St Robert Bellarime
I would like to notify readers about a new website that has been established by Canadian evangelist Mark Mallett and Daniel O'Connor, a New York Ph.D student who lays a claim to professorship, called "Countdown to the Kingdom". This new website is being promoted by a hugely popular Catholic author, Catherine Watkins, whose book The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience, is currently one of the best-selling titles in the area of Mariology. Watkins has established her own publishing company, Queen of Peace Media, and has featured on Shalom World TV. Given this platform, Queen of Peace Media's YouTube channel has quickly developed a huge following, and Watkins' promotion of Mallett and O'Connor's new website has in turn garnered a substantial following for them.
Mallett closely follows the type of spiritual millenarianism promoted by Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi and the Divine Will Movement, which is essentially a "Catholic" version of the popular form of millennialism espoused by the Protestant dispensationalist movement in America. Various media outlets heavily promote the Rapture theology of dispensationalism, and as a direct result of this influence, a large number of Catholics in America have attempted to align this popular form of millennialism with certain prophetic elements found in Catholic eschatology - most notably the "period of peace" promised by Our Lady of Fatima. The result of this religious syncretism is the millenarian teachings of the Divine Will Movement, which has been given its most systematic treatment in the collective works of Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, and widely promoted by his various followers, including the likes of Mark Mallett. It is no coincidence that this eschatological novelty first arose in North America from around the middle of the 20th century, just as the millennialism of the dispensationalist movement found increasing popularity in wider American culture, mostly due to the influence of preachers such as Hal Lindsey and Billy Graham.
The Divine Will Movement rejects the amillenialism of St Augustine in favour of a "spiritual" version of the Chiliasm held by some early Christians, and holds that the "period of peace" promised by Our Lady of Fatima is actually an "era" that is equated with the Millennium of Rev 20. During this future "era of peace", they hold that Satan will be fully chained and all evil on earth will cease to exist. This is because the freedom of choice necessitated by human free will is going to be removed, and every person on earth will live according to the "Divine Will", during the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, in fulfilment of the Lord's Prayer that "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". This notion is essentially the same as Quietism, which condemned as a heresy by Pope Innocent XI in 1687 in the papal bull Coelestis Pastor.
In his papal encyclical Spe Salvi, Pope Benedict XVI categorically ruled out the idea that the "kingdom of the good" could be definitively established on earth because of the permanent reality of human free will and original sin:
Since man always remains free and since his freedom is always fragile, the kingdom of good will never be definitively established in this world. Anyone who promises the better world that is guaranteed to last for ever is making a false promise; he is overlooking human freedom. Freedom must constantly be won over for the cause of good. Free assent to the good never exists simply by itself. If there were structures which could irrevocably guarantee a determined—good—state of the world, man's freedom would be denied, and hence they would not be good structures at all. (para 24)
The Divine Will Movement teaches that the establishment of this terrestrial paradise will be inaugurated on earth during a "Middle Coming" of Christ to reign with the resurrected saints for the duration of the Millennium of Rev 20. They closely follow the dual-antichrist eschatology of Joachim de Fiore, and posit the arrival of two separate antichrist figures, one before and one after the Millennium. The first antichrist figure will be slain by Christ during the event of the "Middle Coming" to establish the millennial reign on earth, and the final "tail/Gog" antichrist rises up to make one last assault against the Church at the end of the Millennium, when the forces of Satan once again surround the camp of the saints before the "Final Coming" of Christ in glory. This contradicts the most authorative account on the Antichrist given by the Church Doctor St. Robert Bellarmine, who teaches that there is only one Antichrist who comes at the very end of time, and that the opinion of Lactantius:
"...was also of many of the older Fathers, such as Papias, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Apollonaris and of a few others, as Jerome relates in chapter XXXVI of Ezechiel, and Eusebius. But for a long time it had been refuted as an investigated error. For the Lord clearly teaches that after the persecution of Antichrist the last judgement will immediately follow [Matt 24]. Then all the good are going to eternal life, while all the wicked into the eternal fire, hence there is not going to be another thousand years, nor any battle.
(St. Robert Bellarmine De Controversiis Book 3 Chap XVII)
St. Augustine of Hippo reiterates this point forcefully:
"But he who reads this passage, even half asleep, cannot fail to see that the kingdom of Antichrist shall fiercely, though for a short time, assail the Church before the last judgment of God shall introduce the eternal reign of the saints". (City of God XX:23)
The adherents of the Divine Will Movement attempt to bypass the charge of millenarianism by arguing that this only rules out a physical return of Christ in "the Flesh" to establish the Millennium on earth, and that because they teach that this "Middle Coming" of Jesus will be spiritual in nature, this is not the same as the form of millenarianism that was condemned by the Church. In doing so, they confine the meaning of the word millenarianism to relate solely to the teachings of ancient Chiliasm - which is specifics which this word simply does not have. Since the middle of the 20th century, the word millenarianism has been used by academics to cover a wide range of eschatological theories which postulate the imminent arrival of an earthly utopia. The teachings of Joachim de Fiore are classified in modern academia as the most famous example of millenarian thought in the Middle Ages, and they similarly posit an earthly utopia in the form of an "age of the Spirit", rather than the physical return of Christ to rule on earth for the duration of the Millennium posited in Chiliasm. So to attempt to argue that millenarianism is solely confined to a physical return of Jesus in the Flesh is an utter fallacy which can be discarded from the outset.
The word millenarianism covers a much broader array of eschatological teachings, and refers to the creation of any sort of terrestrial paradise, and can be non-Christian or even secular in nature. When we look to the Catechism, the type of millenarianism which is most vigorously condemned is "secular messianism" - the idea that a secular state can fulfill the role of "messiah" through the creation of an earthly utopia:
The Antichrist's deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgment. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism... (CCC 676)
So the Catechism most certainly isn't condemning merely the idea of a return of Christ in the Flesh to establish the millennial kingdom on earth before the events of the new creation, but rather the secular type of millenarianism which gave birth to the communist and fascist movements of the 20th century. The revolutionary spirit which is fomented by the ideals of millenarianism is the main reason the Joachite movement was so vehemently rejected by the Medieval Church, most notably by St. Thomas Aquinas.
