Saturday, 11 April 2020

2020: The Silence in Heaven and the Opening of the Seventh Seal

Even though we are still in its early stages, the year 2020 has turned out to be one of the most memorable in living memory. It has also brought about a unprecedented change in the praxis of the Roman Catholic religion.  For the first time in the history of Christianity, churches have fallen into silence worldwide. While the Mass continues to be celebrated by the world's priests and bishops in unison with the Pope, the churches have been robbed of the physical presence of the laity, who comprise the bulk of the worship offered towards the Most Holy Trinity, in keeping with the observance of the Sabbath.  This will be the first Easter since the Resurrection of Christ that the lay faithful will not be able to share in full communion with the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, which is one of the precepts of the Catholic Church.

As long time readers of this blog will already be aware, I had noted that this year stood out as being of some major prophetic importance in my book Unveiling the Apocalypse: The Final Passover of the Church.  This was chiefly because this year marks the end of a 120 year countdown associated with the vision of Pope Leo XIII, which began at the turn of the 20th century. While it was long thought that the period of Satan's greater power would only last for the duration of a century, Kevin Symonds has recently unearthed the real historical facts behind this vision in his book Pope Leo XIII and the Prayer to St. Michael

A fresh batch of information has been brought to light thanks to Symond's research, including additional material emanating from the eyewitness testimony provided by Fr. Pechenino, and a homily on Pope Leo's vision attributed to Cardinal Pedro Segura y Saenz. Among these new findings we find the surprising fact that the earliest accounts of this vision records that Satan had actually requested a period of 50-60 years in which to destroy the Church, rather than 75-100 years.  This closely corresponds to the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, who was also shown that Satan would be unchained from the Abyss 50-60 years before the year 2000.  In my book, I put forward the hypothesis that while this period of 50-60 years had began around the year 1900, it needs to be doubled, given the fact that this vision is directly based on the trials of Job, and that Satan had been granted two separate attempts in which he was allowed to test God's prophet, in the hope he would eventually deny Him.  You can view a podcast below, where I attempt to give a brief sketch of this theory to Fr. Richard Heilman and Doug Barry, which was coincidentally timed to correspond with the very beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak at the end of 2019. It is definitely worth re-watching in light of current events:

This event, which has gone on to every person on the planet, appears to have been ominously foretold by Sr. Agnes Sasagawa exactly 40 days previous to the outbreak, in a private revelation which closely corresponds with the instruction to adorn sackcloth and ashes given by the Prophet Jonah to the inhabitants of Nineveh. In Unveiling the Apocalypse: The Final Passover of the Church, I argue that the 50-60 years requested by Satan during Pope Leo's vision was actually only Satan's first attempt to destroy the Church. If we compare this prophecy with its primary inspiration in the Book of Job, the exact manner in which Satan tests Job is comprised of two distinct parts.  In his first attempt, Satan claims Job's children by tearing down the house of their elder brother. After Satan's first attempt fails, he then comes back to request another chance to destroy Job's faith, this time by afflicting the prophet himself with a plague of terrible sores:

And the LORD said to Satan, “From where have you come?” Satan answered the LORD and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.” And the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil? He still holds fast his integrity, although you incited me against him to destroy him without reason.” Then Satan answered the LORD and said, “Skin for skin! All that a man has he will give for his life. But stretch out your hand and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse you to your face.” And the LORD said to Satan, “Behold, he is in your hand; only spare his life.” So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and struck Job with loathsome sores from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. And he took a piece of broken pottery with which to scrape himself while he sat in the ashes. Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die.” But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.   
(Job 2:2-10)

So if the prophecy of Leo XIII corresponds with the trials of Job, it would follow that Satan would have returned before the throne of God to request another attempt to destroy the Church after the period of 50-60 years had elapsed, this time by changing tack - manifesting a plague of sores upon the Church itself, rather than the physical destruction of its children through war. Such an interpretation would explain why there was such a sudden swerve in the middle of the 20th century, going from the two world wars in the first half, to the modern apostasy in the second, which yielded not only great changes within the Church itself, but also saw the rise of the sexual abuse crisis, as well as the worldwide resurgence in occultism brought about by the New Age Movement.

We can find some evidence to support this hypothesis in Symond's work, which contains the account of the vision of Pope Leo given by Cardinal Segura, who provides an additional detail about Satan's first request of 50-60 years, stating that "God granted that period and said they would talk again at a later time…" (Symonds, K. Pope Leo XIII and the Prayer to St. Michael, p50).  This strongly suggests that the conversation between God and the Devil would be continued after the failure of the first attempt, just like during the trials of Job.  And if Satan was granted a further period of 50-60 years during this second attempt, this would bring the total amount of time up to 100-120 years, which is much more in line with the more well known version of this prophecy, and this revised figure fits much better with the actual unfolding of historical events.

The beginning of this time period appears to have been signified by Pope Leo's consecration of the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1899, which was requested by Christ Himself when He appeared to Blessed Mary of the Divine Heart in 1898.  This parallels the 100-year time period between the request to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart during Christ's apparition to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and the beginning of the French Revolution.  This interpretation identifies a major turning point in the period of Satan's greater power (when blemishes would be manifested on the Church itself) at around the year 1960, which ties us into the significance of Our Lady's words concerning when the Third Secret should have been originally published. 

Satan's request of 50-60 years to destroy the Church is also extremely similar to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich's prophecy of the unbinding of Satan towards the end of the world, which she seen during a vision of the binding of Satan during Christ's Descent into Hell:

In the centre of Hell I saw a dark and horrible-looking abyss, and into this Lucifer was cast, after being first strongly secured with chains; thick clouds of sulphureous black smoke arose from its fearful depths, and enveloped his frightful form in the dismal folds, thus effectually concealing him from every beholder. God himself had decreed this; and I was likewise told, if I remember right, that he will be unchained for a time fifty or sixty years before the year of Christ 2000. The dates of many other events were pointed out to me which I do not now remember; but a certain number of demons are to be let loose much earlier than Lucifer, in order to tempt men, and to serve as instruments of the divine vengeance. I should think that some must be loosened even in the present day, and others will be set free in a short time.

Blessed Emmerich's vision can therefore be completely reconciled with the vision of Pope Leo XIII if we are to understand the period of the unbinding of Satan above as lasting for 50-60 years, starting at an unspecified date before the year 2000, rather than taking place 50-60 years before the turn of the millennium.  This would mean that the 50-60 year timeframe mentioned by Blessed Emmerich is one and the same as the period of Satan's greater power, rather than placing the unleashing of the Devil at around the years 1940-1950.  Interpreted in this way, the true meaning of Blessed Emmerich's words would be "he will be unchained for a time [period lasting] fifty or sixty years before the year of Christ 2000".

It is perhaps no coincidence then that the year 1899 was marked by the extremely rare occurrence of an alignment of all seven of the classical planets known to the ancients, which I argue in my book marked the opening of the Abyss at the end of the "thousand years". The seven classical planets are represented in Rev 1 as the seven stars held in the hand of Jesus, which are also the "keys to the Abyss":

In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength. When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades. Write therefore the things that you have seen, those that are and those that are to take place after this. As for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands, the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches. (Rev 1:17-20)

This year, which will mark the end of the 100-120 period of the unbinding of Satan is similarly marked by an alignment of all seven of the classical planets, which will take place on July 4th, 2020. In my book, I forward the hypothesis that Pope Leo XIII's vision of the period of Satan's greater power and the short time of Satan's unbinding in Rev 20 correspond to the opening of the scroll sealed with seven seals in Rev 5. The unleashing of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse at the opening of the seven seals corresponds with the unfolding of the world wars of the 20th century, and culminates in the opening of the seventh seal, which is marked by the silencing of the Four Living Creatures, who constantly give glory to God:

When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer, and he was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne, and the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel. Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth, and there were peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake. (Rev 8:1-5)

The constant hymn of praise that the Four Living Creatures offer towards God in eternal worship represents the liturgy of the Church, which until now, constantly gave praise to Christ somewhere in the various Churches dispersed around the world:

And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say,: “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come!” (Rev 4:8)

For the first time in the history of Christianity, the song of the Four Living Creatures offered in the Church liturgy has fallen into eerie silence. It is surely of no coincidence that the simultaneous closure of world's churches has occurred at the very tail end of this 120 year period, bringing the sequence of the opening of the scroll with seven seals to a gripping finale, which awaits the sounding of the seven trumpets.


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Kevin A Miller said...

There is a part of me that strongly believes that this time has been given to us to think about all that we have taken for granted and solidify how serious we are about our faith in light of the fact that we can no longer practice it in so many ways that we have become accustomed to. Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

Mark W said...

And all this begs the question: What's next?

JMC said...

In the comments after the last post, someone wondered if the half-hour of silence would correspond to the length of time some pundits were estimating the pandemic would last, which puts us in late June or early July, almost exactly six months after the virus was first found in the US. I also find it interesting that the planetary alignment is set to occur on July 4, which is Independence Day in the US, largely because the 1960s' hippie movement, in which all the upheaval of that decade was rooted, began on the west coast of that country. Since some of those very same hippies are in control of America's government now, I think it's almost certain that the planetary alignment indeed signals the end of Satan's greater power.
I've already seen what may be the first signs of it; a handful of the left-wingers have begun to re-think their stands since the COVID outbreak. According to ChurchPop, an agnostic "miraculously" (their word) converted during the Pope's recent Urbi et Orbi blessing. At least one writer over at Crisis Magazine believes the trend is going to increase over the next few months.
Please, God!

Anonymous said...

Happy, holy Easter, Emmett and others.
Thank you for your insightful summary.
Michael G

James D said...

Great post Emmett. The seven trumpets all sound terrible though...

Jason R. said...

It sounds like things may be accelerating along the eschatological timeline, the timing of Sr. Agnes' locution and how that loops us back yet again to Jonah and Nineveh seems much too coincidental not to be related somehow to these trying times we find ourselves in very collectively around the world.

But the most important thing, He is risen! Happy Easter to everyone, may any tests we have ahead only serve to bring us closer to Our Lord through Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, I hope everyone and their loved ones are and will be OK. Thank you for that article links on the last post's comment section Kevin, they were very comforting and good food for thought on a bigger spiritual picture that could be easy to miss, I really enjoyed them.

Steve Davis said...

Trust God in all. He is in control!
All Glory to God!
Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

SIRACH (Ecclesiasticus)34:13-17 - "FEAR THE LORD" - Encouraging WORD!!!

Kevin A Miller said...

Churches are empty today just as the tomb was empty while the disciples of Christ were practicing social distancing.

JMC said...

The churches are not exactly empty. Priests are still saying Mass, even though there's no congregation, so the churches are filled with angels! ;D

Unknown said...

Please read the book. There is so much more in it, from Amazon direct.

P5borel said...

Fr. Jonathan Meyer during the homily for today's Mass pointed out how the tomb was sealed just as the churches are today, but that did not stop the Lord from leaving the tomb and going out into the world and neither do the locked and sealed doors stop Jesus from walking among us now.

Emmett, I know you have said you disagree with Fr. Ianuzzi and Daniel O'Connor and the Divine Will movement because you say they believe in a Milleniarist thousand year reign of Christ on Earth, but Fr. Michel Rodriguez' videos and posts found at, a website which also does promote Luisa Picarreta's revelations are compelling to me. I wanted to ask you, Emmett, about Fr. Rodriguez because I do not see him promoting a milleniarist viewpoint, but rather he talks about a period of peace which is only going to last 6 weeks after the Warning. So, Emmett, are you really putting Fr. Rodriguez in the same pot with the milleniarists??? And, Emmett, do you think it could be that the period of peace Mary promised is only 6 weeks?

Also people, someone sent me a link to a talk from the St. Michael Apostolate which I also found very convincing and reasonable. My understanding is that this group started from the apparitions at Bayside which some say have been discredited, but having now seen the Garabandal movie which explained to me the pressure exerted to squash the messages of certain messages which were very critical of many religious, I am wondering if the same thing may have happened to Bayside as did to Garabandal. Does anyone have any comments?

Anonymous said...

I am curious what you might see as the timeline for the Warning now that this has come about. Some are saying that it is imminent. I remember something about it coming in a springtime month or a month of the Eucharist. Anyone have thoughts on this?

Charles Fears said...


Douay-Rheims Bible Prophecy of Joel Chapter 2
[28] And it shall come to pass after this, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy: your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. [29] Moreover upon my servants and handmaids in those days I will pour forth my spirit. [30] And I will shew wonders in heaven; and in earth, blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke.
Do these dreams pertain to the WARNING?

I don’t know what time it was, it must have been between 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM, All I know I was a sleep.
The dream: I saw a real bright light; it was all white, like I was looking straight into a bright light bulb. Then I heard a great big explosion and everything went black. It was so real, I thought our house breaker box blew up and we lost our electric power. (It really scared me) I open my eyes and it wasn’t so black. I looked at my lamp indicator light and it was on, (working). I knew then I had been dreaming, but it was so real.

P.S. 4/7/2019
Sometime during the night I had another dream and it happen twice in the same night. All I can say is all I saw was a deep black and I mean a deep dark black, and it scared me and I woke up yelling. Again it was so real; I thought we lost our electricity, but when I open my eyes I could see we had not lost our electrical power. In both of the dreams there was no light or sound as I had before, just deep blackness, and so real and each time I yelled out.

P.S 8/3/19
At about 3:11 AM - Again I had the same dream, only it went real fast. Again all I can say is all I saw was a deep black and I mean a deep dark black, and it scared me and I woke up yelling. Again it was so real; I thought we lost our electricity, but when I open my eyes I could see we had not lost our electrical power in the dream there was no light or sound , just deep blackness, and so real and I yelled out. I looked at my watch and as close as I could read it was 3:11 AM.

On the morning of 10/2/19 ( I don’t know what time) while I was sleeping early in the morning I had a flash of darkness and a gain it scared me, I thought we had lost our electric power, I looked at my light indicator and saw that we had not lost our electric power. So I went back to sleep.

Charles Fears said...

I do not remember what time it was, but I had a dream that was very scary. I dream that a very bright wave of light was being forced down my mouth, (my mouth was wide open and felt I was being filled up and about to explode. I screamed and I woke up and threw my covers off. Looked at my wife to see if I woke her up. I didn’t.

01/13/20? Not sure this is right the date as I did not write it down.
I had another dream. I saw a flash of darkness, I screamed and woke up. Again I though we lost our electric. I checked and we did not lose our electric.

I had a dream of a flash of light. It scared me, I screamed and woke up. Checked my watch and it was 3:39 AM.

It was around 3:30 AM 01/24/20. The dream was a quick flash of dark Blackness. It scared me, but not as bad as the other dreams. I wake up right when it happen and check to see if we had lost our electric power and we didn’t. I went back to sleep.

About 11:30 PM as I was sleeping, all of sudden in a flash I saw a deep blackness; I woke up and yelled out. This time my wife was awake and heard me. She ask me if I was all right and I said yes. Again I thought we lost our electric power, which we did not. This all happen within seconds.

02/19/20 3:30 AM
I was sleeping, all of sudden in a flash I saw a deep blackness; I woke up and yelled out, but not as loud. This time it last maybe a second longer and I was not quite afraid. Maybe I am getting used to it. I am still praying about it. To know what it means.

03/06/20 about 4:30 AM
A very flash of darkness awoke me and my right arm felt numb for a few minutes.

Again about or between 2:00 and 5:00 AM. A flash of great darkness awoke me and I yelled out, then about 30 min. later it happen again!!!

04/07/20 AT 3:15 AM
A very flash of darkness awoke me as I yelled out Ruth, (my wife’s name)

04/10/2020 at 1:30
A very flash of darkness awoke me as I yelled OH

I do not understand why I have been given these dreams or what they mean. I have been praying about them, that God would be clear to why I am getting them and what do they mean. Although they have scared me, I am at peace while I am praying and thinking about them, and trying to understand them. I do feel that the warning will happen soon, wither that it is this year or some near year. I do know that it will happen and that it takes a long time to prepare for it.

Our Lady Queen of Peace to Pedro Regis Darkness Covers the Whole World

Charles Fears said...

