too late.
Please at least understand where I'm coming from. If u watch those videos you will understand what I mean. I'd give you my credentials so u didn't have to subscribe but that's probably not a good idea over the web lol

joerusso777 said...

Anon is all that really necessary?

Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve said...

Emmett I am so sad about the vote in Ireland. Truly the great apostasy. but I believe that God will bring about events that will sweep away the glorification of lust and sin and usher in a new age of faith.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Sr. Marianne, as all Emmett's readers would be.
God bless you,

Marianne said...

Joe, how many countries within the last decade or so has Russia invaded? How many wars have they started in the last 12 years? What are our politicians, military, and CIA doing in Ukraine, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, etc. How many military basesn does the U.S. have around the world compared to Russia? Now tell me truthfully, who is really manipulating for more territory and power? Stop worrying so much about Russia. Worry more about our own leaders. They are leading us into more wars and conflicts we can't afford.

joerusso777 said...

Marianne here's the first video on YouTube. It's choppy but it works

I've been following all this for quite sometime. Been connecting the dots. Really though it's irrelevant. OurFaith is what matters. I will say again. I am NOT defending what our Country is doing. It is rotting. If you refuse the info I'm giving you there's nothing else I can do. You can see all 3 parts through this link but again I can't force u to watch it if you don't want anymore knowledge.
God Love You

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that when Emmett posts ALL his articles, there is Marianne et al ALWAYS interjecting their closely held belief of medjugorje in the mix. Someone always manages to throw medj. in the hopper as if it is true that it has anything to do with the context of his material.
It never ceases to boggle the mind that followers of this strange 30+ years of 'visions' and dangling of the '10 secrets' as the carrot of fascination, that people are STILL in love with this uncatholic system.

Marianne said...

Emmett, I saw a documentary the other day on the volcanic eruption of Mt St Helen. A major piece of its mountain fell and caused great havoc. Well, since then California has had major problems of drought and tremendous ecological change of their land and sea. I still believe Revelations Babylon begins at the Midddle East, but it's tentacles reach the West too.

Anonymous said...

two sad messages for today

Anonymous said...

I just watched the roth.... video in its totality.
I do not endorse, agree, suggest or believe some of its aspersions. please take it as a direction rather than a pointing at a specific people.


Terry Nelson said...

Your insight is fascinating as ever and gives one much to reflect upon. I do not think that the legalization of abortion is so much the culprit, or catalyst fomenting the Great Apostasy, but rather contraception is the game changer - the source of social change and the abandonment of religion is due to the popularity of artificial contraception. It caused a rupture in nature - the separation of sex from marriage. Sex for pleasure, non-reproductive sex in all of its forms.

The pill was introduced in 1960. Sr. Lucia didn't know why the secret should be withheld until then, but now we see why perhaps? We certainly do understand it better from our vantage point.

Contraception is the original sin here - abortion derives from it, as does acceptance of all things associated with the homosexual lifestyle and gender ideology.

The break with the Church - as in what happened in Ireland this weekend is a consequence.

The Great Apostasy is now.

Emmett O'Regan said...

I absolutely agree Terry. The introduction of contraception in 1960 was indeed the key which opened the door to the sexual revolution, and the modern polarization between self-gratification against belief in a God who has fully revealed Himself to us in the person of the Logos. The choice of believing in God is highly weighted in the favour of doubt when self serving egoism is thrown into the mix, and the "freedom" this gives to sate one's every whim. Humanae Vitae was razor sharp in this regard...

Anonymous said...

Emmett, great work as always. Do you subscribe at all to the ideas behind the "Mystery of the Shemitah" ?
Looking forward to your next post. Prayer, prayer, prayer!
Michael Patrick

JKasmar said...

"In the end, whether Russia in 2015 really has transformed into a Fascist state, or is breaking new ground in the area of oppressive totalitarianism is a question for academics. Regardless of how the system is eventually labeled, the newly aggressive power on Europe’s Eastern doorstep is exhibiting many of the traits of past regimes that have caused untold human suffering. Today, the world should be paying close attention."

Anonymous said...