The central concept of millenarianism has practical implications which have historically led to bloody revolutions and genocides, all when the quest to establish the perfect society on earth has ultimately went awry. The goal of "immanentizing the eschaton" (Voeglin) lies at the very core of what is being condemned by the Catechism. This is the Promethean attempt to realise within history the messianic hope that can only be established on earth beyond the general resurrection of the dead, which takes place at the Last Judgement, after which the creation of the new heaven and the new earth is finally established. The temptation for humanity to place itself on the throne of the Creator is the goad which the Ancient Serpent first lay before Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis:
But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh. (CCC 676)
Given the sudden popularity of Fr. Iannuzzi's millenarian theories through the promotion of Mark Mallett and Daniel O'Connor's new website by a best-selling Catholic author, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will now surely be forced into issuing a clarification on this matter. These authors have distorted the promises of Our Lady of Fatima into a bizarre millenarian heresy, and their collective works should be avoided by all faithful Catholics.
It has recently emerged that Christine Watkins book The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience has been given a fake imprimatur from Archbishop Ramon Arguelles, who controversially granted a canonically invalid imprimatur to Vassula Ryden. Ryden was condemned by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for her espousal of a millenarian style "era of peace".
See the below post at Kevin Symonds' website:
Fr. Iannuzzi had used this fake imprimatur in a attempt to falsely assert that Ryden's book was approved by the magisterium of the Catholic Church. Church Militant TV has recently exposed the fact that not only was this imprimatur fake, but that Vassula Ryden also falsely claims that her book has been published by Cambridge University Press. See the below post:
Also, Mark Mallett appears to make some sort of effort to address some of the criticism in the above post at the Countdown to the Kingdom website:
Mallett attempts to separate secular messianism from millenarianism, in order to keep the pretense that millenarianism only refers to the coming of Christ in the Flesh to rule with the saints for the future "thousand year" period described in the Apocalypse. However, the Catechism clearly states that secular messianism is a form of millenarianism. Indeed the very worst form of it:
"The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism, especially the "intrinsically perverse" political form of a secular messianism" (CCC 676)
Of course, secular messianism has nothing to do with Christ coming in the Flesh, but instead refers to the danger of secular powers attempting to assume a type of messianism, promising deliverance from a current unjust political system through revolutionary means. In the footnotes to this paragraph in the Catechism, it specifically highlights the dangers presented by Nazism and Communism in the 20th century. The upshot of this is that if secular messianism is a form of millenarianism, then the spiritual Chiliasm espoused by Fr. Iannuzzi, Mallett and O'Connor is most certainly just yet another form of millenarianism, all of which are condemned by the Catechism as the "deception of the Antichrist".
"... in recent years it has become customary amongst anthropologists and sociologists, and to some extent amongst historians too, to use the word 'millenarianism' in a more liberal sense still. The word has in fact become simply a convenient label for a particular type of salvationism. And that is the way it will be employed in this book.
Millenarian sects or movements always picture salvation as
(a) collective, in the sense that it is to be enjoyed by the faithful as a collectivity;
(b) terrestrial, in the sense that it is to be realized on this earth and not in some other-worldly heaven;
(c) imminent, in the sense that it is to come both soon and suddenly;
(d) total, in the sense that it is utterly to transform life on earth, so that the new dispensation will be no mere improvement on the present but perfection itself;
(e) miraculous, in the sense that it is to be accomplished by, or with the help of, supernatural agencies.
Even within these limits there is of course room for infinite variety: there are countless possible ways of imagining the Millennium and the route to it. Millenarian sects and movements have varied in attitude from the most violent aggressiveness to the mildest pacifism and from the most ethereal spirituality to the most earthbound materialism. And they have also varied greatly in social composition and social function.
There was certainly great variety amongst the millenarian sects and movements of medieval Europe. At the one extreme were the so-called 'Franciscan Spirituals' who flourished in the thirteenth century."
See Cohn, N. The Pursuit of the Millennium, (Oxford: OUP, 1957), pp15-16
Thank you, Emmett, for explaining this about the concept of millenarianism. I was wanting to write to ask you for just such a clarification. I have listened to several of the videos on Countdown to the Kingdom and did not understand your criticism of them.
I am still not clear though on what the promised Era of Peace promised by Our Lady is supposed to look like or what it means though. Would you be willing to explain in more detail your understanding of what this Era of Peace will be like and how it is different from their understanding?
The website also is closely connected to the prophecies of Fr. Michel Rodrigue about the imminent “illumination of conscience” event supposedly told to him by Jesus to take place in October. What are your thoughts about that, Emmett?
Veritas, the period of peace promised by Our Lady of Fatima was made in the context of the world wars of the 20th century. Sr Lucia linked this with the 1984 consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union, from 1989 onwards. Our Lady did not promise total peace on earth, since this would involve the removal of human free will and original sin. We will have a restoration of the Church, but this will be met by persecution and great suffering, ultimately culminating in the rise to power of the Antichrist.
Pat Santy, I would disregard Fr Michel Rodrigue if he is being endorsed by Mark Mallett. Mallett will usually promote any alleged seer who claims private revelations conforming to his heretical ideas on the "era of peace". That means zero discernment as to the possibility of diabolical apparitions, and the dissemination of false prophecy.
Brilliant piece Emmett.
There'll be a backlash to this I'm sure.
Hear hear. It's about time someone took these people to task.
Thanks guys! I'm busy working on finishing my masters, or I would be spending more time attempting to bring this to the attention of the mainstream Catholic media. It's an absolute scandal that these people are twisting Fatima into a millenarian heresy, and that it is receiving such a wide audience.
Well done Emmett for your article. And all the best for your Masters.
God bless
Anthony W
Thanks Emmett. I came across it through Fr Rodrigue and thought it was a little off, but I gave it credence because his bishop had supposedly approved his messages. He's the ordinary, so I paid attention.
Turns out that the bishop NEVER stated any sort of approval of his messages, just that he's approved as a priest under his jurisdiction. That gives an entirely different spin.
The fact they peddled his messages as approved until it came out that his messages WEREN'T approved made me ignore it altogether.
Also, I find it strange that they see us going through the various trumpets of Rev 8 (I think) when Sr Lucia said we were already in Rev 12.
Emmett thank you for your analysis. I agree with you on the promised "period of peace" (which I understand is about to finish giving that we are in Revelation time) and I also agree with this (I quote you) "We will have a restoration of the Church, but this will be met by persecution and great suffering, ultimately culminating in the rise to power of the Antichrist."
Now...could you please explain what is going to happen when (very soon I believe) the Antichrist will rise to power? Will he last forever until the Judgement Day ? Or, if not, how will he be defeated and what's the humanity's fate thereafter?
As I understand it, the Antichrist's reign is actually supposed to be short, possibly as short a 3-1/2 years, but he'll lead many, many souls astray during that time, and the persecution of the Church during that period will be fierce.