Dreams had in the mid 1995

I was in an older home, standing it the middle of the front room, very happy giving money to a man dressed in black with an outfit that look like Dick Tracy in the comics, only his coat was black. I felt like my family was there with me, and there was a window in the front door allowing some light to come in. After I gave him the money, he left. Not long after he left I look out the window and here he was coming back. I was very happy and started yelling to everybody that he was back. I went to the front door to open it for him and when I had the door half way open and he had stepped half way through the door, I realized it was Satan. I got very scared and slammed the door on him. At that time he got very ugly and mad, but I used all my strength and put my foot against the wall (there was a closet behind me) for more leveraged, he began to get madder, and I got more afraid and I began to think what can I do. Then I remembered that I read in some messages that to get rid of Satan, you could command him to be gone in Jesus name, so I began to say, “in Jesus’ name I command you to be gone”, “in Jesus’ name I command you to be gone”. I kept pushing harder and harder, and saying “in Jesus’ name I command you to be gone, and it did not seem to be working, and I got scared and wondered what I was doing wrong. But I kept persevering, pushing harder and harder and saying “I command you to be gone in Jesus name”, in Jesus name I command you to be gone, and when I thought I might not be able to keep it up, because I was pushing as hard as I could and yelling as loud as I could, “in Jesus’ name I command you to be gone”, the door started to very slowly close, and as Satan was push out of the door, he still had one leg from the knee down in the door, I woke up. My entire body was sweating and trembling as I laid on the bed. I got up found my wife and told her what had happen. Now this was the first of three dreams I had like this, I mean a dream like I never had before. A dream that stays with me in the slightest details, as if I had just dreamed it.

Charles Fears said...

My next dream happen in the same manner. I came home from work tired, laid down on my bed to rest for a little while and went right to sleep. This is what I dreamed:
I saw a picture of Jesus just as He looks on the cover of “I am your Jesus of Mercy” book, accept it was in black and white, as if it was carved out of ice or glass. I felt great peace and love. Then I looked up and I saw a picture of a face that looked very mad, like your father’s face looks when you did something wrong and he is scolding you. I said, “What is that?”, and I heard a very kind and gentle voice say, “That is Jesus”. I said “No, no, this is Jesus; this is Jesus, refereeing to the picture of “I am Your Jesus of Mercy”. The kind and gentle voice said, “That is Jesus of Mercy and that is Jesus of Justice”, and I woke up. I went and told my wife the dream.

Charles Fears said...

The next dream I had was after I had been prayed over in tongues and I had asked to able to Pray from the heart. I had got home about 11:00 PM and went to bed.
I dreamed that I was standing in a large room and it was filled with Protestants, and they were praying. I was confused. I didn’t understand what I was doing in a room full of Protestants, when I am Catholic. So I raised my arms up as high as they would raise and began to pray, “My Jesus I Love You”, my Jesus I Love You’. Then all of a sudden a light started penetrating into the palms of my hands and going down my arms, through my body. Then I felt great peace and my body started raising up into the air, till I was above everybody. Then my body starting moving around the room, all the while I kept praying, “My Jesus I Love You”. Then all of a sudden I started saying “the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God, the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God,” I continued saying this until I was in the corner of the room above five women. The women looked like they were scared or worried, and I said to them “do not worry, all Christians go to Heaven.” Then my body floated over to the middle of the room and went perpendicular to the floor, with my face toward the floor and about 18” above the floor. I continued saying, “the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God, the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God.” Then I woke up and got up and sit on the side of the bed, my wife was a sleep so I just sat there for awhile.

Charles Fears said...

One night as I lay on my bed I began to think about this big beautiful house and how I was not worthy to knock on the door. Then my guardian angle knocks on the door for me. The blessed Mother, Mary (our Mother) opens the door. She took me in and cleaned me up and dressed me in beautiful clothes. Then she took me to Jesus. She told Jesus all the good things that I had done. Not one bad thing did she say to Jesus, only good things. Jesus, He smiled at Mary and me, and said to me, I will take you to My Father. But first you must be purified. And before I knew what happen, I was purified by the Holy Sprit and sitting on God the Father’s lap filled with great love and peace, beyond what words can describe

Charles Fears said...

Here is something else I would like to share with you.
In September, of 1995, my wife, my daughter and I went to a Marian conference in Chicago. While we there listening to the speakers, a thought came to my mind about how souls go to hell. Now no one was talking about this subject, for some reason I just started thinking about it. Before I go on, I must tell you that I have read several messages that state that God does not send souls to hell, that the soul sends itself to hell, and I had wondered how this could happen. Well as I said, I was thinking about this, and it is like this, darkness is sin and light is God. Now if a person lives in a room or cave of compete darkness and has been there for along time, when that person comes into the light, he or she can not stand the light so the person goes back in to the dark room. This is like a soul that has lived in sin, when the soul dies, it cannot stand to look at God, Who is pure Light, so the soul drives itself into hell. Now the next day I was praying before Jesus in the blessed sacrament, the Holy Eucharist, when I began to think of this again and it was like this, a soul who lives in sin lives in darkness, but if the soul, while still living would let some light in, then when the soul died it would be like a person, who was in a dark room but let some light in. So then when the person went into the Light, he or she would be able to squint their eyes and look at the light and eventually be able to open their eyes all the way. This would be a soul that, when it died was not pure enough to go to heaven, so it went to purgatory. All souls are different some have to squint harder then others and some can adjust faster to the light and some live always in the light, their eyes are wide open, these go straight to heaven.

Anonymous said...

As the Pope dedicated the world in 1899 to The Sacred Heart of Jesus (when the 7 planets aligned), I think that near 4 July 2020 the Pope might finally (with the world's bishops) consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart as requested as Fatima.

At the same time, the Pope could speak ex cathedra to promulgate the 5th and last Marian Dogma: that Mary is Mediatrix, CoRedemptrix, and Advocate.

At the same time, I would not be surprised if the American Bishops would install the statue of Our Lady of America in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, as she requested.

*Something* must happen to motivate Pope and Bishops to do all three of these things:
Something like *the warning*. Hold that thought, and pray for it.

---Adrian Johnson

Bridget said...

Happy Easter to everyone!

Two things- Mark W, I think we should bring up that story you mentioned in the previous post since it’s so on topic now. The 5.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Salt Lake City on March 18th knocked the trumpet out of the angel’s hand on top of the Mormon Temple. Did you guys notice that happed 7 days after the WHO declared covid-19 and official pandemic?

Also, is there any significance to the eruption of Anak Krakatau on Good Friday? Turns out, this is the volcano that’s currently being studied in anticipation of the collapse of Cumbre Vieja. Check out this article from Sept. 23, 2019...

“As members of Grilli’s team surveyed the area in January and February 2019, and again this August, they were among the first in more than 100 years to study a volcanically generated tsunami. The tsunami was caused when two-thirds of Anak Krakatau, which had been erupting since June 2018, slid into the ocean.”

“A large volcanic collapse can cause a large tsunami, and we know there is a risk of collapse at the Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canary Islands, as collapses occurred in the distant past,” Grilli said.

P5borel said...

Here is the link to the video by St. Michael World Apostolate that seems solid to me. The video is entitled: Coronavirus: Apocalyptic pestilence? Sinister communist plot to destabilize and spread fear?

Also Fr. Jonathan Meyer is at All SAints Parish in Guilfor, Indiana. What a great priest he is! I am choosing to watch his Masses during the Church shutdowns because of the beautiful, very reverent way he says Mass in case is looking for a good suggestion of which Mass to watch.

PS I just noticed SpiritDaily has linked to this latest post of yours, Emmett.

Jason R. said...

I'm always quite amazed where you find those articles Bridget, thanks! Reading that Cumbre Vieja never seems to be too far from the thoughts of the scientists that investigate collapses like this one of Anak Krakatau, I'd never have heard of it other than your posts, and I'm super interested in things like this.

For those stressed out about this global public emergency interrupting Mass attendance, maybe we can take this unhappy separation to reflect on the many hundreds of millions of Catholics that were forced to be separated from the sacraments for entire generations. And to remember as long as Masses are being celebrated, Christ exists on Earth not just through the Church spiritually but physically in the blessed sacrament. Without that physical presence the planet would turn to Hell on Earth very quickly, but I don't think we are anywhere near that.

Watching the Holy Father celebrate Mass this morning, the beautiful solemnity of the liturgy, and knowing what a multitude of fellow Catholics were watching along with me really made me feel a solidarity through the Mass with so many others in every country in the world, it was quite powerful how the Mass still unites so even when we can't be there in person.

Bridget said...

Ha, thanks Jason! I thought it was interesting too! Yeah, I can’t say that I have a knack for interpreting prophecy like Emmett, but I do have a knack for googling I suppose. Lol :)

Anonymous said...

Right?! Also how does the triumph of the Immaculate Heart factor into the timeline, I wonder.

Tommy Nichk said...

Obviously the writer has never read Father Ianuzzi or Dan O'Connor. They are not millianarists....They DO NOT Believe Christ will physically return. Only that the Church will enjoy an era of Peace and there will be One Church with One Flock. Does not sound bad to me. NOWHERE in ANY of their writings do they talk about Jesus Christ making an actual return to rule for 1,000 years. So I have to say read the material before you bash someone. Just because you do not understand what they write, does not mean you can condemn it. MMP said the same things in the Book "To My Priests" are you going to make similar incorrect allegations??? Can not believe a word you print if you can be so wrong on this account.

Jason R. said...

Tommy, you might want to take a closer look at the Church's definition of millenarianism. After the first bout of the heresy was stamped out during the Roman Empire, it was almost miraculously unknown to people as even a possible concept until 16th century Protestantism unfortunately resurrected it again. I'll leave it to you if you want to study up on the heresy as the Church defines it, but I suspect if you do you may see Fr. Ianuzzi's writings and theology in a different light. From what you wrote I don't think your definition of millenarianism is as broad as that of the Church's viewpoint. But you seem like you might be a true believer of that viewpoint as well, so in any case, happy Easter to you and a joyous new paschal year in this strange time we find ourselves.

Anonymous said...

There has been a lot of talk about the 1000 year reign of Christ and as with so many other prophecies we always seem to look for them in the way WE think they are fulfilled rather than how God will fulfilled them. In MY opinion, I believe the 1000 year reign has already occurred. At the birth of our Church Rome was the great evil in the world and it was not until the end of the Roman empire did the Church spread unhindered throughout the west and east. Remember that Rome fell about 476 AD and when historians view this period they see the Dark Ages. Dark Ages for whom?

It is during this time that the Church spread outward, bringing the Gospel to many lands. Yes, much of society in this part of the world was poor,uneducated, disease ridden etc yet our Lord in His Church spread her message, established our doctrines and dogmas, gave us the Holy Bible and spread far and wide....until Martin Luther and the great apostasy. Almost 1000 years from the fall of Rome. What history sees as the Dark Ages up to the Renaissance(rebirth of Humanism) the Church grew to spread its message even unto the New World and to Asia. For a 1000 years the Church reigned from C.476AD to C.1476AD or so. Remember, Revelation may not have been completely written in chronological order. Events paralleled each other instead of being sequential.

Anyway this is my opinion. God bless you all.

Mark W said...

Hey Bridget -

I'll re-post the Hoogerbeets info here, for quicker reference.

Happy Easter, one and all!



That whole thing about the alignment had slipped my mind. This could turn out to be a bit long, so bear with me. But this is quite interesting (at least, to me it's interesting).

There's a guy named Frank Hoogerbeets in the Netherlands. He's made some pretty remarkable earthquake predictions over the years, and he uses the alignment of planetary bodies to make the predictions.

Hoogerbeets says that the gravitational/tidal effects of a planetary alignment are too week to cause earthquakes or impact Earth in any significant way. However, he says that the electromagnetic impact of various alignments are a different story. His theory is that the electromagnetic impact is enough to impact the Earth sufficiently to cause earthquakes. Yes, Hoogerbeets is seen as something of a crackpot by the scientific community, but he still has a remarkable track record for a crackpot.

The basic idea is: Moving a magnet around a coil of wire will generate electricity, and moving planets around the solar system - in theory - generates electromagnetic waves in the same basic way. It's all a matter of scale.

That the planetary alignments impact Earth weather has long been established. An RCA engineer tested the theory in the 40s and 50s. He found that planetary alignments do change earth weather and atmosphere. And to that, I can give a personal example...

I'm an amateur radio operator (amongst other things). Being a HAM operator with transmission rights in the high frequency (HF) band, means that I watch the sun for clues as to when my radio transmissions will travel great distances. The key is sunspots. During the last solar maximum, I managed to contact a guy that was about 7000 miles away (north Texas to the southern tip of Patagonia) - on just 5 watts of power (far less than a light bulb's worth of power). The upper HF bands are most impacted by sunspots, so that's in the 10 meter, 12m, and 15m bands. When the sunspots faded toward solar minimum, all of those bands dried up. I haven't heard anything on 10m in over 2 years.

Now, go look at

You'll see a blank solar disc. There are no sunspots. Yet, in spite of this, 10m is suddenly open. There are global reports of contacts being made on 10m, 12m, and 15m every morning and evening. (, HF tab, 10m tab.) Yet the sun is devoid of spots. From the radio world, this is counter to what everyone expects.

It's entirely possible, as we approach July 4th, that the electromagnetic spectrum will open and long distance radio communication will open with it. Something is going on that's opened the bands during a solar minimum, and this doesn't happen often.

If an alignment can impact the weather, and thereby radio wave propagation, who's to say it can't impact the great lump of iron we're sitting on.

I've reached out to Frank Hoogerbeets via Twitter. I'll let you know what he says. But this summer could be quite interesting in a variety of ways. I'll probably be proven wrong again, but it's fun to speculate.

9 April 2020 at 18:24

Mark W said...

Tommy Nichk - I don't think anyone here ever suggested that Ianuzzi or Mallett think Christ will physically return for 1000 years. You'll have to forgive me if I'm a bit off on the details. I haven't read them in four or five years, I think. But they do believe in something that I seem to recall as a "Eucharistic" reign of Christ for some period of time. It's still millanarianism, just a different variant of it. Millanarianism has been condemned by the Church since St. Augustine.

Then there's Mallett's selective quotation of St. Augustine. Again, it's been several years, but his quotes included an ellipsis that was actually quite important.

One thing I've noticed, over the years, is that there's really no arguing with adherents to Fr. Ianuzzi's writings. You're entitled to your opinion. But please don't tell us that we haven't read his work and are thereby ignorant and unqualified to comment on it.

Mark W said...

"Dark Ages for whom?"

I can actually answer that.

The term "dark ages" was a creation of Victorian era historians. They saw the ancients as a light in the world with their learning and such, that light was extinguished with the demise of the last ancient empire (Rome), and was not rekindled again until the Renaissance.

Now, it should also be pointed out that the term was originally coined by Petrarch in the early 1300s. But he was referring to a dark ages of literature in his day. It was taken over by the Victorians to cover the time from the fall of Rome to what's now known as the late middle ages.

The problem with the Victorian era historians is that they viewed history (and the peoples that lived that history) as always being lesser than their own era.

Jean-Guy said...

Enjoyed listening this conversation with Emmett O'Regan and especially his mention of the apparition to the children of Fatima... Sr. Lucia. I believe that the heaven - images in the clouds, are communicating something beautiful to us and I would like to share one image I titled "The Child Who Prays", which appeared to me as an apparition on October 6th 2004. I have always connected this event with Sr. Lucia as it manifested a few months before her death February 13,2005.

I realize that I can't e-mail this image here, so I will try through to find your e-mail and send it later.

Jean-Guy Dallaire

April 13, 2020 said...

Do we have any further/updated information that Conchita is in/lockeddown to Garabandal?

Any independent sources?

Anonymous said...

Hi Emmett

Fascinating post. Do you think the Seven Trumpets are part of the Seventh Seal?

The reason I ask is if it took 120 years for 6 of the seals to be opened, meaning that each seal is of 20 years duration and the Seven Trumpets are part of the Seventh Seal, then each trumpet should have a duration of approximately three and a third years bearing in mind if the pattern holds then the first 6 trumpets will take 20 years, and the seventh trumpet will contain the Seven Bowls which will all happen in a short period of time, three and a third years.

One aspect of this is that the fourth trumpet where a darkening of sun, moon and stars by a third happens around 2033, the anniversary of Christ’s death.