I posted a question/comment on the St. Patrick blog as I'm confused about the "radiance of God" being shown before the tsunami comes to flood Ireland. (Which will also inundate the USA and other countries.) It seems it follows the radiance of God imminently. But I'm confused as to what how imminently it comes if the flash of light was the comet in 1965 which was 50 years ago. So, the question I have is could the radiance of God be something else? I wasn't sure where to post that question so I posted it under St. Patrick.


abc said...

Photos and Facts

Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.

I was invited by the Editor of the TIA website, Atila Guimarães, to write more about the possibility of having not one, but two Sister Lucys, a question I raised in another article. Because of misinformation regarding one of the photos I used in the article, I am returning to the topic in order to defend that the hypothesis remains valid.

I had no idea that raising the possibility of having two Sister Lucys would ignite the huge controversy that is still spreading like wildfire. Independent of any other conclusion, this simple fact seems to show how many Catholics are suspicious of whatever comes from the top regarding Fatima. For them, Fatima is not a finished story, as some ecclesiastical authorities have pretended. It is still alive, very much alive. It is a curious reaction that I note in passing and leave for whoever wants to analyze it.

Emmett O'Regan said...

Hi Rose,

No I don't think that the mirror-like light that is God seen in the Third Secret is anything to do with the Comet Ikeya-Seki, but rather is to do with the "Great Sign" that leads to mass conversions to the Faith. This is related to the words in the 1944 Tuy apparition: ‘in time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. Heaven in eternity!’. This will be brought about under the auspices of the Two Witnesses.

The Great Comet of 1965 signified the threat of God's chastisement by the angel with the flaming sword due the onset of the Great Apostasy and assault on the Tree of Life during the "sexual revolution", but the flames die out due to Our Lady's intervention. I believe this is in some way related to the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the world came within a hair's breadth of a nuclear holocaust, beginning on 14th October 1962 (just a day after the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun). This was preceded just months beforehand by an alignment of all seven of the classical planets in Feburary 1962 (which I have shown elsewhere is connected to the "keys of Death and Hades" and opening and closing of the abyss).

Mark W said...

@joerusso777 - Thanks for posting the You Tube link for the Red Storm series. My wife is Polish, and has been talking about this kind of thing for 20 years. I'm not normally a Glenn Beck fan, but this is interesting.

Mark W said...

Have a look at this:

It gives a pretty good review of Dugin's philosophy. The author gets point blank: "In short, Dugin’s Eurasianism is a satanic cult."

So, if Russia is to be the mechanism of chastisement, then I nominate Alexandr Dugin for a prominent role.

joerusso777 said...

Mark W. I'm off and on about Beck as well but when it comes to putting together the happenings in the world he's been pretty spot on.
People don't realize the Evil that underlies what's going on. It's really horrific.

joerusso777 said...

Great article on the point I was trying to make in earlier posts Mark W!
Here's an excerpt that says a lot

It is hard to know how to react to someone who claims to want to bring about the end of the world. When that desire is expressed with a thick Russian accent, the hearer is all the more likely to simply dismiss the speaker as some sort of “super villain” from a bad “action/adventure” movie. It is a claim which evokes the snicker — until one realizes that the man who thinks that the “meaning of Russia” is “the End of the World” is the man whose geopolitical doctrine is being implemented by the ruler of Russia.

It is quite obvious when you find out what's behind all this. Putin is the puppet of Dugin who like you said is of a Satanic cult. He's doing it all in the name of the Russian Orthodoxy as well. Your article you shared along with those videos of The Red Storm Rising will put the pieces together for a lot of people on this site I think.
God Love You

Anonymous said...

Thanks Emmett for your response. I was hoping that the mirror like light was pointing to the "Great Sign" (the warning?) that would cause mass conversions. I've read that the warning will be like a revelation of our we appear before God. Like looking into a mirror and seeing how God sees us.

I copied some of the quotes of the mystics who see Russia as invading Europe (as others have been posting about Russia) as a sign that things are really getting close to some of these occurrences predicted by some of the Blesseds of the Church.