The Antichrist is defeated by Christ upon His Return in Glory at the end of time to bring about the general resurrection of the dead and last judgment:
"And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming." (2 Thes 2:8)
I have updated this post to mention the fact that Christine Watkins was granted fake imprimatur by the same Archbishop who gave his imprimatur to Vassula Ryden.
Question, Emmett. May I ask what your interpretation of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is that the Blessed Virgin Mary promised at Fatima? Is it different from the Era of Peace you think began with the Consecration of the World by JPII in 1984 and which we are still in?
I believe that the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the bringing in of the fullness of the Gentiles and conversion of the Jews which must take place immediately before the Second Coming of Christ. It will therefore coincide with the Final Passover of the Church during the persecution of the Antichrist, seen in the Third Secret of Fatima. The people who bring it about, the Two Witnesses, are martyred almost immediately after they achieve their task. It is not some golden age of peace, but rather the opposite, a time of trial which culminates in the Paraousia and the end of the present world.
Emmett, the era of peace is not a golden era of peace? “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and the earth shall enjoy an era of peace.” So the triumph of the IH is a period of trials? Let's hope you are found incorrect Emmett.
I'm with you, Sam. What Mary actually said was that the earth shall be granted peace FOR A TIME. According to the Fatima Apostolate, that time is supposed to be relatively short, only twenty or thirty years, and after that we will see the upheavals Emmett mentioned above.
This particular prophecy, about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, goes all the way back to the sixteenth century, when Our Lady of Quito told it to Mother Mariana. Things will be quite terrible before it happens, far worse than they are now; she told Mother Mariana that evil will seem to have won, and only then will the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart take place. In 1917, it was made clear that that Triumph would occur through the consecration of Russia, specifically; NOT the world, as has been done several times. Russia has yet to convert, so I do not believe we are in the period of Triumph.
Emmet said: "...Daniel O'Connor, a New York Ph.D student who lays a claim to professorship..." Since you are setting the subject with an ad hominem attack, it makes sense for the readers of "Unveiling the Apocalypse" to learn about the attacked person's position, i.e. Daniel O'Connor.
>>On my Credentials
I have become aware that a few busybodies have been spreading slander about me online, accusing me of making up being a professor of philosophy and a PhD student. Indeed, this is nothing but calumny, and I suppose I should be glad to see their antics descend so low, since resorting to such low-blows shows they have no good arguments for their erroneous conclusions against the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and the Prophetic Consensus in general, thus their employment of baseless ad-hominem attacks.
I am a professor of philosophy and religion, and a PhD student. Luckily for these busybodies, I have no desire for money, and I have no time! (Because if I wanted money and had time I could sue them for defamation.)
I have never been at all quiet or secretive about the details of my credentials: I am very proud to be very close to the bottom of the Totem pole of higher education (I like it there!): I am an adjunct professor at a community college that is part of the State University of New York (SUNY). Some blurbs about me on some materials — blurbs not written by me — apparently may not have always been the clearest about this (For example, unfortunately, due to an evident miscommunication, the blurb about me on The Warning book — a blurb I am only really taking note of now — simply says “Professor of Philosophy, State University, New York.” This indeed is confusing and inaccurate — for one, there is no “State University, New York,” and I am a professor of philosophy at a State University of New York college, not at “the” “State University, New York.” I have never described myself to anyone, either in public or in private, as “Professor of Philosophy, State University, New York” so please feel free to correct anyone who refers to me as this and, if you like, direct them to this post.) But I have never contradicted these facts or knowingly cooperated with anyone else contradicting them; and I have always been completely open about the facts themselves: I have long promoted, where I make the details of my credentials clear. I have mentioned in past posts on this very blog that I am an adjunct. My public LinkedIn profile, which I’ve had for my entire time as a professor, makes it very clear that I am an adjunct (and where I am an adjunct) and that I am only a doctoral student (and where I am a doctoral student).
I have never said or implied that I am an assistant, associate, or full professor. I have never said or implied I am tenure or tenure track. I have never said or implied that I have a PhD. I have never said or implied that I am “Dr. O’Connor.” It is worth noting that, despite the fact that I am an adjunct on paper (that is, “part timer”), I nevertheless teach more courses than most “full-time” tenure professors. The courses I teach are in the subject areas of philosophy and religion. I have taught hundreds upon hundreds of students now in these matters and am in my fourth continuous year of doing so:
Yes, I am a professor of philosophy and religion. That is a fact. A community college is a college. An adjunct professor is a professor.
If, in your view, dear busybodies mentioned above, you believe that the word “professor” may only be used for a tenured professor at a 4-year-plus College or University; then you are entitled to that opinion, but I disagree with it and I will not be bound in my speech by your opinion.
Posted on July 17, 2020 << End of quote.
Someone who has not even earned their Ph.D yet should not be referring to themselves as a "professor". This is bad form. In Ireland and the UK, it takes people with Ph.D years before they can earn a chair at university and earn that title for themselves. Here, being a professor is a step beyond being a Ph.D, and O'Connor is wrongly giving this impression about himself in order to convey a greater sense of authority.
The messages of Mother Mariana are not approved by the Church. In fact, I have grave reservations about them. It is possible that the bringing in of the fullness of the Gentiles will last for a number of decades, but the ministry of the Two Witnesses takes place immediately before the coming of the Antichrist, which means that it takes place within a relatively short span of time.
Emmett said: "...the type of spiritual millenarianism promoted by Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi and the Divine Will Movement."
You wrote 'Movement' with a capital letter 'M'. Is 'Divine Will Movement' some kind of public organization? If so, do you know her website?
Hi guys!
So will those who follow this timeline ultimately be duped by THE Antichrist thinking he will be the one to usher in this era of peace/terrestrial paradise? The Middle Coming?
JMC, i'm not concerned about the number of years regarding the 'Era of Peace' but the definition of it. I understood 'peace' to mean something other than a period of trial. First, i would assume peace means an absence of wars and since there hasn't been this period yet i'm wondering what it entails.
We have to remember that the promise of the period of peace was made in the context of two global scale conflicts and the Cold War. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there has been relative peace in the world. We have to be realistic about what to expect. There might be a slight improvement in world affairs for a very short period with the bringing in of the fullness of the Gentiles, but this will be interrupted by the greatest catastrophe in human history:
"Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. (1 Thes 5:1-3)
This order of events marries up with the original version of the secrets of La Salette.
Hey Emmet,
Here's a ball from left field - I find it kind of striking that both you and the Countdown folks hold at arms length the "prophetic consensus" surrounding the Great Catholic Monarch and the Angelic Pope. There is definitely a "glorious period" that is implied in a lot of that material. The Era as described by these seers seems both brief (no millennium) but also beyond anything that the Church has hitherto seen. It isn't some millenarian Marian age without sin or a post-Cold War truce, but an actual rebirth of the Church culturally and globally. Do you have doubts about this "consensus" or would you consider this idea "millenarian"?