Another aspect is how close the time of the seven trumpets and bowls is to a time, times and half a time.

Yet another aspect is how Jesus in the Olivet Discourse says the times will be shortened during the end for the sake of the faithful.

All very speculative I know, but things may very well accelerate from here.


Anonymous said...

Hi Emmett, on your approach that the Seven Seals were opened at beginning of the 20th century.

The first 4 seals are remarkably reminiscent of communism and the Soviet state.

Marx whose name derives from Mars God of War, and Lenin wanted to conquer, war followed, famine in Ukraine, the horror of theGulags, and at least a fourth of the worlds population lived under atheistic Marxism-Socialism at its height.


Unknown said...

Amen. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Emmett
Reading the book of Revelation, it does not quite seem as if the Sixth Seal has been entirely fulfilled.
Perhaps it will happen with the alignment of the planets and then later in the year all the churches of the world will go quite and the 4 living creatures in heaven will really be silent heralding the arrival of the first four trumpets which seem to be cosmic events.


Kevin A Miller said...

Interesting take on certain Catholics obsession with the Eucharist:

In my estimation a contributor to the concern lies in the excesses of devotional aspects of Catholicism. In my days following the Roman/Latin tradition I had personally fallen into the mindset of feeling like not adhering to whatever devotion to whatever extent was a cause for me to be failing in my practice of the faith. Some of the most revered saints in Christian history went years and even decades with receiving the Eucharist, Saint Mary of Egypt comes to mind. This is not to diminish the upmost importance of the Most Holy Sacrament but rather to perhaps caution anyone who might be over-emphasising specific aspects of their faith practice to the detriment of others. Pope Francis spoke about things of this nature early in his pontificate, for example people who make pro-life advocacy what their faith practice nearly exclusively revolves around, etc.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Germany will be leading the great apostasy charge.


Kevin A Miller said...

Sam on one hand I do have a hard time agreeing with many German Bishops as it seems that their national conference has some egregious issues but like I mentioned in my last post we have several examples of great saints that went extended periods of time without receiving the Eucharist and were still able to live out the call to salvation as hoped for. Furthermore I do question the mindset of certain people if perhaps they are thinking in terms of being entitled to receiving the Eucharist, or entitled to be able go to Mass, or other religious services all in light of the current circumstances. It is as if public safety and other important variable factors are getting in the way of THEIR devotional practice and ***how dare you!*** Should this be the case, and in my experience I do believe it to be now more than ever, I think it appropriate to question where the humility of these people resides?

The sacraments are a gift given to us by God and those gifts, if not appreciated in humility, God has every right to withhold. The circumstances prevailing in the world, God is in control of them. If anyone does not have faith in that fact than how can they have faith in their own worthiness to receive the sacramental gifts that God desires to bestow upon us?

Simon said...

This all sounds like divination.

Jason R. said...

Wow, thank you for those comments Kevin, I've had almost all the same thoughts though not as well developed or so well articulated as you've set out, much appreciated. The simplest thing to remember, it's only a sin to miss Mass if you don't go and have no good reason not to go, such as no Mass available to attend, it isn't a sin to not receive the Eucharist. It's for sure to our benefit spiritually.

Looking back over my own life, the times I wasn't regularly receiving the Eucharist life didn't get worse or better, but just harder to deal with, but as you wrote, I don't feel like there's some obligation on Our Lord's part to make it available to me... what makes me more special than who I think was among the greatest of 20th century saints, St. Maximilian Kolbe in the end period of his life in Auschwitz-Birkenau? Or my own dad and his family for the better part of a decade behind the Iron Curtain before they escaped to the West? I've gone long periods without being able to go to Mass through no choice of my own as well, I don't think that makes me any less than in the eyes of God, too, nor in any one else's case, you won't be denied the graces of receiving the Eucharist if it isn't your fault, God is too ultimately just to allow that to happen IMO.

On the current weird times we're living in, as more of the unemployment numbers and deeply negative GDP contractions projections across the planet are coming out, it's been troubling to me. Central banks buying up gov't debt, and now in one case at least skipping the middle man and giving cash directly into gov't general revenue funds, that can only keep up before people lose faith in currencies, Argentina's frequent defaults on their national debt (and they look at be on the verge of another possibly soon), and the hyperinflation to go along with it, serve as a good example of what could happen all over the world. In Iraq a broke gov't is in the process of collapsing, and not as in the present gov't, but government, authority and law and order in general.

And that could happen in countries we wouldn't expect to happen. Italy's debt to annual GDP ratio was already around 175% or so I think before all of this happened, and with it's already highly devalued currency since the Eurozone crisis burdening the public with high inflation and wages that didn't come close to keeping up, tax revenues plummeting acerbating the entire debt problem... all of these things are going to be magnified by the fiscal stimulus and quantitative and qualitative easing (the Fed in the US is starting to buy up corporate paper as well, but can't do it in a way that would pick winners and losers, so the portfolio of bonds they're getting aren't exactly as reliable as you'd want when it comes to central bank intervention in private debt for the first time).

Jason R. said...

I've already thought there has been building unrest in France that would go along with what the Breton Stigmatist foresaw the last few years, but could you imagine a scenario in France with the government defaulting on it's debt causing the kind of crisis as Germany saw during the Great Depression, a break-down in government services at all levels due to a spiral of companies failing, more people unemployed, a bigger strain on the system, higher debt levels, leading to plummeting tax revenues. It's hard to imagine that in any of the countries most of us live in, but looking to examples in 1930s Germany as I referenced, South America, and Africa where default on national debt and the ensuing currency crash is a set part of the pattern. We are in such uncharted territory though, maybe as the on switch is flicked back on (slowly) if we can get massive testing and contact tracing going soon perhaps the economy will come roaring back with a vengeance with pent-up demand (though most people I know aren't working right now either by choice or gov't instruction and are laid off are wondering how they're going to survive on employment insurance when their set costs per month are so much higher than that amount).

But the idea of countries like France and Italy, to me kind of the starting signal of the real unrest and then war that will usher in the arrival of the Great Monarch when Europe is half-occupied and the occupied Christian populations will be under the most unbelievable duress, what was only something I could get an inkling of seeing on the very distant horizon but trending that way, the changes to basic society that could come if only short-term antibodies exist or no vaccine can be produced (and the continual mortality produced if infection keeps rippling through society, the tally of deaths over time would rival the Black Plague in time), the coronoviruses that cause the common cold don't trigger our bodies to produce antibodies that give us permanent immunity, and it is looking like this coronavirus might be the same... if it is here to stay with people being able to be infected over and over again, and the chances of mutation skyrocketing with that prospect e.g. some coronaviruses have had case fatality rates of 75%, the really deadly wave of the flu pandemic in 1918/19 was the 2nd wave because it mutated into a strain that was much more deadly, creating cytokine storms in people with the most robust immune systems, the victim's own immune systems killing them in essence, and with every new infection of and case of COVID-19 that's one more chance at a mutation that makes this already shocking crisis unbelievably worse. Add that to possible economic collapse in nation-states, not to even consider shortages of everything including food and critical medications, wide-spread impoverishment, especially for people of my generations and younger that have been particularly spoiled when it comes to enduring any inconvenience, let along hardship, all of that added together is the stuff revolutions are made of, looking at the Bolshevik, the French Revolution, subtract the virus, but the virus's side-effects are very analogous to those famous revolutions that were two of the biggest attacks ever on the modern Church.

Kevin A Miller said...

Jason thank you for your generous remarks and analysis of the situation. I believe all of this to be the beginning stage of an ongoing trial which we should not plan on ending any time soon. I am not trying to gin up panic or even cause despair but rather contribute to what I believe to be a wake up call for all the faithful to buckle up for the ride and make sure that for all we may lack in worldly contrivance we are not wavering in our faith.

I am thankful for having been able to join a monastic community when I did I certainly see how the Hand of God has guided me down this path. That being said I have begun to see the effects that this financial struggle will impact my community and I think it best that we appreciate every last bit of what is given us by God and through public charity. I will be the first to admit that I struggle with this and furthermore am easily distracted by the worries of the world that oftentimes have zero direct impact on my life. I have a fantastic habit of wasting time idly by that could be better spent in prayer or doing other things to enhance my life. So many people come to my monastery to see a holy community and I see it myself in those people not so much in us in the community. We are all pro e to thoughts of a personal struggle because we realize how fragile we are and this life and this world is, but like I mentioned earlier never lose sight of the fact that God is in control and we must continue to drive on to His end whatever that might be and embrace the struggle as Jesus Christ did in his Incarnate Life.

Bridget said...

Hey Kevin! You’re friends with Emmett on Facebook, right? Did you see Fr. Heilman’s post he shared?

I commented and asked Emmett if he thought the (shocking, if true) small 30% of people who believe in the Real Presence could refer to the Remnant Church prophesied by then Cardinal Ratzinger in 1969. Is this pandemic and closing of churches the ultimate sifting to bring more people back to their faith? When churches are opened up again, will it THEN be filled with people REALLY appreciating the Real Presence? I feel like there might be a whole group on the other end of the spectrum who just won’t return. If there’s a group out there who was lukewarm about going to Mass and only went sporadically, now they have a “justified reason” for not going and may just get in the habit now of not going at all and won’t return. They like the freedom of not having to go church and may not want to give that up once the obligation to attend Mass is put back in place. Is this “wake up call” a weeding out of those who don’t believe in the Eucharist? Does that make sense?

Here’s a snippet of what Cardinal Ratzinger said...

“But when the trial of this sifting is past, a great power will flow from a more spiritualized and simplified Church. Men in a totally planned world will find themselves unspeakably lonely. If they have completely lost sight of God, they will feel the whole horror of their poverty. Then they will discover the little flock of believers as something wholly new. They will discover it as a hope that is meant for them, an answer for which they have always been searching in secret.
“And so it seems certain to me that the Church is facing very hard times. The real crisis has scarcely begun. We will have to count on terrific upheavals. But I am equally certain about what will remain at the end: not the Church of the political cult, which is dead already, but the Church of faith. It may well no longer be the dominant social power to the extent that she was until recently; but it will enjoy a fresh blossoming and be seen as man’s home, where he will find life and hope beyond death.”

JMC said...

A single, simple statement of fact in Fr. Heilman's post was that in 1917, the "sins of the flesh" were considered deviant behavior, and that today, they are considered normal. All I could think of was the conclusion I reached many years ago just by simple observation and personal experience. That conclusion simply restates what Fr. Heilman wrote: Today, it's chastity that's considered the "deviant behavior." It's faithfulness to the teachings of Christ that's considered deviant behavior. And sadly, I suspect it's only going to get worse. We will see a brief respite during the period of Our Lady's triumph (20-30 years max), but then sin will rebound, and it will be all downhill from there.
God preserve our faith.

Anonymous said...


do you think this 'obsession' with the Eucharist as some think play into this 30% of catholics who believe in the Real Presence? Jumping out at me is the condition of the church and how many do receive communion (99%) the lack of confessional lines plus how many of them practice birth control do consume Communion!


Kevin A Miller said...

Sam I think the aforementioned notion of obsession with the Eucharist may stem from a casual attitude many have developed from being able to receive it so frequently. I was just having a conversation online this morning with a few dozen Catholic and Orthodox friends about how it seems that just about anything Roman Catholic can be turned into just another devotion.

Bridget said...

Hey Sam!

I suppose so. But just because the 30% who believes in the Real Presence are part of this Remnant church (that’s my thinking), that should’ve be interpreted as them being better than anyone else or some type of elite group. Like Kevin said, those people who are angry and feeling entitled to the Eucharist need to be humbled. So this whole situation is bringing to light all sorts of issues I guess.

Kevin, you said, “Furthermore I do question the mindset of certain people if perhaps they are thinking in terms of being entitled to receiving the Eucharist, or entitled to be able go to Mass, or other religious services all in light of the current circumstances. It is as if public safety and other important variable factors are getting in the way of THEIR devotional practice and ***how dare you!*** ”

Personally, I haven’t heard anyone I know act like this. Everyone I’m around is sad they can’t go to Mass, but they’re very accepting of the restrictions because they know it’s the safe thing to do. Hopefully, the group Kevin referenced is a small minority.

The term “obsessed” rubs me the wrong way, but I get your point, Kevin!

Anonymous said...

the Eucharist is the central tenet of the church. If it's taken away for good we'll see just how obsessive this gets! Do you really think generally speaking catholics practice devotions as you allude to? Most catholics don't believe in the Eucharist. Chances are the rosary is second. How many do that much?


Anonymous said...


Daily mass very few attend. I assume you mean that the Mass is too devotional for these and should be humbled? I don't get it. I don't see your humbled remark referring to them but those that take communion without caring about what they're doing.


Bridget said...

Hey Sam! No, I don’t think those who attend daily Mass are the ones who need to be humbled. I’m under the impression from Kevin, that there is a group out there slamming the Bishops’ decisions to stop public Mass. Maybe they’re angry and saying mean things instead of just accepting they can’t go. I like saying the rosary every day, I went to daily Mass when my scheduled allowed, and I’m known among my friends as “the crazy Catholic” who NEVER misses Mass. Right now, I’m just streaming Mass and doing Spiritual Communion. I’m not angry with the Bishops thinking they “caved” in any way by stopping public Mass. But it sounds like there’s a group out there who doesn’t agree with the restrictions. Does that make sense? Sorry this is so confusing. Things are so easily misunderstood right now!

P5borel said...

Huh? People are allowed to go to stores to buy marijuana and alcohol and food, but not to go to church?

1) Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Crushes Dr. Fauci Exposes Birx, Clintons, Bill Gates, And The W.H.O

2) Will the Gates/WHO/CDC Cabal Sneak an Anti-Fertility Drug in Their COVID-19 Vaccine?

Bill Gates Caught on Video explaining in a public lecture that:

1. There are far too many people on Earth;
2. We need to reduce the world population by 15% for starters; and
3. Vaccines and “reproductive health,” by which he means abortion, are two good ways of achieving this.

The reason for wanting to extinguish a large part of the world population, Gates explained, is global warming caused by carbon dioxide emissions by humans. More humans means more carbon dioxide means more global warming means The End of The World according to neo-Malthusian Bill Gates. He is spending billions on factories to produce vaccines, the WHO, and other means of achieving his stated goal of ZERO carbon dioxide emissions!

Using abortion to reduce population is obvious, but what about vaccines? How is that supposed to work? One hint at what Gates, the world’s biggest private supporter of the World Health Organization, may have in mind occurred a few years ago in Kenya.

In that country the WHO sponsored a mass vaccination program for tetanus. Following that, a surprising number of young Kenyan women became sterile. The Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association hired six different research organizations to examine the WHO “tetanus” vaccine. They discovered that it included something called an HGC antigen, a well-known component of anti-fertility vaccines. This would be consistent with the claim that Gates made in that speech about how vaccines can be used to reduce the world population — under the guise of disease control. The Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association believes that the WHO tetanus vaccination program was a mass sterilization program in disguise.

The WHO initially denied this, and then admitted that it had spent a decade developing the sterilization vaccine. Similar accusations against Gates and the WHO have been made in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Philippines.

Anonymous said...


yes it makes better sense. Thanks.


Anonymous said...


sounds like the Georgia Guidestones.


Mark W said...

I think the recent obsession thing comes from this:

I have no idea if the translation is good or not. I could never figure German out at all.

Mark W said...

Everyone should have a look at the link Bridget posted earlier:

This is an interesting take; that there would be a chastisement after 13OCT19.

Honestly, I don't see this whole CCP Virus thing as being a chastisement on that level. Part of a greater chastisement? Maybe. But I certainly don't think this is bringing mankind to its knees. But then, the year is still young.

Mark W said...

And is it any wonder that 70% of people attending Mass in the US do not believe in the Real Presence:


Jason R. said...

I will apologize in advance, I'm having some anxiety issues and my thoughts are racing very fast, so they are disorganized and I can't stay on track very well in my mind right now. I should maybe not post, but besides being my most interesting and to me vital place on the Internet it is a real social outlet for me, too. It's been well over a month since I've seen anyone so the interaction here is, well, I'm incredibly thankful to God and to everyone here for that, even though I know I can be a lot to endure with posting too much and too long. I'll try to stay on topic here as much as I possibly can, I promise.