Blessed Elena Aiello 1895-1961
4) Blessed Elena Aiello, stigmatist, and others, (1895-1961) who was declared blessed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2011. "Our Lady revealed to her that Russia would wage a sudden war, would overrun all of Europe."
"Russia will march upon all the nations of Europe, particularly Italy, and will raise her flag over the dome of St. Peter's. Italy will be severely tried by a great revolution, and Rome will be purified in blood for its many sins, especially those of impurity. The flock is about to be dispersed and the Pope will suffer greatly."


"I also saw the various regions of the earth. My Guide (Jesus) named Europe and pointing to a small and sandy region, He uttered these words: " Here is Prussia (East Germany), the enemy." Then He showed me another place, to the north, and He said: "This is Moskva, the land of Moscow, bringing many evils.'"

Although she doesn't precisely say they will invade Europe, they will certainly bring "many evils" to the Church in this prophecy.

These prophecies of Emmerich are all over the internet.And, I believe Emmett has a posting on Blessed Elena Aiello too.

The prophecy I find most pertinent, because of the upcoming Synod by Emmerich is the following:"It seems to me that a concession was demanded from the clergy which could not be granted. I saw many older priests, especially one, who wept bitterly. A few younger ones were also weeping. But others, and the lukewarm among them, readily did what was demanded. It was as if people were splitting into two camps."

I've already read that the bishops of Germany have stated that if communion is not given to those who are divorced and remarried, they will go ahead and do it in their county anyway. That seems to be the definition of a schism.See Rorate Caeli for details, but that info also can be found online. I don't know if this prophecy is really about the coming Synod, but it almost looks like to me that it's predicting the outcome.

Just one note. I've been reading the book Catholic Prophecy (which is no longer in print) since I was in my 30's. I would read it over the years and say to myself, we're not there yet. I'm 64 years old now and I truly feel that these prophecies are coming true before my very eyes. Just my thoughts--not trying to convince anyone of anything.

Mark W said...

Thanks for that, Rose.

There's an economist named Jim Rickards that says we're involved in a currency war already (long story, and I'm not going to try to relate all his points). He has also said that all currency wars end with hot wars. My guess is that there will be an economic meltdown here in the U.S. that will remove our ability to help Europe. That may be when Russia moves west. My in-laws are still in Poland.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that could very well be. I've read a number of people's comments pointing to an economic collapse from prophetic books such as The Shemitah to economists. It's interesting that you surmise that the US will be unable to help as a result of an economic crisis. We don't know with certainty if that will happen, but In Dupont's book, Catholic Prophecy, he also questioned why there was so little prophecy about the USA. America isn't really mentioned by many of the saints and blesseds in their prophecies recorded throughout the centuries.There are vague references but nothing substantial. Perhaps the coming tsunami may be a factor?

That's why I firmly believe that, at this point, all we have left is prayer...the mass, communion, adoration, the rosary, living our faith according to the will of God and the precepts of the Church, and trusting in His mercy and leaving all to His Divine Providence.

Anonymous said...

I posted the text of the 3rd Secret above from what Cardinal Ottaviani released with the additional padding stripped away. If you listen to Malachi Martin when he was read the above with the padded left in, he confirms. Is there more to it? Is there a fourth secret? Very few know but what is above, according to research is pretty accurate. Scroll up and read it again and think about it.

Anonymous said...

"Two Popes": Has the Papacy become a Diarchy?
Messori enters into the picture, Socci stands his ground

Ratzinger did not withdraw to a private life. Here is why we truly have two Popes.
Vittorio Messori
Corriere della Sera, May 28, 2014



Anonymous said...

padre pio movie

a great source of hope and personal pleading

Mark W said...

Have a look at this:

At about 14:27 there's an interesting set of stats given. Statistically speaking, we may actually be in the period of peace Our Lady mentioned at Fatima. At any rate, it's an interesting way to look at it.

Anonymous said...

Mark W

Didn't Lucy say a period of peace will be granted to mankind? Can you honestly say there has been a world peace? I'm not talking about a lack of a world war but a 'peace'...
So the consecration will ultimately be done, and, as Our Lady promised at Fatima, “IN THE END, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, which will be converted, and a period of peace will be given to mankind.” Our Lord Himself confided to Sister Lucy, regarding the consecration, that “It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary.
If My requests are not granted, Russia will spread its errors throughout the world...raising up wars and persecutions against the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer"

Are you saying we've experienced an era of peace at the same time that Russia has spread her errors. Or that the pope has NOT suffered nor the church suffered persecutions, nor has there been a rising up of wars during this time of 'peace'?