Hi Benjamin!
That's more or less the scenario that I sketch out in my book. There is a small scale triumph of the Church under the Great Monarch and Angelic Pope, but it is brief and ends in persecution. I don't consider that millenarian.
So this book The Warning is not to be believed?
IMO, the promised (Fatima) era of peace will certainly come, but it simply cannot be equated with the time from 1989 to the present. How could it not be much more powerful and pervasive through the earth than what paltry peace we have known since 1989 or so? It will be unmistakeable.
To those who think the period of peace happened after the fall of the Soviet Union, an era of peace for whom? It wasn’t for those in Yugoslavia or Rwanda. I think it would have to be for the whole world. Maybe the demons can’t tempt us as well and there is such an outpouring of grace that it’s as if mankind has lost its free will, but has just come to think more freely. What causes a great falling away after some time? Maybe some demons are not shackled away. Maybe the antichrist’s host is already possessed by then and he removes the restrainer.
Wow, Emmett, that discussion on the Divine Will movement was excellent. I feel foolish for not having identified immediately and on my own the errors these two men point out, which now seem so obvious. Thank you immensely for this link. Did you ever post this link before and I somehow missed it?
No, I just came across it myself. Someone posted it on another of my blog posts the other day, and I thought I should post it here.
Anon, The Warning mixes some genuine private revelations with some claims of modern private revelations of a dubious nature. It's the fact that Christine Watkins is promoting Mark Mallett and Daniel O'Connor that is the most troubling, since the version of eschatology they teach is plainly heretical.
My head is spinning. A lot to take in. Question: How is one to look upon the messages to Fr. Gobi of the MMP that speak on something like a spiritual “middle coming” of Christ (possibly Eucharistic) that have nothing to do with a literal thousand years? Thanks.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux spoke of a "middle coming" of Christ in the Eucharist. But this did not entail any notion of a invisible Eucharistic Reign of Christ. He meant simply to emphasise the Real Eucharistic presence of Christ at every Mass. There is only a Second Coming of Christ. There will be no "Third Coming" after an invisible "Middle Coming".
Emmett, would you please tell us which are the revelations of the Warning that you consider genuine? Thank you.
I would only accept those private revelations that have been fully approved by the Church. There are very little fully approved private revelations in that book. Best off just to steer clear altogether
If I am not bothering you too much, Emmett. Would you be willing to tell me if there are any fully Church approved private revelations of the Warning that you know of?
Off topic, I know, but bould it be that The Blessed Virgins action afer the Rededication of England was the Covid lockdown?
I wonder will England ever leave the EU?
Negotiations have stalled and England is in dire straits at the moment.
Negotiations are going badly and unless things improve England will leave the EU at the end of this year. If they try get an extension the EU will offer 10-20 years or a 'No Deal' Brexit.
Which would they choose?
Actually, I think the COVID lockdown may be Satan's reply to the dedication. Why? Because it's been used to take away people's rights, and governments have a poor record of returning those rights when the crisis is past. Example, churches were shut down while bars were allowed to remain open. When some areas in the US started to allow more businesses to open up again, stipulating X% occupancy of the facility, churches were limited to 10 people, REGARDLESS OF THE SIZE OF THE CHURCH. Fr. David Nix (, a diocesan hermit who does online evangelization, has done some research on the raw numbers...has anyone noticed that the media has ONLY given us raw numbers, and not the percentages involved? That's because saying that X tens of thousands of people in a region have died from COVID is far scarier than saying that the death rate is Y%. Fr. Nix did the research and the math, and his results put the morbidity of this disease at approximately 0.004% in one region; 0.01% in another. In other words, it's no more deadly than any other flu. The very word "coronavirus," because it's unfamiliar to most people, was enough to scare the bejeebers out of everyone. Coronavirus is a whole CLASS of viruses, one of which causes the common cold. Nobody fell for the hype that went around with the bird flu or the mutation of swine flu (they called it H1N1 to avoid a panic, but it was a mutation of the same virus that caused the 1918 pandemic). I suspect that's because they used the percentages when reporting mortalities, which were about the same as any other previous flu. As he puts it, not only is it not a pandemic, it NEVER WAS. It's all fearmongering.
JMC, I’m seeing it differently! Remember how the site crashed that streamed the Rededication of England ceremony? Over half a million people tuned in due to the lockdown. I’m also thinking about all of the Masses that are now being streamed and archived that SO many people can now view (and make spiritual communions). Yes, we’ve been cut off from the Eucharist, but could this not be a topsy-turvy way of the New Springtime starting? The “spreading of the Gospel”...via the Internet?
Yes, Bridget, you're right. It absolutely could be, and probably is. Even if COVID itself is Satan's reply, the devil can't do anything unless God permits it. And God permits it because He can bring good out of it. I've seen for myself the spreading of the Gospel via the Internet; after fifty years of sermons which pretty much told me only what life was like during Our Lord's time and nothing about how to apply what He said, I'm now able to hear some very stirring sermons, plainly speaking the truths that today's Catholics desperately need to hear. Good priests will no longer be muzzled, and it's about time!
Re-Emmett: "The messages of Mother Mariana are not approved by the Church." :
Qoute: >>>Since the middle of this [twentieth] century much as been said, both pro and con, about the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin of Good Success to her daughter Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, a Founding Mother and elected Abbess of the Royal Monastery of Immaculate Conception of Quito in the year 1593 at age 30. Some, the credulous and weak-hearted, were shocked by the prophetic messages by the Mother of God, many that had been fulfilled with verifiable dates in History. Others, the skeptics and incredulous, shook their heads and dismissed the prophecies, not wanting to know such things that might agitate the stagnant waters of their consciences. Among the different opinions, both pro and con, were the voices of high and low clergy.
In order to answer those objections, Cardinal Carlos Maria de la Torre*, a Prelate known for his lucid and serene spirit and his ardent devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, entered the picture. The Cardinal appointed a Commission made up of learned priests versed in History and Theology to study the original manuscript of the apparitions and prophecies written by Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira, OFM, titled The Admirable Life of the Venerable Mother Marian a Francisca de Jesus Torres.
The Commission carried out its assignment with all diligence, impartiality and appeal to orthodoxy, and ended by declaring that these sources were “authentic, untampered with, and worthy of belief.” <<< Quote end.
So, the Church says: 'WORTHY OF BELIEF'
Emmett said: "St. Bernard of Clairvaux spoke of a "middle coming" of Christ in the Eucharist."