Kevin, that last paragraph you wrote in the post right after mine was so inspirational. Throughout the history of the Church it seems people living a monastic devotion have this outside-the-box view of the world that gives their take on things something special that has been essential for the Church at times e.g. the most recent I can think of is Thomas Merton and how his voluminous correspondence made a real difference that came so tantalizingly close to changing the world, his ideas in writing to Eunice Kennedy prompted JFK to seriously rid the world of the horrible scourge of nuclear weapons, with a back-channel through the Vatican to Khrushchev set up by the Holy Father. JFK outlined this plan in his last public speech at American University, but unfortunately with his life cut tragically short this serious plan to get rid of nuclear weapons ultimately failed, but it is a testament to that unique perspective and power of persuasion those that live life but live it outside of normal social while not being disconnected from the world can have I think... I sooo appreciate having someone living a monastic vocation in this group, I believe you add so much to these discussions because of that. It makes me feel very blessed, and I know you are just one person among many in this group with amazing insight Kevin, but I just wanted you to know that; I'm not putting you on a pedestal or anything like that, almost taking religious vows myself I spent lots of time exclusively among priests and seminarians and know full well people are people, all worthless sinners without the Holy Spirit to help as at least strive always to do better e.g. the seminary that I'd guess you might know, I think the biggest in Western Canada, this was in the mid-90s, but regular and open "mixers" just as you'd have at universities with male and female students, but at a seminary? It was so obviously mixers for the homosexual seminarians that were out and proud of it, as well as those struggling with their affliction but sometimes giving in.

Jason R. said...

And the Archbishop would be in attendance occasionally, it was like the most obvious thing that was "officially" ignored and even planned and endorsed by the school. I had no idea how accepted a practice it was and how it seemed gay students were in the majority when they were not, they were just the loudest and the most savvy with getting on the good side it seemed of our instructors, spiritual directors, school administrators, the Archdiocese, but all unofficially. It's hard to really even put it into words somehow, but left an indelible mark on me for sure, the shock of my life, and even rocked my belief in the Church itself when I mistakenly thought of the hierarchy as the Church rather than just one component, no matter how crucial it and the Papacy are. I think the really most scandalous part in my view back at that time when I was a young 25 that they were doing all these events not billed as Gay Pride events, but held on the same days, using rainbow flags, everything other than using the words gay or homosexual, and not even when publicly not even *attempting* to at least confess and really work hard on letting God's grace in and pray during tempting moments, doing that and someone falling into serious sins like murder, adultery and fornication outside of marriage, no matter homosexual or hetrosexual, and students in that category that were gay I felt sorry for, guys that seemed to have a real vocation and weren't becoming priests to escape the temptation of their homosexuality, and this seminary was like a vipers' pit to those decent people who had more temptation than ordinary society to indulge in their disordered sexuality in the seminary... how backwards is that?

Ah, got off on aright ranting tangent, whoops! Sorry, I guess that shows how kind of upsetting to see a whole generation of potential priests turned off and even quitting studying for the priesthood and leading secular lives forever, so sad, by what one quickly saw was a sort of seduction by gay seminarians and priests of the hierarchy to allow and encourage them to still live fully as Catholics, even when publicly completely unrepentant of their sin, like Catholic politicians that don't just support but actively promote abortion on demand as an ultimate goal, and honestly, if (and sorry, not wanting to start another debate on climate change) climate change lowers arable land and crop yields both as much as generally projected, their will only be enough food left for 1/3 of the world's current population, and if that's the case I could completely see infanticide being legalized and forced euthanization aka murder of people once the hit a certain age. As unbelievable as that seems, I just look at my daughter's generations wide-spread use of the term Boomer-Remover instead of Covid-19, even she called it that to me until I told her how not just offensive but very dangerous to use terms like that. She kind of just brushed me off at first and said, Dad, c'mon it's just a joke.

Jason R. said...

I really had to have a discussion with her that without hyperbole genocides have began that way, offensive Jewish jokes in Germany in the late 20s and 1930s, wide-spread calling of Jews rats, widespread use of calling Tutsis cockroaches in Rwanda, that the main point is never use a term even jokingly that seeks at its core to dehumanize anyone, most especially not an entire group of people. But that is part of I think a widespread, like, with Millennials and Gen-Z, well, going back further, in the 60s when the pill was in full usage, abortion legalized, Catholics rejecting the Church teachings on both in staggering majority numbers across Europe and North America both (what Bridget showed the number of Catholics that reject the True Presence, I was sadn't but didn't feel too surprised... the order of nuns in my area that have taught so many, about half my uncles and aunts started with the older generation, to reject the Papacy, the all-male priesthood, the True Presence, on abortion and contraception, it is like their quadfecta the have infected so many I know here, how the founders of those orders must be feeling sorrow even in Heaven if it were possible to feel sorrow there at how their creations are being used as a structure of such true evil in the world).

I'm reminded of a book I read on the 5 Beasts of St. Hildegard right before my marriage broke up and it never made it with me, but from I remember the first of the 4 beasts/era were the Minor Apostasy (or the one that happens before the General Apostasy during the reign of Antichrist on Earth), that we are currently living in the 4th era but arguably are in a transition period to the 5th and final era before the time of Antichrist, one characterized by the 2nd Pentecost, but also of a time which sounds like a resurgence of Communism world-wide and persecution and martyrdoms of the Church like never before seen for a time, but that it sounds like the Church will be more triumphant than ever before in the end. I wish I still had the book, it wasn't a very long one, under 100 pages, and the arguments for when each era started and ended were very convincing, and I know there was something in the descriptions of the 4th and 5th era that have me remembering that transition during this time of unprecedented health and economic crises, the first real challenge for our very globalized and inter-links supply chains and economies in general (and one I have a feeling will expose a whole lot of failings of this kind of Laissez-faire globalization... if one country the makes one crucial compentent explusively, especially of extremely high-tech and high-precision equipment, goes down, it becomes a global crisis, and this system has always had this weakness, but just now for the first time it is unfolding how big and critical a failing this is).

I don't know if Emmett has written about St. Hildegard's prophecy of the eras at the end of time immediately preceding Antichrist, I'm going to search right after I post this, but to anyone who is familiar with them, if you have any thoughts on if this present crisis is maybe a defining event in the world moving to the 5th and final era/beast as she foresaw I'd love to read any thoughts on that (or on her prophecy of the 5 Beasts generally).

Jason R. said...

Argh, sorry for writing a novel again, this will be it though (!)

Bridget, and Mark W. also for reposting, thank you so much for that article. I don't use social media anymore so I would have missed this on FB, and what a striking article with those dates laid out so well. I'll definitely be sharing it with Catholic friends and family I would usually hesitate to when it comes to prophecy as I think right now they are particularly open to anything at all that helps makes sense of the state of the world to them, especially with events whose temporal separation being so precise that it is hard to argue against.

Also, and this may sound dumbly flowery and sentimentalized, but honestly, what a delight, there's no other word to describe it than delight, to my soul to scroll to the bottom of the article and see the image right below the Knights of Columbus logo (something I'm not prone to do, but I wanted to check out the links... and the K of C logo gave me the inclination that when things get back to normal, or a new normal, I'm going to start going to meetings again and maybe finally get my 4th Degree, and see if I can help in any way I'm able), and I see, striking as I haven't seen a picture of him in years, of all things a devotion image of a saint until recently I never, ever thought of though I know his story well from years ago from Catcheism classes and my mom, definitely never prayed for his intercession in my life until a few weeks just out of the blue, asking for his help just came to me, I'm sure I hadn't come across his name in print or TV/YouTube any time within the last years, and he isn't (I don't believe) really a common saint thought of (to my understanding, I might be wrong on that) so seeing that picture, I don't know, but it felt like a real reassurance even if sheer coincidence (though coincidence seems to strain credulity with this to me from my personal perspective, it feels like an assurance from above). Yes, I feel so newly reassured somehow seeing that devotional picture of St. Maximilian Kolbe that my prayers for his special intercession at this time of trial have not been in vain, and that he has been listening, and so has God, that's what seeing his picture there said to me, whether it's just a coincidence and my over-active imagination, or something more, the positive effect is the same (I guess this may be an example of what Kevin wrote about the tendency of us Latin Rite Catholics to create devotions out of thin air!). So, yes, I know I'm reading an awful lot into a single image at the bottom of an article, and I'm probably one who would see an image of Our Lord in a piece of burnt toast, but to me, this was just, wow. St. Maximilian Kolbe, please pray for all of us here, all our friends, our family, our enemies as well, in this time of trouble, amen.

Kevin A Miller said...

I thought of our ongoing discussion today after hearing my abbot's homily for Divine Liturgy for the Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. If you would like to listen the video is on our Facebook page and starts at around the 1 hour, 5 minute mark.


An interesting point he made was in regards to how often we have Roman Catholic visitors who walk into our chapel and are confused as to where the Eucharist is. Also they wonder why we do not have Eucharistic Adoration in the exposition form they are accustomed to. I will tell you that in the Byzantine tradition we model our sanctuaries after the ancient Jerusalem temple in the sense that the Holy of Holies is reposed behind a screen and curtain. You may not see it but I would prefer to defer to the words of Jesus Christ, "blessed are those who have not seen yet still believe."

A part of me forms a connection between the notion that the Eucharist needs to be seen be it in a monstrance or in a tabernacle in plain view and the lack of belief in the real presence. I must ask you to consider, is our faith in the Real Presence of the Eucharist merely based on tangible evidence of a physical presence of a host that contains said Real Presence? Consciously I expect everyone to say of course that is not what their faith is based upon. That being said I do wonder again why devotions like exposition based adoration have become so popular as well as a common demand for a tabernacle to be clearly visible at all times. Mind you in the not too distant past tabernacles were commonly shrouded and so much attention was not drawn to them as it was an aid to retaining the mystery of the Most Holy Sacrament.

To me there is some connection we may need to better come to an understanding of. Does it coincide that as exposition of the Eucharist has increased as well as demand for clearly exposed tabernacles that faith in the Real Presence has decreased?

Anonymous said...

Mark W said...

There seem to be a growing number of people that think the Divine Mercy warning will happen this year:

"Before I come as the just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy. Before the day of justice arrives, there will be given to people a sign in the heavens of this sort: All light in the heavens will be extinguished, and there will be great darkness over the whole earth. Then the sign of the cross will be seen in the sky, and from the openings where the hands and the feet of the Savior were nailed will come forth great lights which will light up the earth for a period of time. This will take place shortly before the last day> (St. Faustina's Diary, 83).

I'm curious what the rest of you think about this. Soon? Not so soon?

Ben W said...

Great post, Emmet. It does seem to me that the "time of Satan's greater power" and his being thrown out of Heaven are mutually exclusive. Job's entire paradigm is Satan being present before God's throne in Heaven. How can he be given greater power from Heaven and be thrown down? This would suggest that his being thrown down will actually take place sometime this year. If the "sign of mercy" does follow upon the alignment of the planets in July (perhaps taking the form of the Orion star exploding to create a supernova seen by the world for a period of time), this "cross in the sky" would be a sign that Satan had been thrown down from Heaven and that Michael was triumphant. Of course, the triumph of Michael would not mean peace on earth - it would mean war here, but the temptation of the Church would be at an end and we would see the purification of the Church though in a time of difficulty.

Edward A. Hummel said...

Have read the book twice (doesn't make me an expert). Comments do not seem to mesh with what Fr. O'Regan wrote. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with Satan no longer able to approach God and his exercising greater power on Earth for whatever length of time God permits. According to Fr. O'Regan's timing, the great Sign in the sky does not seem imminent. The current status of the world seems to call for greater adherence to the Fatima message and our Blessed Mother's conquest.

Jason R. said...

Christos Anesti Kevin, I hope you're have a great day of celebration today despite these strange times. I suppose your argument about too much of an emphasis on devotions has a point, I know my aunts spent their lives travelling around the planet visiting places that had alleged apparitions whether they were approved by the particular Archbishop in the area or not, and I definitely could see an emphasis on devotions over living the Gospel probably had no small effect on that. On the other hand, and yes I know I was delusional at the time, the first time I ever went to adoration I imagined a beam of light extending from the monstrace towards my daughter, and it just by coincidence or as a grace my daughter quit using cocaine that very day and started a path back towards the Church, so I can't discount adoration after that happening. It may be overstating it, but for me, for my daughter, it felt like a genuine little miracle. And praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy has genuinely helped me in a huge way with dealing with all sorts of things. Maybe without it those thing could have happened anyways, but I'm thinking probably not.

Mark, I think anything could happen right now, including the Illumination of Conscience. I've been mindful that with the plagues of Egypt, the chastisements did not stop until Pharoah pricked up his ears and relented to God's will, so who knows if this current crisis is just the beginning of others that may be yet waiting just in the wings. I've been thinking about Alois Irlmaier's prophecies of the Third World War, and the really specific stuff, like his description that sounds almost identical to the use of a cobalt belt spread through Central Europe from the Black Sea through to the North Sea. I've hoped that his prophecies if real (and that cobalt belt, it is amazing that that was actually part of the NATO plan if it appeared the West Germans wouldn't be able to stop a flow of Russian armoured units until the US could transport the bulk of its armed forces to France in time... this was an incredibly top secret action, so Irlmaier describing it so well is difficult to chalk up to a lucky guess).

Jason R. said...

This sounds like it would come later if true, contemporary with the fall of the "golden city", so I'm guessing when New York is obliterated by the mega-tsunami (which he directly alluded to), or perhaps this is something that could have happened in the 80s when the Soviet Union still existed and perhaps we were spared of due to Our Lady's intervention and the actions of Pope St. JPII. But prophecies like this have been on my mind lately for sure, this global event definitely has the hallmarks of something that is the introduction of a new era for humankind, and not likely a good one.

I've heard from many people of all creeds (but it seems most prevalent among my friends who are atheists and live according strictly to hedonism) that this crisis may lead to a new spirit of cooperation and kindness among people. I've read a lot of F. Scott Fitzgerald, mostly back in my 20s, and am still a big fan of his, and through his writing he explicitly linked the Roaring 20s and the swift degeneration of morals and the rise of a hedonistic attitude of "eat, drink, and be merry" to the Flu Pandemic of 1918/19.

There was a dual rise in piety and living their faith among believers along with this wild life where all previous norms on sobriety, drug use, sexual activity, responsibility in personal debt, they all just went right out the window. When we think of the moral decline of the 1960s it should be remembered that the seeds for that decade were planted much earlier in the 20s as a direct reaction to the Flu Pandemic and the hedonistic fatalism it seems to set a fire to. So just based on a very similar historical precedent, I don't have a lot of hope for things to get any better, but rather that this will be another big leap in moral decline from where we otherwise would have been. Perhaps though like in the 20s, there will also be a big jump in the fervency of believers, let's pray.

Jason R. said...

I forgot to write as well, all the moral ills that hit America and the West generally over the 20th century first started in the the 1920 specifically among the elite of Hollywood, with producers, agents, actors/actresses having multiple affairs, homosexuality, divorces, murder scandals, use of cocaine and other hard drugs that migrated from jazz culture, it may have spread to a culture primed by going through a deadly pandemic generally, but every ill started on the screen and in the lives of those when the idea of celebrity as icons and role models really took off, and modelling the worst behaviors. I can't imagine the film business getting any worse than it is, but again if we take what happening in the 20s as a model I guess who knows? I hope I'm wrong, but all the conditions that F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote about with dismay seem almost to be repeating themselves 100 years on with this pandemic, so I'm almost expecting that the cultural response will be sadly the same.

Bridget said...

Hey everybody!

So who here thinks the identity of the Great Monarch and Angelic Pope will be shown this year? And Edward Hummel you’re right! The cross of light is still a good while away I suppose since it shows up at the END of the ministry of the Two Witnesses. It’s the final thing that causes the conversion of the Jews after the Gospel has already been preached to all the Gentiles.

And Mark, you asked about this passage from St. Faustina’s Diary-

"Before I come as the just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy. Before the day of justice arrives, there will be given to people a sign in the heavens of this sort: All light in the heavens will be extinguished, and there will be great darkness over the whole earth. Then the sign of the cross will be seen in the sky, and from the openings where the hands and the feet of the Savior were nailed will come forth great lights which will light up the earth for a period of time. This will take place shortly before the last day> (St. Faustina's Diary, 83).