What kind of peace can this possibly be??

Anonymous said...

very helpful info in here
33:00-36:00 right around 36:00 in profound and then onward

It has me trying to understand if the rulings and mass after 1960 are the cause and are they credible
i must get the ruling about the mass can never be changed .
i'm trying to see if emmett has anything in his book


Anonymous said...

laws about communion in the hand
listen to this and tell me if you knew these rules-- the secret says it comes from the top

59:00-1:00--1:00:04 explosive and quite frankly maddening that we have not been informed of this


Emmett O'Regan said...

Mark W - I also have a strong impression that the era of peace is not what many think it is (i.e. something akin to sort of millenarian-type bliss on earth). We have to remember that when this promise was made, the world was in the grip of the Great War, and Sr. Lucia had been shown that an even worse war would follow if humanity did not amend its ways. In balance with when this promise was made, with conflict on a global scale over the course of several decades, we are indeed in an era of relative peace compared to the period of the world wars (which I believe were one of the signs of the end-times foretold by Christ in Matt 24). Since the end of the Cold War, there has been a rapid decrease in proxy wars between the superpowers, and any conflicts have been largely confined to regional disputes with causalities on a far lesser scale. We live in the Vale of Tears, and it simply does not get much better than this in comparision to the wars of the 20th century. I would say that the collapse of Communism from 1989 onwards is key to this. We also have Sr. Lucia's own testimony that the fall of Communism is related to the era of peace. My gut feeling is that the real triumph of the Church will only take place towards the end of this period of relative peace, when it truly bears fruit we will be at the grip of the persecution of the Antichrist during the final Passover of the Church foreseen in the Third Secret.

Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
(1Thes 5:1-3)

Mark L said...

Cities throughout the Middle East being gassed or bombed back into the stone age. Beheadings of Christians being publicly broadcast around the world. The global refugee crisis exceeded 50 million people in 2013 - the highest since World War II. China creating entire islands out of nowhere in the ocean and populating them with aircraft and artillery. Russia's long game. 21 million adults and children slaves of the burgeoning worldwide sex trafficking crisis. What parts of Africa aren't in complete meltdown are being taken over by China.

And finally, most importantly, the silent holocaust, which completely surpasses the 20th century in lives lost and pure evil: Abortion. Estimated world-wide abortion count since 1980 placed at around 1.2 BILLION babies. Unlike much of the crimes against humanity in the 20th century, these daily murders are actually legal by law - institutionalized evil, just like sodomite marriage which Ireland is joyfully leading the way with, calling itself "a beacon of light for the world."

Period of peace for whom?



Mark W said...


I don't respond to anonymous comments.


Mark W said...

MarkL @ 17:43 - I'm not advocating that this is or isn't the period of peace. As I said, it's an interesting thing to consider, given that we are in a period of relative peace compared to WWII and the time before that.

I've been around this blog off-and-on for two or three years now. I've been telling people all along to think outside the box and consider that, in this case, peace as we understand it may not quite be peace as heaven intends it. How do we know? Is this the period of peace we're in now? I have no idea - I honestly doubt it, but I don't know.

This is just one more avenue of consideration that's not what we might expect. Nothing more.

Anonymous said...

So Emmett, if I'm understanding what you write above you think we're in the 'period of peace" now and heading into (somewhere in the future) the "persecution of the Antichrist during the final Passover of the Church foreseen in the Third Secret."

So you're saying the 3rd secret reveals the persecution of the antichrist? Not a forerunner but the ACTUAL final chapter?

Here's the third secret as I posted above twice. This came from what Cardinal Ottaviani so beautifully released in his sly Italian way after it became clear the betrayers of our Lady would not release the secret as they were supposed to have done in 1960. This below (with additional padding added by Cdl Ottaviani) was read to Malachi Martin who confirmed it as accurate.