St. Bernard said: „If you keep the word of God in this way, it will also keep you. The Son with the Father will come to you. The great Prophet who will build the new Jerusalem will come, the one who makes all things new. This coming will fulfill what is written: As we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, we shall also bear the likeness of the heavenly man. Just as Adam’s sin spread through all mankind and took hold of all, so Christ, who created and redeemed all, will glorify all, once he takes possession of all.”
This famous excerpt on the three (3) comings of the Lord Jesus Christ is taken from a sermon by St. Bernard of Clairvaux (Sermo 5, In Adventu Domini, 1-3: Opera Omnia, Edit. Cisterc. 4 {1966}, 188-190. It is used in the Roman Office of Readings for Wednesday of the First Week of Advent. The accompanying biblical reading is taken from Isaiah 5:1-7.
A question for Emmett: Who is the great Prophet?
Emmett O'Regan said...
I prefer the testimony of Saint Hannibal Mary di Francia and Archbishop of Trani to opinion of Charles Coulombe and the other guy.
Saint Hannibal was Luisa’s confessor, and as such he probably knew the secrets of her soul better, I suppose. He published and propagated her writings – that’s enough for me to study the ‘Book of Heaven’ with the greatest peace and pleasure.
>> The teachings that our Lord gave to Luisa on the Divine Will gave a new characteristic to Father Annibale’s spirituality, which completely transformed his interior life. And so, we can truly say he was one of the first sons if the Divine Will and consequently one of the first apostles of the Divine Will.
Father Annibale met Luisa around the year 1910. For seventeen years, their spiritual friendship grew ever stronger, as we will see, until the day of his birth into heaven on June 1, 1927, which is the day the Pope selected for his liturgical feast day.
Many times he would go to Luisa’s house; and he was her extraordinary confessor. In his last years, the Archbishop of Trani appointed him director over everything referring to the publication of Luisa’s writings. He was named ecclesiastical censor for the Archdiocese of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie as well. << Source: -of-the-divine-will
Emmett said: "St. Bernard of Clairvaux spoke of a "middle coming" of Christ in the Eucharist. But this did not entail any notion of a invisible Eucharistic Reign of Christ. He meant simply to emphasise the Real Eucharistic presence of Christ at every Mass. There is only a Second Coming of Christ. There will be no "Third Coming" after an invisible "Middle Coming"."
i remember Mother Angelica years ago stated on her show that Christ would reign from the Tabernacle, where we could go and have 'conversations' with Him. It made such an impression that i purchased a videotape of it.
Nothing yet says that Luisa Picaretta's writings are true or not; the Church has not yet ruled on them. In fact, the Church has issued instructions that her writings not be published yet, in order to avoid damaging her cause for canonization, which is still under evaluation. (It was quite some time ago when Emmett posted an article here about this very issue.) The fact that anyone has published them in disobedience is a signal that we should avoid reading them until the Church publishes a decision. Whether or not the writings are true and "worthy of belief" is immaterial here. What matters is that they are causing the very division of opinion that may damage her cause.
On a completely different topic, I just read an article over at 1P5 about the origins of Communion in the hand. Did you know that it began in much the same way as girls as altar servers? That is, the handful of countries in Europe began it in the late 1960s without ecclesiastical permission, and Pope Paul VI, unable to make them stop, finally allowed it, but ONLY IN THOSE COUNTRIES. Read the whole article here:
The "Great Prophet" is Elijah, who will restore the Church before the arrival of the Antichrist.
Concerning the private revelations attributed to Mother Mariania de Torres, there is no credible evidence that these are authentic:
Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta has a number of endorsements. These came after her writings were unsealed and allowed to be read by faithful.
It doesn't matter to me, just passing on
Emmett,The "Great Prophet" is Elijah, who will restore the Church before the arrival of the Antichrist.
Concerning the private revelations attributed to Mother Mariania de Torres, there is no credible evidence that these are authentic:
12 August 2020 at 16:10
Any evidence from a catholic perspective that De Torres' revelations aren't true?
Emmett, the apparition has been approved by the Church/bishop in the 17th century and Mother Mariana has been declared Venerable in the first step towards her canonization. Not bad for something not really 'approved'by Fr. grondin Yes, EVEN the NCregister agrees- if you're worried that only rad trads are pushing this agenda.
So far, what I've gathered from reading/listening to all these links regarding the Quito apparitions is kind of 50/50. Some sites say unequivocally that there is no evidence to support the belief that Mother Marianna even existed; others say that the apparitions were approved; still others say that they apparitions are real, but there may have been some tampering with the accounts over time, as happened with the prophecies of St. Malachy. There's nothing advising us against praying the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success, however, as I have seen with actual false apparitions. Regardless of the status of the (alleged?) apparitions, all I know is, I prayed the Novena for a personal intention some time ago, and my request was granted. So regardless of the source, whether heavenly or merely human, there's no harm in saying the prayer in good faith.
As to the apparitions in Quito, they are approved by the local bishop. They bear the same level of approval as Akita, for an example.
The Holy See has not spoken on it, so it does not have the same level of approval as Fatima, Guadalupe, Knock, etc.
So it's in the same category as Kibeho, Akita, Pontmain, etc., but Rome has not spoken on it.
Emmett, forgive me for asking this again, but do you know if there are any Church approved revelations of the Warning?
Thank you.
Veritas - That depends on how you define “The Warning”.
The apparitions in Quito are approved, and Mother Mariana was undoubtedly a very holy woman. There are however doubts surrounding the authenticity of the private revelations contained in the book composed by Prior Manuel de Souza Pereira, which first surfaced around 200 years after the death of Mother Mariana. There are a number of anachronisms in these writings, such as the use of the word Freemasonry. It's these writings that I hold suspect, rather than the devotion to Our Lady of Good Success and the apparitions at Quito. I am wary of any prophecies that can't be reliably traced back to a primary source. That's why I never write about these alleged private revelations.
Veritas, there are Church approved private revelations concerning the appearance of a cross of light before the Second Coming of Christ - which I attempt to connect to the appearance of the sign of the Son of Man in my book. I believe Sr. Lucia's vision of the cross of light during the 1929 Tuy apparition and the content of the 1944 Tuy apparition relate to this event, which immediately precedes the destruction of "Babylon". Some of the Church Fathers spoke of this event, such as St John Chryostom and St. Cyril of Jerusalem, as did St. Faustina. This has been conflated with the prophecies of the global illumination of consciences, which are later in origin, and are not Church approved.
Good to see you back Mark W! I was just about to email you to ask how things are going.
Thanks, Emmett.