If I were to place a “you are here” pin in that passage, I would place it right after the sentence with “there will be a great darkness over the whole earth”. Now we wait for the cross of light in the sky to appear, which could be anywhere from a few years to thirty years I suppose, since it depends on the ministry of the Two Witnesses.

That’s my take on it!

Mark W said...

Thanks, Bridget. But what connects this warning with the two witnesses? I'm sure I've read the answer, but I can't recall just now.

Mark W said...

You know you're in trouble when I start a comment with the phrase:

I was fiddling around with some maps and a list of approved Marian Apparitions, and...

So, I was fiddling around with some maps and a list of approved Marian Apparitions, and I found something kinda curious.

First off, I think it's established that you can connect-the-dots of Marian apparitions in France during the 19th century and get the letter "M" covering France. (You can, technically, get the letter "W" as well, so you've been warned.)

But I was looking at lines of latitude and the various apparitions that have positive actions by Rome. I put that together with approved apparitions where the approvals came from the local ordinary. To that, I added apparitions with acknowledged miracles. I also added the Divine Mercy message from St. Faustina, and the questionable apparitions at Garabandal and Medjugorje. (The various lists were from Wikipedia.)

If you look at positive actions from Rome, you get Our Ladies of Guadalupe, Fatima, Lourdes, La Salette, Miraculous Medal, and Knock. Then you combine those with the approvals by the ordinaries, and the others listed above. Here's what you get:

Fatima - On the same latitudinal parallel as Akita. 39.6 N and 39.7 N respectively.

Lourdes - On the same parallel as Garabandal and Medjugorja. All at 43 N.

La Salette - Champion, Wisconsin and Monte Figogna, Italy. All at 44 N.

Miraculous Medal - Pontmain, France (MM is Paris). Both at 48 N.

Knock - Gietrzwald, Poland, and the Divine Mercy Message at it's originating point in Vilnius, Lithuania. All within one degree of one another on 53 N and 54 N.

The one that stands alone is Our Lady of Guadalupe. There are no other apparitions on the same parallel.

Another interesting tidbit is that only three are in the southern hemisphere: Quito, Kibeho, and Buenos Aires.

It's interesting that Fatima and Akita are said to contain similar information. I'm thinking of the quote by then-Cardinal Ratzinger that said Akita is essentially the Third Secret of Fatima.

But I don't really see a similar connection between Lourdes and Medjugorje and/or Garabandal.

There are others as well, but these are the ones connected geographically (by lines of latitude only).

I'm not sure what to make of this yet, if anything. I just thought it was rather curious and thought I'd post it here to see if anyone else saw something I missed. I can post the whole lot if you're interested.

Jason R. said...

Thanks for sharing all your work Mark, that must have taken no small amount of work to compile, and it is really difficult to mark those coordinates up to mere chance.

I've been thinking about what Bridget shared from St. Faustina, and how it has been prophesied that unbelievers will struggle with coming up with an alternative to the great Sign of the Cross seen in the sky. I've always pictured this as the sign of the cross with four points for the four ends of the two beams of wood that make up the crucifix, but then I considered that the brilliant light pours out it sounds like only from where Our Lord's wounds in his hands and feet would be.

Assuming it is a celestial object emitting such strong light night and day after some sort of cataclysmic event that somehow makes all other celestial light fail, either by an atmospheric disturbance (e.g. asteroid/comet hitting the Earth, sudden crust displacement, even a nuclear war) or some sort of blocking of the light of the sun (which would snuff out the reflected light of the moon as well) somewhere inside of Earth's solar orbit. That brought me back to the discussion around how much actual light would arrive from Betelgeuse going supernova.

What if the sign of the cross were more in the shape of the Tau cross that the Franciscans use? What you've shared over the last bit Bridget about Orion and the type of light that would reach Earth of Betelgeuse went supernova, what if the illuminating supernatural light were made up of the three points only where Our Lord's hands and feet were nailed to the Cross? Looking at Orion, if somehow Betelgeuse, Rigel, and one of the more distant stars on the opposite corresponding position of Betelgeuse in Orion's shield, maybe Tabit, all went supernova at the same exact time?

It sure would make a symmetrical shape for a hypothetical three point of light along with Betelgeuse and Rigel should all three of them supernova or by some other means emit a massive amount of light to provide light to the Earth.

The problem I guess is that while Betelgeuse could hypothetically supernova any time really, Rigel is still a long ways away from supernova and Tabit, while the brightest of the stars in Orion's shield (which Arabian astronomy associated with a covering of an arm, or a gauntlet over an arm, which probably doesn't mean anything but that seemed noteworthy) I believe is much further away and not a supergiant like Betelgeuse and Rigel. But maybe that wouldn't be the obstacle it seems, for if all three of them went supernova or otherwise emitted a light bright enough to make it seem like sunlight, it would be hard to chalk up to mere coincidence, especially if accompanied or immediately preceded by the Illumination of Conscience predicted. Yet just as foretold, it would be enough of a natural seeming event, though impossible to chalk up to mere coincidence in any rational way, that non-believers would try to find some non-supernatural explanation for.

This is a real stretch I know, and presupposes that the Three Days of Darkness are a literal rather than figurative event, so I'm not sure how much there is to this theory, but thought it wouldn't hurt to share. I could see the Great Monarch and Angelic Pope revealed this year for sure, but I think we'd need to see the unrest in Europe first (which, if food supply chains breakdown and there are food riots as a result in big metropolitan areas where locally sourced food would be in short supply, we could see revolutions for sure in France and Italy). I believe (though I'm not sure, I'm not so well-read on how the eschatological timeline all fits together) too that we'd have to see the beginning of the 2nd Pentecost (starting in England?) I think before the arrival of the Great Monarch and Angelic Pope would occur, though of course all of these events could occur in rapid succession of each other, too.

Jason R. said...

I should be explicit that Rigel, Betelgeuse and Tabit don't make a perfectly balanced isosceles triangle but it's pretty close. I'd guess it would be easy to find perfectly balance triangles a plenty all over the sky, but since the topic of Orion has been written about by a number of folks here it was the first place I looked and it jumped out right away.

Reading a bit more about Tabit, it is much brighter and two orders of of magnitude closer to Earth than either Betelgeuse or Rigel, so perhaps some big event (I couldn't guess at what so it is just a guess) less than a supernova could cause it to emit much more light, enough to reach Earth in equal measures with the two bigger stars. Another thing that is probably coincidence but caught my eye is that the Persian names for Tabit (along with a belt of stars in line with it) was "Al Tāj", recorded by monks in medieval times accounting the Persian cosmology as the Persian constellation "Corona" aka The Crown. Also from Wikipedia Tabit is from the Arabic word that means "the endurer, the the fixed, the constant one". I know Our Lord is worthy of any superlative a human being could ever think up, but those three terms do quite a good job of describing some of His most fitting attributes while of the Cross to my mind.

I hope this isn't staying away from astronomy into astrology or anything, but the meaning of the names of this star in both Persian and Arabic jumped out at me (and the Persian one, not necessarily connected to this current virus, but the ultimate in royalty in Jesus as our king above all others).

Mark W said...

And now Archbishop Vigano says that the Third Secret has not been published:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mark W.

About time prelates come forward with the more than obvious conclusion. Hope more will join, make it known.


Rhona McRoe said...

Can anyone confirm what was posted in the last comment section 'Our Lady of Akita...' that Conchita is currently in Garabandal and forced to remain because of covid-19 restrictions?

Mark W said...

I've tried to validate that, Rhona, but I haven't seen anything to prove it. I also haven't seen anything to disprove it either.

Brian Keane said...

Fr Michael R 3 days of darkness, total illumination of conscience WITH pain associated with destination; 61/2 weeks to "choose"; massive number of confessions etc, everything kumbaya THEN satanic world power world broacasts that satelites colliing or something caused worl-wide brain damage/hallucination which was this "Go thing" an now...many Christians will turn etc--he saying Fall 2020, they have this summer to stock-up

stay miles away from BAYSIDE, St Michael tc---FR R has been used without his permission by them, som other de-bunked apparationists

very traditional Priest an exorcist (so is Fr M) Fr Chad R see Regina Prophetarum has provocative take calling this an Interdict on the church!!! makes sense and he does great job differentiating from an excommunication--see March 19 sermons "Interdict"--he also has very very nasty words for out-spoken trads and others criticizing designate authority

big fan of Fr Heilman-can't believe i missed the show with Emmett--we sent them St Joseph coins from St joseph's oratory in Montreal, along with memorare to St Joe etc (an St Bro Andre)--i've lit candles for some of you on previous occasions/blogs there

Anonymous said...


who are Fr. Michael, Fr. R, Fr. Chad R, Fr. heilman?

JMC said...

Fr. Heilman is one of the priests at a parish in Wisconsin; he heads up a website called US Grace Force. Really good stuff; it's a partner site to "Roman Catholic Man," which is run by Doug Barry. Both sites are geared particularly for men, and focus on the concept of spiritual warfare. Fr. Chad R. is Fr. Chad Ripperger, who is an exorcist; he appeared on one of the Grace Force podcasts. (Grace Force is the site that hosted the video interview Emmett included in his last post, the one about Akita; of the three guys you can see in the still, the one on the left is Fr. Heilman, and the one on the right is Doug Barry; the guy in the middle is, of course, Emmett.) As for Fr. Michael and Fr. R, I can't help you there; maybe someone else can.

Mark W said...

"Fr Michael R"? Maybe Fr. Michel Rodrigue?

John Francis said...


Ann said...

Mr O’Regan, do you any comments about the timeline promoted by Mark Mallett?

Anonymous said...

On April 23rd, 2020, Fr. Michel Rodrigue informed us that his bishop, Rev. Gilles Lemay, does not support Fr. Michel's messages; he stated to Fr. Michel, in writing, that he does not support the idea of "the Warning, the chastisements, the third World War, the Era of Peace, any construction of refuges, et cetera."



John Francis said...

Have you all discussed Fr Michel Rodrigue and his truly apocalyptic prophecies?
Even naming 2020 for major events.
On Countdown to the Kingdom.
His bishop just stated that he doesn't agree with his prophetic subjects.

John Francis said...

Have you all discussed Fr Michel Rodrigue and his truly apocalyptic prophecies?
Even naming 2020 for major events.
On Countdown to the Kingdom.
His bishop just stated that he doesn't agree with his prophetic subjects.

Mark W said...

Hi Ann - I can't speak for Emmett, but we've talked about Mallet here in the past. I actually exchanged e-mails with him several times, maybe four or five years ago. His ideas are close enough to the various millennialists that I stopped reading his stuff. There was also an issue with some of what he's written. I remember a quote he had on his website from St. Augustine. The quote had an ellipsis in it, and I finally looked it up. The ellipsis changed the meaning completely. I don't have the details anymore, but it was discussed years ago on this blog in the comments. As a result of those personal experiences, I don't follow anything Mark Mallet writes anymore. Your mileage may vary, but I'd read his stuff with a very critical eye if I were you.

John Francis said...

Have you all discussed Fr Michel Rodrigue and his truly apocalyptic prophecies?
Even naming 2020 for major events.
On Countdown to the Kingdom.
His bishop just stated that he doesn't agree with his prophetic subjects.

John Francis said...

Have you all discussed Fr Michel Rodrigue and his truly apocalyptic prophecies?
Even naming 2020 for major events.
On Countdown to the Kingdom.
His bishop just stated that he doesn't agree with his prophetic subjects.

John Francis said...

Have you all discussed Fr Michel Rodrigue and his truly apocalyptic prophecies?
Even naming 2020 for major events.
On Countdown to the Kingdom.
His bishop just stated that he doesn't agree with his prophetic subjects.

John Francis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

John Francis: Are you aware that you posted the same thing six times? There were two in a row yesterday, and four more today. Thought I'd alert you to a possible error or computer malfunction.

Mark W said...

John Francis - I don't think Fr. Rodrigue has been much mentioned here. If he has, I must have missed it. That said...

I find his stuff hard to watch. There's just something...not right. He seems to laugh and joke about death and destruction in a way that, to me, is quite off-putting.

Others may have a different view, but I steer clear of him personally.

Jason R. said...

The topic of Mark Mallett's writing and speaking engagements came up at the tea after the annual Mass where all priests in the archdiocese are in attendance, and there is a concern it seemed pretty wide-spread (I'd never heard of him before that Mass this past summer) that his ideas are helping to lead Catholics to chiliast beliefs, and that there was some frustration that our archbishop won't do anything about it because of worrying about the optics of making a public pronouncement on Mr. Mallett would look like book-burning to wider society (though I'd guess the archbishop's reasons are more complex than that). From the previous discussions here about millennialism vs. millenarianism I think it's a fair guess that Emmett has the same issues with Mr. Mallett's ideas that he has with Fr. Iacuzzo's that they contradict pretty directly what's in the Catechism on the topic.

I mostly pay attention just to the apparitions that have been approved fully (when I suppose that the apparitions at Fatima, Akita, and Kibeho were the last ones, there seems to be a really strong narrative thread to me from one to another), or prophecies of saints and blesseds, and when I read the accounts of some, if I spot one or two things that I know, or think I know, that are theologically, factually wrong or in opposition to fundamental characteristics of Our Lady, I put it aside. One alleged seer whose accounts really feel like they have the same voice to me as what Our Lady has said previously, and particularly the way she says it, too, her manner, as well as the extraordinary life she led, is Maria Esperanza (I think she'd be most famous for foreseeing the 9/11 attack on NYC), and foreseeing HIV/AIDS.

I remember in her writings that when talking about HIV/AIDS she said there would be a 2nd plague to come that would be much worse, and though I can't remember the details much or the very specific symptoms she described they were influenza/coronavirus in nature definitely. I tried searching online for more about the details she talked about specifically that related to this follow-up and more widespread plague to come (I think part of it was that medical science would not be able to find a way to combat it, so likely an illnesses that can't be immunized against or get immunity from through exposure).

I've always thought since first reading this prediction was the disease that would afflict people that sounded like radiation sickness because she recommended the use of hawthorn tea, which seems connected to the treatment with white hawthorn leaves that the Breton Mystic prescribed for the disease that would eat away the skin and leave everyone red and scarred from head to toe (though with the crown of thorns alleged to be made from hawthorn, maybe the use of that plant is a metaphor for enduring a great suffering?). But now I'm wondering if the 2nd plague to follow HIV/AIDS might not be this coronavirus, or perhaps another even worse SARS based coronavirus for a third time at some point in the future?

If anyone is familiar with Maria Esperanza and what she wrote about the disease that would emerge much worse that HIV/AIDS, I'd be grateful if you could share that, I just couldn't find it or know what exact search words to use, or if anyone has any thoughts on whether the 2nd plague she predicted could be the virus we're dealing with right now (esp. if it is found that even after having it you only have a relatively short time of immunity, which would mean a vaccine would be unlikely to work unless administered on a fairly regular basis)? Her track record of predictions that have come true is pretty stunning and her life really was an exemplar to follow, it gives her prophecies an added weight for consideration to me.

Bridget said...

Hey Jason!

Is this what you’re remembering? This article is from 2006.

Before Esperanza’s death on August 7, 2004 at the age of 75, Benedick says Jesus gave the mystic a remedy for a plague that was to come. Below is the remedy as Benedick stated it was given to her by Esperanza:

“I am going to give you a remedy for the illness of infants (and small children}. You must take the leaves from the hawthorn plant and steep them into a tea for 8 minutes. Then administer the tea orally to the infant {or child} 1/4 cup at a time, continually throughout the day and night, until the ravages of the illness subside. The symptoms will be flu-like, with a high fever, purple-blackened color to the lips, jerking and flailing like convulsions.”

According to Benedick, this remedy was given to Maria Esperanza for the times we are living. Esperanza told her that this plague would take many babies and children and there will be no ordinary remedy, or medicine that will work.

JMC said...