A great chastisement will fall on the entire human race; not today as yet, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the twentieth century.
No longer does order reign anywhere and Satan will reign over the highest places directing the course of events. He (Satan) really will succeed in infiltrating to the top of the Church. Also for the Church a time of Her greatest trials will come. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals; Bishops will oppose Bishops and Satan will march amid their ranks, and in Rome there will be changes. What is rotten will fall, and what will fall will never rise again. The Church will be darkened and the world deranged by terror.
A great war will break out within the second half of the Twentieth Century, fire and smoke will fall from Heaven, the water of the oceans will become vapors and the foam will rise up flooding and sinking everything, millions and millions of people will die by the hour and the survivors will envy the dead.
Death will reign everywhere for the errors committed by the foolish and by the partisans of Satan, who, then and only then, will reign over the world. At last, those who will survive all of these events will once more proclaim God and His Glory and serve Him like before, when the world was not as corrupted.

That's the third secret. It confirms what has always been rumored in that the apostasy begins at the top, a pope would be under the influence of Satan and we would live in a time of terror

The Third Secret is not about the apocalypse, it's a chastisement and a horrific but still "minor" chastisement before the "age of Peace or Age of Mary" and before the apocalypse. I know the blog is "unveiling the Apocalypse" (which btw no man can unveil because nobody knows the date nor the hour) but we'll be lucky to make it through this "minor" chastisement to see the glory of the last triumph of the Church much less the final persecutions of the antichrist.

joerusso777 said...

So anon. The prophecy never happened. It says the end of the twentieth century. So far no big war and no Pope under Satan. It's hard to say it's authentic.

Anonymous said...

I have read in an earlier post 1 thes:5-1:3
I find it interesting that verse 4-11 telling us that believers WILL NOT be caught off guard, is never used.
I think these imply that keeping the faith, will keep the believer informed. I am not skilled in writing or teaching. It seems that somewhere in these implications Fatima is involved. it is a warning to the faithful of what and how to avoid the apostasy upon us. I think the church not leading and telling Her followers the correct path is the message in part.
As an example watch the video a few posts earlier than this and watch how the mass itself( around the 1:00:00 on ) has been corrupted by the faithful not being told the truth.
ALL THESE SPIRITUAL pieces are part of a total loss of concrete, spiritual gains that the TRUTH and true grace imparts.


Anonymous said...

last one.
good luck to everyone.

The Dangers Threatening the Faith and the Life of the Christian - Father Nicholas Gruner


Anonymous said...

Hi All!! Wonderful to see a spirited debate! (Let us ALL be praying the rosary everyday for our world, our Church and each other! )
It is obvious -- that we have begun the time of serious problems within the Church -- and a split is now blatantly showing itself between the Cardinals -- for all the world to see -- (and thus Bishops are easy to assume, doing the same) -- regarding Communion for the divorced and same sex marriage, homosexual unions. Oddly enough, the split showed itself on the world stage on.......October 13 !! (October 13 2014 when the Synod released its first writeup of what had been occurring at the synod so far, in Rome, last year) - And now, last week, a few of the Cardinals met in secret ( not so secret, it was all over the internet) about the new "Theology of Love" -- and the acceptance of homosexual unions. All of this leading up to the Synod in Philadelphia in October.
Before that we have the Shemitah. (hitting with full force in September of this year (September 13 to be exact) If anyone reads the 'Mystery of the Shemitah' it is extremely hard to argue against what Johnathan Cahn is proposing as a very real and possible action on the part of God to realign our hearts and attitudes back to Him (and all of us here reading this blog KNOWS that this needs to occur, Caitlyn Jenner anyone?!!)
And all of the economic news (thats not on msnbc, nbc, cnn, abc, nbc etc bc they're all in the tank for the lying government) shows that consumer goods and factory goods have both gone down for 6 straight months (as of May) and that ONLY happens in a recession -- and it will continue - and again, anyone who read the Shemitah book sees that this is falling in line AGAIN with another major economic hit. This time, if it is horrifically bad (and of course 4 blood moons and 2 eclipses in the last year also fortell of major things about to happen) the fed, the governments, the banks, will not be able to help us out of it just by throwing money at the issue -- it will more then likely be much worse then the 2008 economic downfall.
So, we have our Supreme court about to rule on gay marriage within the next 3 weeks, the Shemitah hitting September 13 (with major effects occuring right before and for months afterward -- if the shemitah occurs like it did in 2001 and 2008 ) and you have the next month, October, the Synod, where there is a good chance we will continue to see the cardinals and bishops disagreeing greatly on very serious moral issues - possibly leading to a blatant split - not only within the heirarchy but within the faithful as well. It is now as clear as day that everything our Lady has been preparing us for has now arrived. She even said in Medjugorje a few days ago, "the time has come for acts of truth, for my Son".
All one has to do is watch the TV and see that people are deciding -- that you either agree with gay marriage or you dont. Either you agree that transgenderism is ok or you dont. Either you agree divorced but not annulled should receive communion, or you dont.
And if the Cardinals split -- and its been alluded to that regardless of what the Synod "officially" states at the end of the synod, the german cardinals will do what they want regardless -- if that happens then the media (Satan) will push that the Church is now saying 2 things -- and the people will then begin deciding who they agree with, leading to chaos among the faithful -- instead of following 2000 years of church teaching.
But we have great power to help our Lady save souls in the midst of this time of great darkness and confusion -- Mass, Communion, Adoration, Rosary!
Michael Patrick