I’ve been working 60 hour weeks for the past two months. I’ve made it trough 2 rounds of layoffs. My department got hit hard in the first round, and I am now doing the work of 1.5 people. I’ll likely be drifting in and out for the rest of the year. Feel free to drop me an e-mail if you need to get I touch with me.
Take care, everyone,
I am posting my comment to the article because I am discussing another revelation for Mother Mariana de Jesús Torres here.
El Divino Niño - the Pralate
Veronica of America said: >> ... the Shrine was built from a Mystical experience Mother Angelica had with the Divine Child. He told her, "Build Me a Temple and I will help those who help you." << It happened in Columbia, in 1995, most likely at the El Divino Niño Shrine in Bogota. The devotion was introduced there by Fr. Rizzo in 1935. >> In a store in Bogota called Vaticano*, owned by an Italian artist, Father Rizzo found a beautiful antique statue of the Christ Child. Smiling, with his little hands held out, the image was backed with a cross. In his usual easy, jocular manner, Father Rizzo said, "What! So little and already you want to crucify Him? Take off that cross and I will take it." Father also asked the artist to place the words "Yo Reinare" ("I will reign") at the base of the statue. The artist made the requested change and Father Rizzo took the statue with him back to the barrio, where he preached to the people about the favors that the Christ Child does for those who have faith and who help the poor. Here, too, he built a small chapel in honor of the Divine Child."
This incident clearly shows that Fr. Rizzo came across a statue of El Divino Niño de la Cruz** in the "Vatican" store. This object of worship, in turn, dates back to the Marian apparitions received by Mother Marian de Jesús Torres in Quito, Ecuador, in 1628AD and 1634AD.
** http: // [ continued]
[...continued 2/3]
I will quote larger passages below from to identify El Divino Niño from the apparition at the end of 1628AD:
>> Then Our Lady of Good Success carrying her Divine Infant in her right arm appeared to Mother Mariana and said:
“Lift your eyes now and look at the Pichincha Mountain, where you will see this Divine Infant Whom I carry in my arms crucified. I deliver Him to the Cross so that He might always give good successes to this Republic."<<
>> The Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael carried the Divine Child to Pichincha Mountain, which overlooks the city of Quito, and is surrounded only by thorn bushes bearing a delicate flower. Here the Child Jesus took the form of a boy of about 12 to 15 years of age, His expression sweetly majestic. He prostrated Himself on the ground with His arms extended as on a cross and prayed to His Eternal Father to look with favor on Ecuador. <<
>> A celestial light enveloped the whole mountain, and the Christ Child rose and stood before a cross with the inscription INRI at its head. On its left arm hung a crown of sharp thorns; on its right, a white stole.
The three Archangels reappeared, with St. Gabriel carrying a white Host. St. Michael bore a long white tunic speckled with stars and St. Raphael carried a mantle of a magnificent rose color unknown on this earth. The Child vested Himself in the white tunic and stole, and over them draped the magnificent mantle. Then He approached the cross, took the crown of thorns and placed it on His Head. He extended His arms and remained crucified, but without any nails appearing either on His hands or feet. Down His cheeks streamed large tears, which were gathered up by the Archangels St. Michael and st. Raphael and dispersed throughout the new nation.
He then ordered St. Gabriel to place the Host behind His head, where it became a kind of halo. Three resplendent beams of light streamed from it. On the center ray appeared the word LOVE, on the ray to His right, ECUADOR, and on the ray to His left, SPAIN. His expression reflected an intense pain, but also a serene joy to suffer for those whom He loved so dearly. As drops of blood fell from the wounds on His hands, feet and forehead, He fixed His gaze on the country and said these words: “I can do no more to show My love for you. Ungrateful souls, who repay the great love and attentions of My Heart with contempt, sacrileges and blasphemies ..... <<
The Blessed Virgin consistently speaks of the Divine Child and not the Child Jesus, because this vision concerns another person. Our Savior was crucified as a mature man — He was literally nailed to the cross. But here we are dealing with a boy standing before the cross. Dressed in a white alb with a deacon's stole, i.e. a servant. The pinkish mantle is a distinctive attribute of Saint Joseph, and it is an anticipation of his mystical marriage to the Blessed Virgin. The angels collect his tears, not the blood, and sprinkle the faithful because it is a kind of white martyrdom, i.e. moral and spiritual. The crown of thorns is an expression of penance for the sins of the mind that will drive entire societies to extreme aberrations. The first young man to stand at (or in front of) the cross was Saint John the Evangelist, and The Apocalypse, the last book of the Bible, was given to him. This Book speaks of the Woman clothed with the Sun and her Man-Son. She gives birth to her Man-Son as Our Mother Holy Church and the sanctity of this Son results from participation in the Eucharist - therefore the sacred Host forms a halo behind his head. The Crucified Host also signifies the cessation of the Daily Sacrifice, and under such circumstances this Man-Son will appear. [2/3]
In the rays around his head are the words Caritas, Spain, Ecuador, because this Son-Man is the link between the old and the new world, between the Church of Christ and the Kingdom of God on earth. Only He will bring God's universal peace on earth. Since this Man-Son is closely related to the Lord Jesus, he can say about himself like saint Paul the Apostle: "No longer I live, but Christ lives in me." That is why in the mouth of El Divino Niño were the words "I can do no more to show My love for you." These words express the final effort of the Lord Jesus to save God's children: He gives them the promised Paraclete. This is not some side event, but it lies in the mainstream of Salvation history, and therefore numerous prophecies over 2,000 years speak of it, beginning with the Revelation to John.
The cult of Our Lady of the Good Event was created simultaneously in San Francisco de Quito and in Spain. In the new world, against the backdrop of the Pichincha volcano, i.e. against the backdrop of fire, while in the old world, in the mountains of Saint Angel [of St. Matthew] on the border Valencia-Catalonia during the terrible lightning in 1607AD. The church in Puerta del Sol in Madrid became the main center of the cult of Our Lady of the Good Event in Spain. Consequently, this devotion is accompanied by fire: volcano, lightning, the sun. Why? Because it is the fire promised by the Lord Jesus [Luke 12:49], and actually the Fire, because it is a person, not an element.
In an apparition to Mother Marianna on February 2, 1634AD, the Blessed Virgin gave a more detailed description of Her Son-Man:
>> “And when they [i.e. Satan with his minions] appear triumphant and when the authority abuses my power, committing injustices and oppressing the weak, near will be their downfall. Dumbfounded, they will fall to the ground."...