Coming up is May 1. On this day, the bishops of North America will be consecrating the US and Canada to the Three Hearts: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. It is to take place at 3 pm Eastern Daylight Time, and everyone is asked to pray the Rosary during that hour, and consecrate themselves to each of the Three Hearts. Since 3 pm begins the Hour of Mercy, I would also recommend the Divine Mercy Chaplet. More about this here:

Aquinas3000 said...

It would be good if someone could present a summary of when each seal is proposed to have been opened.

Jason R. said...

That is it exactly Btidget, thank you!! I feel relief that she suggested this coming plague will hit children, I hope that doesn't cone out wrong, I don't want to see a plague hitting children, just that this current virus doesnt sound like the ond she foresaw. Though the symptoms of convulsion from high fevers and typical flu-like symptoms do sound like either a new avian flu strain or a bat coronavirus. The reference to purple-blackened color to the lips caught my eye as two evenings ago I was a FRANCE 24 (like the CBC or BBC or Al Jazeera it's a state owned news network) on children who have gotten sick with Covid-19 the most common early symptom is purpke-blackened toes, not from lack of oxygen but this blood clotting problem it causes. In Italy (and likely elsewhere, but they seem to be keeping the best records) the leading cause of death for Covid-19 patients hospitalized between 30 and 40 have been strokes because of this bloodclotting effect. I wonder if the foreseen purple-blackish lips would e symptomatic of these blood clots that have been very resistant to any blood thinners like aspirin and that whole groups of NSAIDs? Wrong body part I know, but it makes me wonder if a mutation arose, if the 2nd wave of the virus is driven by a mutated version that strikes younger people much harder (like with the H1N1 flu pandemic that killed tens of millions driven by a mutated version that caused cytokine storms in people with the most robust immune systems and drove fatalities by far the most) whether lips might be affected in children the way that is happening to their toes right now?

I don't know enough about viruses to known whether it's normal after being mostly eliminated that the type of strain to re-emerge is necessarily the one that spread to the most thus far unaffected hosts, let's hope that doesn't happen with this and children be hit with harsh symptoms and deaths.

I find it curious that Marie-Julie Jahenny and Maria Esperanza both have specific treatments for illnesses during a chastisement using hawthorn in different ways (I believe with Jahenny it was specific enough to use leaves of a particular age). It seems like the people who would read of these remedies is a pretty "niche market"; it seems a bit unfair somehow that if things come to pass that those things are needed that those messages wouldn't be widely known. I thought they may be symbolic of the crown of thorns made from white hawthorn of reparation and offering our suffering and will to God as our hope, but the recipes/instructions seem so specific to make that a stretch.

Jason R. said...

Thanks for that info JMC. I pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and a fes different prayers I say through the day but am ashamed I haven't prayed even a single rosary this entire year yet. I missed the right time l, but this gives me a good reason to start a better habit. I used to pray the rosary at morning Mass when it's easier with others leading... how lazy am I?! Really glad you posted this event, really appreciate it JMC, thank you again.

JMC said...

Jason, try leaving your name at the US Grace Force site. Periodically they do the 54-day Rosary Novena for various intentions; if you sign up at the site, they send you e-mail reminders every day during the Novena. It's a good way to get back into the habit of praying the Rosary daily. You'll also get e-mail notices every week when they post one of their videos.

MyronM said...

Emmett said: "It is perhaps no coincidence then that the year 1899 was marked by the extremely rare occurrence of an alignment of all seven of the classical planets known to the ancients."

What was this extremely rare planetary arrangement? The ancients knew only five wandering stars: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Optical instruments and mathematical calculations were needed to discover the other two planets. William Herschel discovered Uranus on March 13, 1781 using a decent telescope. Johann Galle discovered Neptune on September 23, 1846 using a refractor based on coordinates calculated by the mathematician Urbain Le Verrier.
The planets are in constant motion, so their positioning is specific at all times.
I wonder what the specifics of the planetary alignment would be on July 4, 2020? Could you explain it with a sky map?

Mark W said...

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and...


Don't have time to get into the alignment on July 4th of this year, but I do have some of the data. I'll try to post on it later today or tomorrow.

Bridget said...

Hey guys!

So I learned something pretty cool yesterday watching Mass. Did you guys know Pope Francis’s pectoral cross is a depiction of Jesus as The Good Shepherd? Typically the pectoral cross is adorned with precious jewels and stones, so his “broke the mold” so to speak being so simple. Could this be another little hint pointing to Pope Francis being The Worthy Shepherd?

From one of Emmett’s older posts...

“Known as The Worthy Shepherd Prophecy, Bl. Tomasuccio's vision is a variation of the Angelic Pope prophecies, which details how a future pontiff will heal the Church of schism following a time of turmoil:

‘One from beyond the mountains shall become the Vicar Of God. Religious and clerics shall take part in this change. Outside the true path, there will be only disreputable men; I shrug my shoulders when the Bark of Peter is in danger and there is no one to lend it help... The schismatic shall fall into the scorn of the Italian faithful... By about twelve years shall the millennium have passed when the resplendent mantle of legitimate power shall emerge from the shadows where it was being kept by the schism. And beyond harm from the one who is blocking the door of salvation, for his deceitful schism shall have come to an end. And the mass of the faithful shall attach itself to the worthy Shepherd, who shall extricate each one from error and restore to the Church its beauty. He shall renew it.’
(Miscellanea Francescana 1 p173)”

Mark W said...

I dunno, Bridget. He seems to have confused salvation and justification today in his homily. Short of a Damascus Road type moment, it's still hard for me to imagine.

Mark W said...

As to the alignment on July 4th...

I don't think there's a way to add pictures here. If there is, someone please point it out to me.

I use Stellarium and Solar System Scope to look at these things. They're available for iOS. I know Stellarium is available on Android, but I'm not sure about Scope. Scope is the one to look at for this kind of thing.

On July 4th, we'll have in a rough line looking outward from the sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto (Planet!).

At about 90 degrees to that alignment is Uranus. At about 45 degrees is Neptune.

Anthony W said...

Hi Bridget. You could be right about Pope Francis. A great book I read about Pope Francis is "Pope Francis takes the Bus" by Rosario Carello.

Emmett O'Regan said...

The moon and the sun were included in the seven classical planets.

Emmett O'Regan said...

Aquinas - I argue in my book that the opening of the seven seals coincides with the period of the unbinding of Satan, beginning circa 1899. So the opening of the first four seals is related to the four angels gathering the nations at the four corners of the earth for war (Rev 9:15) - WWI and WWII. This also corresponds with the four beasts of Dan 7, and the restoration of the Holy Land to the Jews. The fifth seal is a vision of the victims in the immediate aftermath of these wars. The events of the sixth seal took place at the turn of the millennium. The opening of the seventh seal concerns the "silence in heaven". I don't think it is coincidence that the global closure of Churches has occurred at the end of a 120 year period (twice 50-60 years, corresponding with the original version of the vision of Pope Leo XIII, which is doubled to take into account that Satan asks for two separate attempts to incite Job to curse God).

Jason R. said...

That is very interesting Bridget, I've never come across The Worthy Shepherd Prophecy of Bl. Tomasuccio before (I really need to read more of Emmett's back-catalogue of posts, but when I start before I know it the sun is coming up often, haha). With that exact year mentioned so specifically, which I think is a very rare and almost unheard of thing in prophecy. Catholic prophecies seem to speak in metaphors and are cloaked in just the right level of opaqueness that the prophecy can only be understood completely after it's been fulfilled, so naming such a specific time frame makes the prophecy feel like one that particular attention was meant to be made to. With the seventh seal hovering over us, and who knows, may be upon us already, that seems to make any prophecy dealing with this particular papacy worth taking note of even more I suppose.

I have the Holy Father's pectoral cross hanging on my fridge (not very auspicious, but I never forget to touch it each day... when I saw Padre Pio's relics this summer the cross was the only thing I happened to have on hand to touch to his cloak, which I wasn't supposed to do, whoops, as I immediately found out. But I touch that cross everyday and somehow missed ever looking at the detail of Our Lord as the Good Shepherd with lambs to His left and right and one over His shoulders, and almost bare in spots to make more prominent the Holy Spirit dove at the top of the cross. It's quite a striking image, I can't believe I hadn't noticed it before... I had to take a deliberate look at it to realize it wasn't a crucifix image.

JMC, thanks for the tip, I just enlisted (I didn't think to check out their website, looks like lots of great resources, too).

Dave o said...

Hi Emmett,
I have two questions regarding your last post. 1. The sixth seal you said occurred around the turn of the millennium. Was that the earthquake in Indonesia and resultant tsunami? That seemed to be a regional event, rather than one to have men wanting to be covered by the mountains, wasn't it?
2. The first trumpet speaks of fire, hail, and blood. Do you believe that to be a Heavenly sent punishment or nuclear war?.
Thanks for your thoughts in advance.

Dave o said...

Emmett-you can disregard the above. I found in your book that Turkey was the location of earthquake and I will find the second as I am reading your book again after years since I had. Thanks.

JMC said...

Immediately before Our Lord tells the women that men will want the mountains to fall on them and the earth to cover them, he speaks of a time when people will say, "blessed are the barren, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed." I would say that those days have been here since the Pill was legalized in the early 1960s, and even more so now when abortion is so common. Given that context, I wonder if the bit about the earth covering us may not actually refer to some of those extreme preppers who have built underground bunkers, usually in the woods and/or in the mountains. Or perhaps even to Rod Dreher's "Benedict Option," wherein he advises Catholics simply to withdraw into their own little conclaves and abandon the rest of the world to its own devices.

Bridget said...

Jason, what do you make of the news about this mystery inflammatory illness affecting children? It closely resembles Kawasaki disease which has a classic sign of swollen red lips. Seems like hawthorn berry tea would classify as an effective treatment due to its anti inflammatory properties...

Jason R. said...

Wow, thanks Bridget, the body's immune system sometimes does more damage than a virus itself (i.e. high fever that can lead to convulsions and death as an extreme, and inflammation being parts of the body's first-line immune response), like the 2nd wave of the great influenza pandemic hitting those like children and healthy 30 to 40 range killing through causing cytokine storms, where the body goes into fatal overdrive in its immune response (not unlike rheumatoid arthritis or MS have the immune system attacking healthy cells).

I'd never heard of Kawasaki Fisease before, I figured the discoloured lips might be from blood clotting but this totally sound like an inflammatory response. That hawthorn is an inflammatory seems like it would be quite a coincidence, particularly if the virus mutates. With the flu pandemic the 2nd wave's most prevalent mutation was the one that hit those with the strongest immune systems because the other main strain died off because a good portion of the elderly and sickly hosts had died off themselves. I hope that isn't an element of how this could change, not that it isn't horrific already but if mutates to start killing children and healthy adults who aren't obese or having other comorbid the case fatality ratio could skyrocket. With Spanish Flu the 1st wave went semi-dormant over the summer, maybe due to how sunlight kills/inactivates many airborne virus, and the 2nd most deadly of the 3 waves came roaring back with a vengeance, with one strain having a first exposure to mortality time of less than 12 hours. It almost makes me wonder why Our Lady of Fatima didn't make any allusion to the flu that would break put just a year later at all since it was far deadlier than the war even (for devotees I think there is a special celebration online from the Vatica for Our Lady of Fatima's feast day on the 13th)?

JMC said...

From what I know of Kawasaki disease, it almost sounds like an auto-immune disorder itself. And other such disorders can cause similar symptoms, for example, Sjogren's syndrome, which I have. And here's the kicker with auto-immune disorders: If you have one, you're very likely to develop others. Sjogren's also causes inflammation of the lips (and mouth). It also causes extreme dryness of the entire integumentary system - both skin and internal mucosa - with a resultant itching and subsequent peeling of skin. Rheumatoid arthritis causes spontaneous fevers with no infection of any kind present.
Where can I find that hawthorn recipe? Or, if anyone actually has a copy of it, can you post it here?

Mark W said...

Something new from Luz de Maria:

"I call you to pray given the confusion in which you are living.
I have warned you that this present disease will mutate and you My children must take precautions at this time when those who are bringing about My People’s misfortunes are showing their power over humanity.

I call you to make reparation and to pray over how many blasphemies men are uttering against My Divinity, drawing great calamities to the nations."

Mark W said...

Swanson Health sells hawthorn tea, if that's what we're making.

JMC said...

Thanks for posting that message from Luz de Maria; having her name, I was able to find the website I needed. There are several herbal remedies and preventives there, some of which I already knew, since I've been dabbling in herbal medicine for about thirty years now.

JMC said...

I just read this quote from "In Sinu Jesu:" "Today, I think it was during the glorious mysteries of the rosary, the Lord spoke to me of a sacerdotal Pentecost, of a grace obtained by the intercession of the Virgin Mary for all the priests of the Church. To all [priests] will be offered the grace of a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit to purify the priesthood of the impurities that have disfigured it, and to restore to the priesthood a brightness of holiness such as the Church has never had since the times of the Apostles.

"This sacerdotal Pentecost is being prepared already in silence and in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The priests who love Mary and who are faithful to pray her rosary will be the first ones to benefit from it. Their priesthood will be wonderfully renewed and they will be given an abundance of charisms to vanquish evil and to heal those under the sway of the Evil One."

Emmett, do you think this event will be the start of the Second Pentecost?

Jason R. said...

Here is the remedy for the "burning plague" foreseen by Julie-Marie Jahenny that references white hawthorn:

"Ecstasy date August 5, 1880- THE WHITE HAWTHORN REMEDY and HOW TO PREPARE IT:

"There will be serious diseases that human art (skill) cannot alleviate. This malady will attack the heart first, then the mind, and at the same time, the tongue. It will be horrible. The heat that will accompany it will be a consuming fire, so strong that the affected parts of the body will be of an unbearable redness, (red blotches / patches).

After seven days, this malady, like the seed sown in a field, will rise rapidly and make immense progress (i.e. take over the body quickly, or, spread through the population

My children, this is the only remedy that can save you:

You know the leaves of thorns that grow in almost any hedges (white hawthorn). The leaves of this thorn will stop the progress of the disease. You must pick the leaves, not the wood. Even dry, they will retain their effectiveness.

Put them in boiling water and leave them there for 14 minutes, covering the container so that the steam remains. When the malady first attacks, you must use this remedy three times a day.

My children, this disease will be very serious in Brittany. The thought of God there will be less great ...(I.e. they will not think of God as much as before and therefore will be struck hardest with this malady.)

The malady will produce a continual uprising of the heart, (blood pressure? Increased heart rate?) vomiting. If the remedy is taken too late, the affected parts will become black, and in this black, there will be yellowish pale streaks.""

Though this description doesn't really fit C19, though things like the incredible heat may refer to a very high fever which is typical of infection, and for people between 30-40 have been dying from cytokine storms (not unlike the 2nd wave of influenza) or strokes caused by unusual clotting produced by a general inflammation of the blood vessels. Wee ones that have died from the virus also have been due to this rarely seen blood vessel inflammation, so if C19 mutates to a new prevalent strain/mutation, who knows? It's interesting that medicinal inquiry in uses of the chemicals in hawthorn have shown an efficacy for preventing chronic heart failure, as well as cardiovascular disease more generally, as well as being a general anti inflammatory.

Jason R. said...

This is a real shot in the dark, but I wonder about the seven days referenced in this prophecy, whether it could be seven months since in prophecies it seems that days/months/years seem to substitute for each other sometimes. This virus seems to have really broken out hard in mid-January, or arguably world-wide at the beginning of February. Perhaps the worst of it will hit an apex seven months later? That would sure line up well with around the time of when the Olympics were scheduled to be held and what Chris had posted before any of this happened that something big would happen around the time of the Tokyo Olympics based on I can't remember exactly what or from where (BTW, where is Chris? If you are still lurking I hope you are OK!).

Jason R. said...

I watched a doctor on YouTube as well as your governor of New York State talking about the 84 (I think that was the number) little ones that died from C19 complications in NYC, and they both said specifically that the first stage was an inflammation of the heart as well as the lining (a kind of pouch) around the heart, then attacking and causing a general inflammation of the blood vessels (and though they didn't mention the tongue specifically, there are loads of blood vessels in the tongue, a big part of the reason the tongue heals so quickly from cuts and injury), and a very high fever (since children already naturally have higher body temps than adult) causing red blotchy skin.