Anonymous said...


During your rosary take it up with our Lady, ask her why no war yet? It could be just one victim soul who has delayed or forestalled this event or it could be our Lady herself holding back the arm of her son. As far as the pope under the control of Satan..hehe..well I've got a pretty good idea about that one. If a pope says "God does not exist" "who am I to judge?" and scorns and mocks the holy rosary you should be able to see and discern.

Mark W said...

Chris - I don't know if you can say that Fr. Gruner is a valid and trustworthy source. I've seen the video that you linked above a few years back, and it ranges from compelling to interesting and back again. But he was suspended - disciplined, as it were - and the circumstances of his suspension leave me wondering about him. I look at him in much the same way I look at Malichi Martin - an enigma wrapped in a mystery that I can't quite wrap my head around. It's not a valid comparison, strictly speaking. Martin claimed to have specific knowledge, where Gruner uses more reason and deduction than first hand accounts.

"It has me trying to understand if the rulings and mass after 1960 are the cause and are they credible" - I'm not sure I understand the question, but I think it probably is an important one. Can you elaborate?


Mark W said...

Michael Patrick - You left off the last of the Tetrad - Blood Moon - that happens within two weeks of the Shmitah. Other than that, it was a good summation.

Mark W said...

"I have read in an earlier post 1 thes:5-1:3. I find it interesting that verse 4-11 telling us that believers WILL NOT be caught off guard, is never used. I think these imply that keeping the faith, will keep the believer informed."

Chris - Thanks for posting this. I don't think I've ever seen it phrased quite like this.

Anonymous said...

To mark w;
Father grunner was NOT suspended
I will not put you to sleep with my beliefs, but in a nutshell say that the evidence points to an inclusion of the church, vatican, pope in some form as a collusion participant, with a new world order theme. When oboma , who has done everything to derail religion, goes out of his way to befriend francis, red flags are everywhere. amazing how climate change bocomes a topic of diminishing flock.
I do agree however, thaat knowing what to believe and whom to believe has become a tremendous issue.
I think that is whatis meant by,EVEN THE ELECT WILL BE TRICKED. It seems catholics are used to following with blind faith and breaking through to find the truth is an difficult thing.
Will I find any faith when I return??

All I know is say your rosary and pray!!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to post more
last one and i will be still.
Here is a video explanation of info regarding the lie of suspension. part 2, 3 on top right.

Don't forget this is first friday, saturday weekend.


joerusso777 said...