“Then, joyful and triumphant, like a tender child, the Church will be reborn and will sweetly sleep, cradled in the capable arms and maternal heart of my most beloved elect son of those times, who will render himself docile to the inspirations of grace. We will fill him with graces and very special gifts; We will make him great on earth and even greater in Heaven, where We have reserved for him a most precious seat. For, without fear of man, he fought for the truth and dauntlessly defended the rights of the Church, for which he will justly be called martyr."
El Divino Niño is standing in front of the cross, this is Her MOST BELOVED ELECT SON OF THOSE TIMES, that is, of our time. He is standing in front of the cross just like the Lady of All Nations***, because we are dealing with the Lord and Lady of All Nations - this couple will introduce the chosen to the God's Kingdom on earth.
*** https: //
When Fr. Rizzo depriving El Divino Niño of the cross freed him so that this Chosen One of Heaven could freely act. By inscribing "Yo reinare" he prophesied that this Son of the Church was destined to reign on earth.
Mother Angelica brought this Little King to Alabama, to the Sanctuary of the Blessed Sacrament, because as a Son of the Church he owes his sanctity to the Eucharist. By building in Hanceville a copy of the Sanctuary of Assisi, she rather unknowingly tied the site to El Divino Niño of Pichincha in Ecuador because this Chosen One was revealed for the first time in San Francisco de Quito. In the Poor Clares' sanctuary in Alabama, He occurs without the cross, because the time of his reign has come. Mother Angelica commissioned the statue of the Divine Child [in the main square of the Shrine] to be made in Madrid, and again, unknowingly - I suppose - she tied the American Assisi in the new world to the Our Lady of Good Event sanctuary in Europe, in the old world. All that I am telling you is consistent because it was not me who invented this story: I am only explaining the work of God's Providence.
Your meeting, dear Veronica, in Hanceville with Jesus in the person of Jonathan Roumi is also a sign that confirms my discussion here. You have met the Chosen One, this Twin of Our Lord, the Man-Son of the Apocalyptic Virgin. The name Jonathan means "YAHWEH has given" - this is the greatest Gift of the Lord Jesus for our time: "I can do no more to show My love for you." The surname Roumi simply means Roman. Jonathan's father is an Egyptian, thanks to which in this story the word of Scripture is fulfilled once again: "I called my son from Egypt" - because we are on the threshold of the revelation of the Sons of God. The plural starts with the number two, the second one is Paraclete. He's not really a Child anymore because Pichincha volcano has two peaks: Guagua [= Child] and Ruco [=Old Man], so this Chosen One is an Old Child, I suppose. Do you understand what adventure we are participating in? The best is yet to come!
August 11/12, commemoration of Saint Clare, Mother Foundress of the Poor Ladies
The word "Freemasonry" is definitely an anachronism. From what I've read, the Freemasons were just getting started at the time of the Quito apparitions; at first the individual lodges were completely independent of each other, and may not even have been aware others existed. By the time of the French Revolution, however, they had established the now-familiar network; in fact, I believe the Alta Vendita had been written by then.
At any rate, while it's not certain that Our Lady actually used the word "Freemasonry," it's entirely possible that she did. In that case, Mother Mariana would have had no idea what she meant, but simply recorded what she was told. In which case, the use of the word long before the actuality existed would be very significant indeed.
On the other hand, there is a short book about these apparitions that was published in the late 1990s or early 2000s that makes no mention of the word. I have the book, but I can't locate it right now, as many of my belongings are still in storage from the recent renovation of my house. I don't remember the title (though I'm pretty sure it involved the phrase "Our Lady of Good Success)or who wrote it. I think it was published by TAN books, but I can't even be sure of that.
“Once I was summoned to the judgment (seat) of God. I stood alone before the Lord. Jesus appeared such, as we know Him during His Passion. After a moment, His wounds disappeared, except for five, those in His hands, His feet, and His side. Suddenly I saw the complete condition of my soul as God sees it. I could clearly see all that is displeasing to God. I did not know, that even the smallest transgressions, will have to be accounted for. What a moment! Who can describe it? To stand before the Thrice-Holy God! Jesus asked me, Who are you? I answered, ‘I am your servant, Lord.’ You are guilty of one day in purgatory. I wanted to throw myself immediately into the flames of purgatory, but Jesus stopped me and said, Which do you prefer, suffer now for one day in purgatory or for a short while on earth? I replied, ‘Jesus I want to suffer in purgatory, and I want to suffer also the greatest pains on earth, even if it were until the end of the world.’ Jesus said, One [of the two] is enough; you will go back to earth, and there you will suffer much more, but not for long; you will accomplish My will and My desires, and a faithful servant of mine will help you to do this. Now, rest your head on My bosom, on My heart, and draw from it strength and power for the sufferings, because you will find neither relief nor help nor comfort anywhere else. Know that you will have much, much to suffer, but do not let this frighten you; I am with you” (Diary 36).
Emmett, this sounds to me that Faustina believed in a global illumination of conscience.
Emmett, trying to discern the truth about Luisa Piccaretta and the Divine Will movement is hard. I feel like I am watching a ping pong match. I found merit in the critique of the Divine Will movement by Bill Biersach and Charles Coulombe (in the link that you posted on August 3rd) the point that Divine Revelation is complete and ended with the passing of the last apostle and yet it seems that Luisa Piccaretta seems to indicating that there is some new Divine Revelation that we should know about with this idea of the Divine Will. I also found merit in the criticism that Luisa Piccaretta seems prideful in the way she describes herself as so great (a very loose paraphrasing of what she says about herself.) I had also heard Patrick Madrid say once that he dismissed her at least in part for this same reason. Then comes along this video four days ago of a discussion between Fr. Mark Goring, whom I admire and respect immensely, and Daniel O'Connor. I decided to give it a listen because of my respect for Fr. Goring. In this discussion, they list some of the endorsements of Luisa Piccaretta and her writings and in which Daniel O'Connor strongly asserts that the Era of Peace that he claims will happen is not the same as the heretical belief in millenialism. If anyone is interested the link to this video is
Emmett, I think there may be a difference between the heresy of millenialism and the Era of Peace that Daniel O'Connor is saying he believes will happen. I am wondering if perhaps there has been some error in communication and whether you might be willing to try to speak with Daniel O'Connor perhaps in a podcast and try to clarify your differences. I think such a discussion would be of help to all of us trying to discern the Truth about this matter. Since I trust you are both men of good will, an honest debate seems a very Catholic thing to do.
There is no miscommunication. Daniel O'Connor's teaching on the "era of peace" is straight up millenarianism. He rejects the amillennialism of St. Augustine, and instead forwards a version of the Joachite heresy based on the writings of Piccarreta - which are not approved by the Church. I don't think that O'Connor would be willing to have a debate with me on this subject, since I can dismantle each of his arguments.