Maybe this thing isn't so off the mark to Julie-Marie's description, it definitely has the major hallmarks in children at least. I don't know squat about virology or epidemiology, but after watched a few full-length documentaries on the 1918/1919 "Spanish Flu" it seems that highly contagious viruses generally in subsequent wave(s) after the initial strain makes its way through a population naturally will be made of up of new strains caused by mutation that attack host groups that were mostly unaffected by the first outbreak (maybe the idea is that the virus becomes more virulent after it kills the elderly, those with comorbid conditions because the first strain "runs out" of the most susceptible to kill so those new strains that attack parts of the population thus far fairly unaffected by infection will just naturally be the most common, but that is a guess).

Speaking of autoimmune diseases (and JMC, you are right I think, I have asthma and only starting in 2007 after I had to be hospitalized after a fever so high I went into convulsions just from getting a flu vaccines, the ER doctor was stumped, did I find out later I all of a sudden had a new and very serious autoimmune disease in addition to asthma, cytokine release syndrome, which is not unlike the cytokine storms 30 to 40 year-olds are dying from that catch C19), does anyone else here have an autoimmune disease? I use an inhaled corticosteroid twice a day, prednisone every morning, as well as a strong NSAID called diclofenac, and my worry is I have a seriously suppressed immune system. Since 2007 I've had pneumonia four times, more staph infections that I kept track of, thrush in my throat and tongue, etc. and I'm allergic to antibiotics which complicates things. I've been considering stopping taking my steroid meds because of how much they weaken my immune system. I spoke to my GP about it and he strongly encouraged me not to stop taking any of my meds, but he was pretty wishy-washy over what's worse when it comes to protecting myself from this virus, having a compromised immune system or having one that works much, much too well to the point of it being able to snuff me. I'm curious if anyone else might have MS, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, or any other autoimmune diseases who have the same darned if you do and darned if you don't situation?

I had a strong hope that the Rededication of England as Our Lady's Dowry along with Brexit might somehow set in motion the spark to begin the 2nd Pentecost, and with England reopening according to Boris Johnson today without the requisite testing/contact tracing capacity (and Scotland, NI, and Wales choosing to remain closed) in place, England could potentially get hit even harder than it has already as one of the worst-hit in the world. Suffering leading to conversion isn't a given, but it seems like those places that have suffered so much (thinking of Poland and Ireland) have, at least for a time, turned especially hard back to God and His Church, so maybe England will need to go through a time of intense suffering before the 2nd Pentecost begins? That is, if the 2nd Pentecost begins there, which a lot of prophecy seems to point to as the place.

John Francis said...

I'm sorry about that.
Don't understand.

JMC said...

I'm fortunate in that I've never had to be on long-term steroids. In my case, between my hyperactive immune system and the fact that I raise livestock, the whole situation has actually worked in my favor. I haven't had so much as a cold in over twenty years. I know that could reverse itself at any time; it's all in God's hands. My older brother, who is 71 and has been battling pancreatic cancer for over a year now, has absolutely no immune system left, between the cancer itself and the chemotherapy. Of course he came down with the virus despite all the precautions, yet he recovered completely in about two or three weeks. He says that, for him, it was no worse than a particularly bad case of the flu.
However, he also told me there's at least four known mutations of the virus out there, and, like most cold and flu viruses, any immunity you gain once you've had it only lasts for a few months.
You know, it hadn't occurred to me before that the worldwide spread of COVID-19 coincided with the re-dedication of England, but you're absolutely right. I think all the faithful Catholics in the world were expecting some kind of miraculous turnaround resulting from it; I know I sure was. But we all forgot one thing: A world so thoroughly steeped in sin as this one is must be purified first. That means a great deal of suffering. As someone here pointed out some time ago, look out: Mama is cleaning house. A large number of "cafeteria Catholics" have already realized that this is a wake-up call, according to several blogs I've been following; I'm starting to wonder what the confessional lines are going to look like when this is over. Personally, I hope they're around the block.

Mark W said...

A weird thing from the Luz de Maria recipe for the Hawthorn infusion. It has the wrong botanical name, I think. It lists:

Randia aculeata
Randia karstenii

But White Hawthorne is Crataegus punctata, or Hawthorne in general is Crataegus.

And the stuff you can find online is Crataegus monogyna.

Anonymous said...

Julie-Marie Jahenny's three days of darkness prophecy. Literal.

Unknown said...

Hi Bridget I have followed this blog for years but never commented before. There is a prophecy from Our Lady of all nations given to Ida Peerdemen that spoke of a future malady involving children with symptoms of inflammation, red lips faces etc.that said to use hawthorn tea.

Mark W said...

This is actually quite interesting about the Three Days of Darkness.

Aquinas3000 said...

Thanks for the quick summary Emmett. Are you able to locate the timing of the opening of the fifth seal or is that somewhat indeterminate?

Anonymous said...

Mark w, 3dd doesn't sound literal and very realistic? Am i correct in remembering Emmett's view just the opposite? Both Taigi and Jahenny's are very real.That Peter and Paul come down to choose a pope? Holy cow!


JMC said...

Actually, I think it's Emmett who doesn't believe the three days of darkness is going to be a literal thing. I seem to remember him saying something about it sounding a little over the top that someone would drop dead just from peeking out the window. Someone else, at another site, remarked that Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt just from looking over her shoulder. That was an incident that happened long before Moses' time, yet that pillar was a landmark that still existed when he wrote about it, as it even says that it remains "to this day."
As a slightly humorous side remark, given that the pillar hadn't eroded away after hundreds of years of desert windstorms, and the fact that lately a lot of digs have turned up things that prove the truth of some Bible stories, I have to wonder if some archaeologist isn't going to find Lot's wife someday, buried under a sand dune. ;D

Anonymous said...


sorry. i meant to write 3dd doesn't IT sound literal and realistic?


Anonymous said...

mark w,

the link you posted was terrific about 3dd. The following is interesting as well. His 10 predictions post covid


Ann said...

Some of these comments reference Luz de Maria and I’ve seen where her prophecies reference a coming implanted microchip being the mark of the beast. I’ve read Emmett’s past post where he delves into why an implanted microchip does not make sense as the mark. If not, can we still trust Luz de Maria?

Emmett O'Regan said...

Sorry, its been a while since I've been able to read through the comments here. I'm busy composing a Ph.D proposal. Aquinas - I think the victims of the fifth seal refers to the blood of those killed as a result of the release of the Four Horsemen calling out for justice, particularly the Jewish people, who are the focus of this prophecy. I would imagine this occurs at what Fr. Richard Heilman calls the "mid-point" of the period of the unbinding of Satan. The sixth seal occurred at the turn of the millennium, and the seventh seal at the end of the period of the short time of Satan, which appears to be now.

Anonymous said...

August viewing on television? Or will it make the light of day?

Anonymous said...

operation warp speed: will the military force vaccine upon us?

Anonymous said...

Hi Emmett
Do you think the Trumpets are part of the Seventh Seal. The scripture seems to indicate this.
Is it possible this is an indication that the Trumpets could come much faster than the seven seals.
The first six seals all took approximately 20 years each.
Might this not indicate that all the Trumpets will occur over a twenty year period or at least a shortened timespan?


Emmett O'Regan said...

Hi Patrick.
The trumpets are different from the seals, in that they appear to be arranged thematically, rather than chronologically. But you're right about them being related in some way. I'd rather not speculate too much on future dates, but your suggestion seems plausible...

Jason R. said...

This is very off topic, but this is what's happening in my archdiocese, and I was wondering if it's pretty much standard (or less stringent, or more stringent, any differences really) for the rest of y'all?

I could see real potential friction if neighbouring archdiocese had diametrically opposed pieces, but I'd guess they coordinate those sort of things at regional or national bushops' conferences.

Mark W said...

Here's an interesting article with some impressive names behind it:

Mark W said...

As to the timing, St. Bridget of Sweden supposedly said:

“When the Feast of St. Mark shall fall on Easter, the Feast of St. Anthony on Pentecost, and that of St. John on Corpus Christi, the whole world shall cry, ‘Woe!’

“The time of Antichrist will be near when the measure of in justice will overflow and when wickedness has grown to immense proportions, when the Christians love heresies and the unjust trample underfoot the servants of God.

“At the end of this age, the Antichrist will be born. As Christ was born from the highest type of womanhood so Antichrist will be born from the lowest."

So, if St. Malachy's list is accurate, the resignation of BXVI could be seen as the end of the age. Remember that lightning bolt that struck St. Peter's the day BXVI resigned? I read at the time that the lightning struck at 7:06pm in Rome. That, by the way, is 66 minutes past 6pm... 6:66. But I've never been able to confirm if that time is accurate.

And the feast days mentioned by St. Bridget of Sweden will occur next in 2038. And her description sounds very much like Rev 8:13, and would represent the first four trumpets by then.

Mark W said...

And Marie-Julie Jahenney said:

"The Three Days of Darkness will be on a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, days of the most Holy Sacrament, of the Cross and Our Lady... The earth will be covered in darkness and hell will be loosed on earth."

So, if I were a betting man, I'd lay odds on the 3 Days of Darkness being April 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of 2038.

But I've never been quite clear on where the Illumination of Conscience fits into this schedule. I've seen some say this year, and that does kinda make sense. We'd have 18 years for the majority of mankind to forget it, or be convinced that it was nothing. Humanity can forget a lot in 18 years.

Mark W said...

Last one for now.

Emmett - what do you make of this:

"As the Pachamama scandal broke out during the Synod, Cardinal Brandmüller made direct reference to the apocalyptic warnings of Christ, calling the Pachamama idols in the Vatican 'the abomination of desolation set up in the holy place.'"

JMC said...

Given that Pope St. John Paul II was saying that we were entering into the End Times at least since the 1980s, I'd say the good Cardinal is right on the money with that one, IMHO.

Anonymous said...

mark w,

this illumination of consciences appears like a version of the rapture. Have had trouble with that since Garabandal Joey's death.

Mark W said...


I'm not a fan of Garabandal, as I've said here many times. I'm re-reading some of it now, but I'm still not convinced. So when I speak of the Illumination of Conscience, I am not referring to the Miracle and Warning of Garabanda.

The Illumination of Conscience has been mentioned by others. As I recall, it was mentioned by St. Edmund Campion, Julie-Marie Jahenney, and St. Faustina. I think there may be more as well, but I don't recall the names just now.

And I've never seen anything that makes the Illumination sound like a version of the Protestant "rapture".

Anonymous said...

mark i never said you did. I was referring to something that may or may not happen. No offense was intended here. sorry. My apologies. It's just that Garabandal and medj. fans often bring this up even if it was previously shown by others of the possibility. I guess i don't want to hinge the future based on things that may not occur.

MyronM said...

Mark W: "Cardinal Brandmüller made direct reference to the apocalyptic warnings of Christ, calling the Pachamama idols in the Vatican 'the abomination of desolation set up in the holy place'."

If the abomination of desolation was placed on the altar of the Lord over the tomb of Saint Peter at noon on October 27, 2019, than 1260 days will end April 8, 2023, Holy Saturday; 1290 days: May 8, the feast of Our Lady of Luján (Argentina), Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel (Gargano, Italy), Saint Stanislaus (in Poland); 1335 days: June 22, Ss. John Fisher (last Catholic bishop, England) and Thomas More (last Catholic Lord Chancellor, England).

Mark W said...

Nah, no offense taken. And I've been assaulted by some Garabandalists myself, so I know exactly what you mean.

Emmett O'Regan said...

I wouldn't go as far to say that the Pachamama scandal is THE abomination of desolation, but the whole episode was certainly disturbing. I think there are multiple layers to that particular prophecy, which ultimately points to the person of the Antichrist.

Anonymous said...

Hi Emmett,

I enjoy your work but I have been out of the loop for a long time. I have your book Unveiling the Apocalypse. Do you have a more recent book out now or in the works, in light of recent events?


Emmett O'Regan said...

Hi Jean,

The latest edition of my book, Unveiling the Apocalypse: The Final Passover of the Church was published in 2016. This effectively doubled the content of the original edition published in 2011. I have a few more books on the back burner, but I'm concentrating on getting my Ph.D atm.

Mark W said...

Perhaps, Eva Isabella, you're not aware as to why we're here....

MightyRighty said...

and there it is.

A post from Marian Wongi selling magic spells and huckster nonsense.

How far the mighty have fallen.

Look at what the unedited, unserious, 'fun' interpretations of Catholic scripture have brought us to.

I blame you for this Emmett; you have had plenty of opportunity to get rid of this nonsense and you have singularily failed to act. Well I hope you can rely on 'Dr Osasu' and his magic spells when you do your PhD....

Mark W said...


Emmett O'Reagan, Lord of the Bots!

Hey Emmett, could you have your machines stop calling my cell phone, please. I'm not looking for new car insurance and I don't speak Chinese. Thanks ever so much.

JMC said...

Good one, Mark! ;D

Emmett O'Regan said...

I only check in to read the comments here every few days. I can't screen out bots without moderating comments first, which I don't like doing. I'll delete any comments I deem inappropriate as soon as I notice them.

JMC said...

Here's a video about doing a "Rosary Walk" on June 1. Basically, it's walking around the grounds of your local seat of government while saying the Rosary.

Marianne said...

Hi Emmett,

There's an interesting article on Our Lady of Pontmain at:

"Apparition of Our Lady in Pontmain 1871 France: Symbolism Finally Revealed"
(the translation isn't great)

I would love to read an article from you about Our Lady of Pontmain in the future!


JMC said...

I get a 404 error when I try to go to that address, Marianne.

Anonymous said...

i went to that jesusmaria site and has john leary's condemned 'prophecies'. Not a good sign.

P5borel said...

Looks like Pope Benedict XVI has pulled a fast one on the infiltrators of the Church. He may be more sly and cunning and brilliant than we ever realized!!!!!! The thesis presented in the Taylor Marshall youtube interview with Dr. Ed Mazza is consoling and well worth your time!!!

Mark W said...

I watched this as well, P5borel. It's exceptionally good. I hope everyone here has a chance (and more than 90 minutes) to watch it.

JMC said...

Wow. I watched that video, and that's all I can say. Just...Wow.

Anthony W said...

To all Catholics you must beware. We are living in very deceptive times. Taylor Marshall is one of many on YouTube that are attacking the Church and Pope Francis. Don't have anything to do with these people. The Holy Spirit is guiding Our Church and the Pope. Have faith.

God bless

Anthony W

Mark W said...

Perhaps you should actually watch the video, Anthony.

Anthony W said...

To Mark W. I have watched some Taylor Marshall videos and I was not impressed. He has failed to see as a faithful Catholic we must support the Pope. Our Catholic faith assures us that a Pope cannot be a heretic or speak or promote heresy. Taylor unfortunately does not understand his own faith.

God bless

Anthony W

Mark W said...

Actually, Anthony, the whole point is about BXVI potentially pulling a fast one on everyone. He knows his faith quite well. I've never met him, but I live in the same general area. I've been to the parish he goes to and it's absolutely rock solid with fantastic priests. It's FSSP, not SSPX.

Mark W said...

This may be lengthy and a bit controversial, so bear with me. And I'm going to go against one of the items that Emmett wrote about, but I don't do it to dig at him. I'm offering this as an alternative.

I've become convinced that the current state of things - especially in the US - we're being sifted. And in the past week or so, I think we're seeing the actual mark of the beast.

The Apocalypse of St. John 13:16 (DRB) - "And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads."

Deuteronomy 6:8 (DRB) - "And thou shalt bind them as a sign on thy hand, and they shall be and shall move between thy eyes." The DRB is accurate from the Latin. The Greek gives, "...shall be immovable between thine eyes."

So, The Apocalypse echoes the text from Deuteronomy. The text from Deuteronomy brought the Jews the literal Phylacteries and Mezuzah. But the ancient Jews took this literally, and we've all been focused on a literal mark or object that would be the sign of the beast. What if it's not.

The Deuteronomy quote leaves me thinking that is really actions (mark on the hand), and thoughts (moving between the eyes). The fact that the Jews created physical items to keep the "Hear, O Israel..." text between their eyes may not be correctly interpreted.