Anon. I see no Pope that you are describing. In all sincerity.
The problem does not start with people out there. It starts in yours and my heart. Quite frankly the world is in turmoil because I am not a Saint. It starts with me. The problem is everybody wants to point at the Pope or our Priest, our wife or husband the dog. Anything but ourselves. The usual answer after saying such a thing is "I know I'm a sinner, I pray and fast and do penance etc...." Then the inevitable "but" makes an appearance. But it's also such and such. We need to read and understand the Saints. They "all" focused on the interior life. To root out any and all things attached to sin.
This is Our Lady's real message. Sure there's the clergy and the consecration and all that. Our message is "Not" those things. It is to become a Saint. A living Saint. United "Perfectly" to the will of Christ. Until then none of us should be blaming anybody but ourselves. Especially not bad mouthing our Pope. It is one of the most heinous crimes of our day. Regardless of what our opinions are we shouldn't be spewing them all over the Internet.

Anonymous said...

To Joe 777
If I am guilty of bad mouthing the pope i apologise. I have thought that myself . But the issue is, if we are warned about our faith being compromised, all will be questioned as possible answers. as guilt usually wins , I confess that I question the pope and bertone in my confession.

However,all is in the following

The quest about fatima's secret is getting closer.


LaurelMary said...

To Joe Russo - and everyone

Your postings are so kind and thoughtful; thank you !

With respect to our 'real' job,I would offer James 5:19 - 20, Galatians 6:1 - 2, the complete text of Matthew 7, Matthew 18:15 - 17 to round out the concept of our duties. Remember the Second Commandment (love they neighbor...) and the Spiritual Works of Mercy.

Saints did exactly as you said - work on their own faults and failings. But they also - using prudence - did what they could to help others. That often might include corrections of various types.

It's a hard job being a Catholic - can't just be concerned with oneself. (dang ! LOL)

joerusso777 said...

LaurelMary thank you for your comment. My point is not to just be so focused on oneself as to not do anything. Striving for Sanctity involves intimately knowing your faults with a total focus on Christ. In that the works of Mercy and such will come. Prudence yes, but most comments of the Pope use no Prudence at all.
Sorry Anon. If that's not what you meant then I digress. All in all though Gruner, Malachi, etc etc I've heard enough from the thoughts they had. (Not directed at you) I've exhausted that topic and realize it leads to nothing but paranoia case in point the tongue lashings at the Pope. Every Pope since St Pius X supposedly has been bad from what I hear all the time. Go figure the only one in the line since then that isn't is by no surprise John Paul I who lasted hardly a month or so.
I'm no Saint not even close, and I mean that with all sincerity. The "Job" lay people have is to follow Mary's lead in prayer Rosary, First Saturday's etc. the Hierarchys job is the other stuff. If it hasn't been done. It will. And if it has then we Watch and Pray.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

I have been reading comments about our Saints and how they rooted out sin in their lives. I just wanted to add that they still called out the evil in their presence. St. Pio kicked out fraudsters from the confessional. St. Rita called out two warring families and their evil ways. Please don't imply that since we are sinners we can't call out sin in our own days. We must be charitable in truth starting with ourselves and then evangelize the world.

Anonymous said...

Good point Joerusso and I'm not sure who you're speaking about as "bad mouthing" the pope. I would never nor have I ever dared to bad mouth Pope Benedict. May God bless him.

joerusso777 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

interesting leads


Anonymous said...

To all the Medjugorje Nutters here. The CDF today declared what most of us already know. It's fake. This means you can't believe in it or follow any of it. That is all.

Anonymous said...

I can never remember bad mouthing Pope Benedict, who said I did?
Now, people pretending to be pope, heck yeah, I'll bad mouth them til the cows come home.

psieve2 said...

I believe Church prophecies have there being a period of Catholicism after the great chastisement, followed by the antichrist's reign, which is followed by the second coming, where Jesus immediately separates the sheep from the goats and send them in their resurrected bodies to their eternal destination. The latter part is in Scripture.

psieve2 said...

Putin has been Christianizing Russia, but his advisors, like Dugin and his anti-Christian old-pagan Eurasianists, are like his Rasputin and may turn the place back into evil.

psieve2 said...