Hi Emmett. I agree with on the errors that are being put out by Countdown to the Kingdom. But you also mentioned about La Salette. It might be a good idea for you to re-publish the article you did on La Salette here again.
God bless
Anthony W
I think I will Anthony. Thanks for suggesting that.
The Visionaries today 7-8-2020
Glenn Hudson Lives in Massapequa, New York
Glenn Hudson is a personal friend of Conchita Gonzalez Keena (He has a Facebook)
Conchita" Concepción González BORN February 7, 1949, this will make 71 this year 2020
I have shown countless times how I arrived at the Miracle being in the month of April, between the 8-16th. Now Mari Loli only knew the Year of the Warning, and originally she did say it would be "within a year " of the Miracle, BUT later in 1975 she did say more specifically "in the same year " (as the Miracle). Now she also said (under some duress from a priest questioning her) the Warning would be in an "even year".
So, if you piece all this together, you can assume the Warning and Miracle are in the same, even numbered year, and if we know the Miracle is in April, the Warning should happen between January 1 and March 31st ( since Conchita will give 8 days notice of the Miracle ). That is my somewhat educated opinion.
The Visionaries today 2020 and from 1961to 1965
Conchita lives in NY, a widower, 4 children and maintains a quiet spiritual existence, until she has to announce the 8 days before the Miracle.
Mari Loli passed away April 20,2009. She was only 59 years old. She suffered from Lupus and Scleroderma which ultimately caused fibrosis of her lungs.
Jacinta lives in California, with her husband, Jeffrey and daughter. Occasionally will do a public appearance there ,and display one of the crosses Mary kissed.
Mary Cruz lives with her husband Ignacio Cabellero and has 4 children in Aviles Spain about a hundred miles from Garabandal, and prefers a quiet, removed from the public life with her family.
In the year 2020
Conchita =71 Jacinta = 71 Mari Loli died 2009 Mary Cruz= 70
The events at Garabandal began on June 18, 1961 when four girls eleven and twelve years old, Mari Loli Mazón (May 1, 1949 – April 20, 2009), Jacinta González (b. April 27, 1949), Mari Cruz González (b. June 21, 1950) and Maria "Conchita" Concepción González (b. February 7, 1949) said that they saw an angel.
The Visionaries today 7-8-2020
Glenn Hudson Lives in Massapequa, New York
Glenn Hudson is a personal friend of Conchita Gonzalez Keena (He has a Facebook)
Conchita" Concepción González BORN February 7, 1949, this will make 71 this year 2020
I have shown countless times how I arrived at the Miracle being in the month of April, between the 8-16th. Now Mari Loli only knew the Year of the Warning, and originally she did say it would be "within a year " of the Miracle, BUT later in 1975 she did say more specifically "in the same year " (as the Miracle). Now she also said (under some duress from a priest questioning her) the Warning would be in an "even year".
So, if you piece all this together, you can assume the Warning and Miracle are in the same, even numbered year, and if we know the Miracle is in April, the Warning should happen between January 1 and March 31st ( since Conchita will give 8 days notice of the Miracle ). That is my somewhat educated opinion.
The Visionaries today 2020 and from 1961to 1965
Conchita lives in NY, a widower, 4 children and maintains a quiet spiritual existence, until she has to announce the 8 days before the Miracle.
Mari Loli passed away April 20,2009. She was only 59 years old. She suffered from Lupus and Scleroderma which ultimately caused fibrosis of her lungs.
Jacinta lives in California, with her husband, Jeffrey and daughter. Occasionally will do a public appearance there ,and display one of the crosses Mary kissed.
Mary Cruz lives with her husband Ignacio Cabellero and has 4 children in Aviles Spain about a hundred miles from Garabandal, and prefers a quiet, removed from the public life with her family.
In the year 2020
Conchita =71 Jacinta = 71 Mari Loli died 2009 Mary Cruz= 70
The events at Garabandal began on June 18, 1961 when four girls eleven and twelve years old, Mari Loli Mazón (May 1, 1949 – April 20, 2009), Jacinta González (b. April 27, 1949), Mari Cruz González (b. June 21, 1950) and Maria "Conchita" Concepción González (b. February 7, 1949) said that they saw an angel.
Now that I am completely confused. This is probably one of the biggest issues when it comes to the Book of Revelations. And since there are not too many Catholic scholars who want to tackle this would be a good idea if someone laid out a timeline/scenario agenda on how this will play out. Listening to Xavier Ayral, on TradCatKnight, when he was translating for Isabella who is the caretaker for Maria Julia Jehenny's estate and properties, he did say, the Great Monarch is now alive on earth, and that Maximilian's secret (La Salette) had to do with the reign of this Great King and the lineage. So, it also in many of the visionaries/seers visits from the Blessed Mother that She spoke of this to be the end of an era. Not the end of the world.
And finally, I agree (understand) the free will argument, God gave us free will and will not take that away. However, the Lord's Prayer, 'Thy will be done...' ? I bought into the Countdown to the Kingdom, but they said it was not millennialism. One is that Christ will come after the antichrist; but not to reign on earth;... or that Christ will come at the end the world and bring us all up into His Heavenly Kingdom, right then....
OR the Antichrist will not come for quiet some time,after the Church has recovered and we have begun once again to fall into deep sin? So what and which is it, and what then is all this happening now!!! Looking very definitive and demonic and surely follows the Revelations and the many happenings. Thank you, Emmett for your works. I have your book, but it is long and I am a slow reader. Perhaps I should read it backwards, since looks like so much has already begun. God bless you and your efforts.
I'm very skeptical about Piccarreta’s Divine will teachings. I've been to the meetings a few times, read some of her writings. The teachings are not in line with the teachings of the Holy Mother Church. You can check what Fr Most and Servant of God Fr Hardon said about these teachings. Unfortunately the good sources are being erased from the internet, or at least they are disappearing somehow. Piccarreta’s followers are everywhere and they don't question the teachings. They are as in hypnosis; it doesn't matter what you say to convince them, they turn off their brains and follow their feelings. At least that's what I've been experiencing with my friends. They are blind and can be demanding about their thoughts. They think that they are specially gifted, better than the non-followers. Watch out!
- (Servant of God Fr. Hardon)
1st – DREAMED Light, then Explosion, then DARKNESS – 2/2019 (THE RISE OF COMMUNISM)
6TH DREAM DARKNESS 01/23/20, 01/29/20, 02/19/20, 03/06/20, 03/11/20 TWICE, 04/07/20, 04/10/20 (CHISTISMENT)
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