What I've seen lately on social media (I have to track some of this stuff for work, and social media is the easiest way, though I really don't like it much personally. Huge waste of time.), is a very distinct acceptance of a type of Mark of the Beast. This only works if you look at the Mark as a non-physical thing. If you look at it as actions (hand) and way of thinking (moves between the eyes), it takes on an arguably deeper meaning. I've even seen churchmen using the current crisis as a political moment, and both sides have abandoned modesty and humility, and are ever more giving into anger and fear. Before I put anything on social media, I always ask myself if my post is serving or glorifying God; I don't see much that serves or glorifies God just now.

And I do think this isn't too deeply against Emmett's interpretation that it's cellular technology that makes the Mark. Cell technology is feeding my interpretation too, as is the media and television and "news" outlets, and cell phones are being used to organize the mayhem. And let's face it, everyone here is familiar with the idea of a chastisement in these years. Think about the implications if the chastisement itself were the means of separating those marked by the Beast and those marked by God.

My 2 cents. Worth everything you paid for it.

MyronM said...

To Mark W; you said: "This only works if you look at the mark as a non-physical thing. If you look at it as actions (hand) and way of thinking (moves between the eyes), it takes on an arguably deeper meaning."
This is an accurate guess, moreover in line with the lecture Our Lady gave to Father Gobi. Read it, unless you already know this source, "TO THE PRIESTS, OUR LADY'S BELOVED SONS" [] starting from paragraph 407. "The Number of the Beast: 666"

JMC said...

Woh, that's some pretty powerful stuff there. And it all makes so much sense. It brings to my mind some of my own personal experiences, as 1998 also marked a major turning point in my interior life. Myron, thank you for posting that link!

Mark, I think you're definitely onto something about the fact that we're taking the prophecy of the Mark of the Beast too literally. It may or may not be an actual physical mark; however, the Scripture does clearly state that to receive this mark, one must worship the image of the Beast. This certainly implies a certain predisposition of the mind (forehead), which would drive the actions (hand). How this would be applied in terms of buying and selling, though, remains a mystery to me. It seems there would have to be some physical form of proof of belonging to this prophesied false church. But I do have to admit it's a very interesting viewpoint you've introduced into this mix.

Mark W said...

Thanks, Myron.

No, I hadn't seen that before. I've never read much of Fr. Gobbi's work, to be honest.

Doesn't he follow the Eucharistic reign on earth? As I said, I've never read his stuff.

Bridget said...

Hey everybody

I want to bring this up again. I’ve mentioned it a couple times before, but the number of days from January 21, 2017 to July 4, 2020 is 1260 days. The day after Trump’s inauguration to this upcoming Independence Day, which is also the planetary alignment which seems to coincide with the closing of the abyss and end of Satan’s greater power. How is Trump not an antichrist type figure as we approach the very end of this time period?

“Saint Pope John Paul II was an ardent defender of the rights and dignity of human beings. His legacy bears vivid witness to that truth," Gregory said. "He certainly would not condone the use of tear gas and other deterrents to silence, scatter or intimidate them for a photo opportunity in front of a place of worship and peace.”

Mark W said...

Trump has been the most pro-life president since Reagan...maybe Eisenhower.

He's also pushing for religious liberty and opening churches, where the Democratic governors are working hard to criminalize church attendance.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn once made a pretty convincing case for Trump being a "new Cyrus".

Really hard to see Trump as an anti-Christ figure. Equally hard to see how a Catholic could support pro-abortion Biden or Pelosi.

And Wilton Gregory, as a longtime supporter of homosexual politics, makes it difficult to take his criticism seriously. Gregory welcomes pro-abortion Pelosi to speak during Mass.

Difficult to take Gregory seriously when he's singing the same song as James Martin.

Bishops will oppose bishops, cardinals will oppose cardinals.

MyronM said... with my comment.

Mark L said...

How can anyone of good faith ever consider voting for a man like Trump. A man full of racism, bigotry, misogyny and hatred. His visit to the St. John Paul II shrine was offensive in every way! Anything to get the Christian vote. I don't think he is the anti-Christ but he's not far from him and he is no man of God or faith in any way. He is guilty of pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, sloth and so much more. He only cares about trying to deceive people into giving him their vote. Terrible, horrible, human being. Mark L

Mark W said...

And you think Biden is better, Mark?

And that visit to the JPII shrine was scheduled for the 41st anniversary of JPII's first trip to Poland.

"He is guilty of pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, sloth and so much more." You've just defined everyone in American politics - probably global politics.

He's the most pro-life American president in a very long time. Pelosi, Biden, even JFK and Carter - all went to church during campaign seasons and stopped once they got into office. Have you looked at the options we've had since 1984?

Mark L said...

And his racism and treatment of women? I'm not talking about other politicians, just him. We're all entitled to our opinions. All politicians have indeed got their faults but this man is the worst of the worst! Mark L

Anonymous said...

Trump is not a politician which is why he appears to be shocking. People just love to be handled by slick pols giving the appearance everything's okay. Given the last 10 presidents, i have no problem with Trump. It could've been Hillary don't forget. That was our choices!


Anonymous said...

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò recently wrote a letter to cloistered nun about “the present crisis is the metastasis of the conciliar cancer”. He refers to “the causal relationship between Vatican II and its logical and necessary consequences over the course of the last sixty years.” Archbishop Viganò also recently endorsed the 1990s apparition of Our Lady in Civitavecchia, which foretold the culmination of the Third Secret of Fatima, the destruction of the family, and the betrayal of priests from within. Dr. Taylor Marshall and Matt Gaspers of Catholic Family News discuss.

Mark W said...

Couldn't agree more, Myron.

Anonymous said...

Imagine the country's liberal reaction if Trump becomes Catholic?


Mark W said...

Treatment of women?


And a few bits of this one, for good measure.

No double standards, Mark.

Trumps not the worst. This one is:

Don't watch the mainstream news channels about Trump. You'll only get the darkest possible interpretation.

And just for the record, no I didn't vote for Trump last time. I voted for Darrell Castle.

Keep in mind, Mark, that I once swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of this country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same. I'm a conservative, so I've been disenfranchised by both parties in my country since Reagan left office.

Trump is a force of nature, not a politician. He's gruff, annoying, has that NYC accent that makes us southerners rather twitchy, but he also doesn't fluff like most politicians. I'm sure in the UK your politicos are far, far more honest than they are here in the US (/sarcasm), but here we're used to politicians that will say one thing for the election and do something completely different once they get in office (well, aside from Obama who didn't do anything, really). At least Trump did what he said he'd do.

Since I've been old enough to vote, we've had:

The original advocate for the NWO, who got us into a war in the Middle East
A criminal who lied under oath, and was also a serial adulterer, and much, much more.
Another advocate for the NWO, who got us into another war in the Middle East
A quasi-communist citizen of Nigeria


And of this list, only Reagan and Trump could be said to adhere to Russell Kirk's Principals of Conservatism (Reagan intentionally, Trump probably not).

So yeah, I'll vote for Trump in November unless there's a substantial change for the better.

Bridget said...

It still feels like smoke and mirrors to me and a hi jacking of Christianity despite the pro-life laws passed.

While some recent polling indicates a modest rise in the popularity of the pro-life label — showing perhaps that continuing advances in ultrasound technology are increasing moral unease about opting for abortion — other polls show a more dramatic spike in support for upholding Roe and the constitutional right to choose. This is a powerful sign that, as we've also seen with shifts in public opinion in favor of immigration over the past few years of nativist cruelty and xenophobia from the administration, Trump tends to turn people against the very causes he champions.

By locking arms with a polarizing, deeply unpopular, and morally repulsive president, the pro-life movement is likely to end up losing at the very moment it feels closest to winning.

Jason R. said...

The full context of what Pope Benedict actually presented about the dual nature of the Peterine office and the implications are wholly different than as that very selectively presented in that video *shudder*

I know an impassioned plea comparing the US to Hitler's unholy alliance with the German Evangelicals made out of political expediency isnt going to change anyone's mind. Though I can't help but think of Judas trying to drag Our Lord into the political arena in Judea, and maybe that that should be an example of why not hitching your faith to any particular political movement like Trumpism (esp. one so nakedly fueled by demagoguery and scapegoating, the only two things in Trump's toolbox).

Or another group of 2nd class citizens largely peacefully protesting for their basic civil rights that were met with a military crackdown. The result was the direct birthing of the PIRA which I know Emmett is the expert on, but my ex spent a good part of her childhood in Derry so I've heard a lot of what it was like during The Troubles. And that is what will happen if Trump causes a Bloody Sunday/Kent State 2.0, you will have domestic terrorist groups springing up all over and playing for keeps. Bringing in troops with rifles, a shooting could happen so easily that could turn into The Shot Heard Round The World 2.0. Overreaction by govt hurting peaceful protestors is how most revolutions begin. Tread lightly.

Politics in America needs to dump the obstructionism The Tea Party created in their fight against universal healthcare (which btw every other Western liberal democracy has had since the 60s, but whatever) and start learning to compromise a middle ground instead of holding their breath and biding time until a party holds all 3 branches at once, or America is on the way to failed state status... mark my words.

Also, Mark W., on Joe Biden not attending Mass; he and his wife attend Mass at St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine in Greenville, Delaware every Sunday. Even when campaigning or when VP no matter where in the world he was he's made a point of meeting his weekly obligation (though he's rightly been denied the Eucharist on occasion). Please don't hurt your own credibility Mark by parroting something you read or heard somewhere without properly checking your sources, I know you know better than that, no offense meant, just a brotherly correction.

Jason R. said...

BTW Budget, very well said in your last two posts, I could never have put it as good as that no matter how I tried. That article was incisive, too, and I've been warily awaiting July 4th since you first posted about it awhile ago, with increasing trepidation. I have an anxiety that by the time the Olympics were to have started (as Chris had posted) once the USA could be in an unprecedented crisis. May our mother Mary spread her mantle across that great nation so hurting right now.

Mark W said...

American presidents are inaugurated on January 20th, Bridget. Not the 21st.

As I said above, I suspect that we're being sifted. Thoughts and deeds seem to matter now more than before. Nice to know where the lot of you stand.

Best of luck.

Mark L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark L said...

I once criticised @mightyrighty on here, but now I see he has a point. Mark W - You indeed do know a lot more about American Politics than me sir. I do not excuse or support the likes of Joe Biden, the Clintons, or any other Presidents for their views and actions that have caused controversy and offence. I certainly don't get the 'darkest possible interpretation' from any news outlet. I actually read and watch a wide range of news outlets as its good to educate myself with different points of view. and facts. Your also correct to mention British Politicians as they certainly have had and do have a very bad reputation for dishonesty and deception and much more. That list is very long. But again, how could I possibly support a man like Trump who treats women with such disrespect and makes excuses for white supremacy? and of course that NYC accent that makes people twitchy. You're a very impassioned, faithful, and learned southerner Mark W and I have always respected your views on here.

Good luck with your book and your endeavors Emmett, your a scholar and a gentleman. I've enjoyed my visits to your blog but like others, I now must depart as I cannot in good faith read some of these comments considering what is happening in America right now. God bless Emmett, and stay safe and stay focused - Mark L

Bridget said...

Last thing, then I’ll leave it alone. Promise! Mark W, yes, American presidents are inaugurated on January 20th, which is why I said “the day after inauguration” which would have been his first full day in office.

Can you not agree that tear gassing peaceful protesters for a church photo op is revolting not “annoying”? Sam, I’m not shocked because I expect more from a politician, I’m shocked because I expect more from a human being.

Now I will agree to disagree!

Anonymous said...

Bridget, guess it depends on which side of the aisle you wish to believe. Liberal news establishments outnumber the more conservative ones so we know where your loyalties lie.

“As many of the protesters became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls when protesters did scatter from the area," the statement said.

Peaceful my arse!


Mark W said...

"Can you not agree that tear gassing peaceful protesters for a church photo op is revolting not 'annoying'?"

I guess that depends on your definition of "peaceful", Bridget. You do realize that the same crowd injured 60 Secret Service agents the day before, right? You do realize that Antifa is staging bricks in cities to break windows, right (a guy was beaten unconscious by a mob lead by two Antifa people, and this was only 25 miles from my front door)? You do realize that the Antifa faithful wear hammer and sickle insignia, have close ties with the CPUSA, and that they're spreading this overseas now, right? And what does Our Lady say about Communism?

We come here to talk about eschatology and prophecy. How many prophecies say we would have war in the last days? Which prophecy is it that mentions "when communism returns"? (Garabandal) Wars and rumors of wars. Did you think this would not happen? Christ Himself foretold it. I've posted here on the Tytler Cycle several times, and no one really seems to notice.

Here's a prediction for you. Someone will win the election in November. Whoever wins will be killed before the end of the year. If it's Trump, the left will find a way because they hate him so deeply (be careful which side you support Bridget). If it's Biden, the left will kill him and make it look like the right did it (tell me you think Soros and Antifa are incapable of that).

Mark, Jason, Bridget - Hear this loud and clear: Trump is not the focal point. Did Our Lady come and say that Trump would spread his errors around the world? No. She warned us against communism and she warned us against apostasy...and ultimately against the forces of darkness that bring both of these into our world. And those forces have been quite good at pointing their collective fingers at Trump. Yes, Trump plays into their hands with is manner (or lack thereof), and his...just being him. It's not, strictly speaking about Trump. It's about the darkness that's taking over. Think hard, Bridget. I think you're an American, so you have some amount of say in what happens in November. And if I'm right, and we are being sifted and our actions and thoughts are key in this particular time, then enabling the forces of darkness is the last thing you want to do right now (I voted for Perot and Castle, because I couldn't stomach the choices).

We're seeing communism and apostasy sweep through everything right now, and you're seeing, right before your eyes, people and churchmen declaring which side they're own - not just in the earthly political realm - but also in the everlasting realm, accepting the Mark that fits their eternal destination. It's happening right before our eyes, and we're all focused on Trump!

At Mass (back when we could go there), as I approach to receive, I pray internally that I am not worthy to even breathe the air of this age, much less receive our Lord. But it is in our lifetimes that this moment has arrived, whether or not the second coming is at this tonight or in 20 years, we are here. It's fallen to us, and I have to admit that I'm drawn to Getsemani and asking that this cup be taken from us. It is in our lives that this moment falls. None of us is worthy of this moment. The darkness that assails Trump is far, far greater and more dangerous. This isn't about politics, it's about faith and salvation. Don't be taken in by this darkness.

And just to put into perspective of how much I absolutely hate this, I've lost my two oldest daughters to the darkness that's threatening us. I only have Divine Intervention left to hope for their return to the Church and to sanity, because I can hope for nothing from the world.

Anonymous said...

Mark w,

Can you elaborate a bit about the 'Tytler Cycle'.


Bridget said...

Yes, well stated Mark W! So many good points! And I’m so sorry to hear two of your daughters have left the church. It is so much bigger than Trump, you are right about that. Thanks for reminding me of that. Both of my brothers left the church and one claims intense hatred for it. It’s a painful time.

Mark W said...

Bridget - Pax vobis tecum

Sam - Go to Google. Type in Tytler Cycle. Click Images at the top. Look for the simple ones, avoid the annotated ones (the annotations get weird).

Alexander Frazer Tytler was a Scottish historian from the late 18th century. I read him some in college. I don't recommend his work as it's quite depressing, really. But it is of value. Tytler is not without his critics, but I think his work is quite solid.

Tytler studied the history of societies and of democracies. He discovered that things run in a circular cycle, and the duration of the cycle is roughly 200 to 250 years. He said the cycle starts out with a society in bondage. From there:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.

We're deep into dependence now. Look at how the central banks have kept the world economy going for the past 20 years. We're absolutely dependent on the central banks, and the governments that empower them.

Tytler was also the first to say that a democratic republican form of government requires virtue to function. Show me a western democracy that's still virtuous. Maybe Poland and Hungary?

What's above is undebated. Tytler wrote these back in the late 1700's.

You might see what follows online. It is debated whether or not he said this:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."

It is said that Tytler didn't write these words. That may or may not be true; I haven't read him deeply enough to know for certain. But he did write about the concept in similar terminology. But it doesn't really matter if Tytler wrote the exact quote or not, he did write about the idea - and regardless, it seems to be playing out in most of the western world over the past 20 years.

That's the 45 second version, Sam.

Mark W said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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