All the disobedience to the bishops there is enough to make the place suspect. Satan can turn rosaries to hold and encourage a conversion with a self-destructive error that blows it apart. It could be a loss of Faith if it's declared not supernatural--or just disobedience to due authority using their authority within the perimeter of their office's authority (as opposed to alarmist statements on ecology or what exactly to do about illegal aliens outside of the beatitudes). Why would one of the seers lie about smoking and one go on tour having Mary speak to him on cue? Usually, seers lead a life of supernatural holiness. These things should be taken into consideration by responsible Catholics. I mean, I was in S. Korea, and would loved to have gone to Naju, but the bishop said it's not supernatural, so it could be demonic or a hoax. Any case, for a Catholic, that settles it for now. Another bishop might reverse it.

psieve2 said...

Denoting loyalist conservatives like Card. Burke, while elevating, to high Church offices, liberation theologians and having an overpopulation extremist as his ecology advisor and going alarmist over climate change, while liberal and conservative extremists are destroying souls and bodies, respectively, is scandal. People should be in angst (though not schismatic, as, even if the sedevacantists were right, God saw fit
to have him as our leader and, though we don't have to go along with his man-made global warming adopted theories or anything else outside the authority of his office to declare as a doctrinal truth)!

psieve2 said...

Thank you! Even Fatima should not be a point of contention, as with the third secret and consecration, as only Church teaching and those who make them, when acting in such a way to define or doctrinally clarify them, must be heeded. That being said, just in case, if an heavenly-seeming apparition says to consecrate a place, you do it! What harm could it do?

psieve2 said...

Where is the alternative explanation for how Portugal won't lose the Faith. It just says Portugal did, but, in what alternative sense was it true? Is Portugal more of a symbol or what?

Anonymous said...

I have concluded that Babilon is New York, USA one of the beasts. The reason I say this is because no other country has been a bully like this country. See how many lies, intrigues and falsehood it created to justify invading many nations or instigated civil war in many nations. How many millions killed, how much misery on the lives of the survivors.It created and support terrorist groups with weapons, training, food and etc...while making believe it is against terrorism. Destroyed Iraq, Afganistan, Lybia, Egipt, Syria, Ukraine, just to list the most recent countries destroyed.Now it is pushing Europe into a conflict with Russia. I guess it wants Europe to be the experimental ground and probably wants to destroy the economy in Europe as it has destroyed the economy of many nations, Latin america has ravaged by the revolutions created by USA and plundered by its banks and corporations. What nation kills its own people with a lie sending them to die in wars. I know no one worse then that. Its possible that the CIA has knowledge of the 3rd secret and is taking advantage of this, the reason is fencing Russia with military bases

Dolorosa said...

World Group for The Consecration of Russia (Our Lady of Fatima)

Anonymous said...

Today is 23 September 2107, the day of "The Great Sign" in the heavens over Jerusalem at twilight, 6:10 pm local time. Expect events to cascade in a universal chastisement: Wars, plagues, famines, tidal waves, earthquakes, persecutions, etc.

Deadline for the Fatima concentration of Russia: Our Lady officially asked for the consecration on 13 June, 1929. Our Lord complained 2 years later that it hadn't been done, and pointedly recalled the fate of the Kings of France; one hundred years to the day after he had requested the Sacred Heart image added to the French Flag as indication of consecration of France to his Sacred heart (not done by 3 generations of kings) the estates general deposed King Louis XVII. He was later beheaded. So: We have until 13 June 2029 for the Pope, WITH the world's bishops, to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Rosaries and 5 first Saturdays' reparation are the key to how soon the Pope is impelled to make it happen.

Our Lady said the consecration would be "late" but that it would happen; there are a couple of prophecies which see Russia invading Rome, and at this juncture "when war breaks out" the Pope & bishops make the consecration. (The three days of "darkness" to cleanse the world of evil and the godless, and to renew the face of our polluted earth, may then follow.)
The survivors after the chastisement will all be devout Catholics, and will rebuild during a time of unprecedented fertility of the earth, and genuine devotion.
This "period of peace" will not last long --maybe one generation--25-40 years which will echo the "type" of the 7th day of rest in Genesis. After which, the people will forget the deliverance, they will grow lukewarm; and then the rise of the last Antichrist.
[This is the picture I get after years of reading and pondering & praying.]

--Aunt Raven